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DIY Craft Ribbon Organizer

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fancy schmancy diy craft ribbon organizer Petticoat Junktion


You guys know that I’ve been working on organizing my home….right?

Well, maybe not.

I’ve been posting about it on my Facebook page.

Anyway, I’m going room by room and de-cluttering.

I’m even washing curtains!

Some of the things I’m getting rid of are going to the Salvation Army store and other stuff is going in my workshop….for now.

Ya’ll know what that means.

The workshop is overflowing and just as disorganized as it’s ever been.

It’s next, after the house.

Since my mind is on organizing I spotted a piece at the thrift store that would be perfect to hole my craft ribbons.

thrift store find plus Rustoleum heirloom white spray paint Petticoat Junktion paint project

I’m sure all of you know what this silver plated piece is but I don’t.

I do know that the stem unscrews which makes it perfect for holding my ribbons.

I did want to spruce it up with paint.

My knew favorite paint color is Heirloom White from Rust-Oleum.

It’s the perfect color…not too white…..and not too off-white.

Two minutes to spray paint the piece and 10 minutes for it to dry.

fancy diy craft ribbon organizer Petticoat Junktion

It’s pretty and functional…..love it.

how to make a fancy diy craft ribbon organizer Petticoat Junktion



Craft Room Tips Petticoat Junktion Organize on a budget


Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:

    I think the mug trees would be great for ribbons and maybe washi tape? Thanks for the idea Jennifer!

  2. Marie@The Interior Frugalista says:

    Great idea Kathy. I have a wooden paper towel holder that I could repurpose like this for ribbon. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Marcee ... ILLINOIS says:

    Wow. Superior idea Kathy. Being a cookie (everything!) baker, I have a huge supply of ribbons that take up 2 plastic bins that are 5 bins/drawers high. However, this would work on my prep table, using the most common and popular rolls …. whites, yellows and definitely reds. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  4. You always have the best ideas. This is a beautiful ribbon holder. I have a too tall mug tree currently in my attic waiting for it’s day in the sun. You gave me a great idea because I think I now know what it’s new purpose is. Thanks!

  5. Sherry Fram says:

    Looks like the stem for a tiered desert stand. It kinda looks like the pole/stick on the one my mom uses at the holidays to hold Christmas fudge and candies. But whatever it was before it looks better now and it a clever way to corral ribbon!

  6. chris aka monkey says:

    looked like a paper towel holder to me too but it sure looks better painted and serves the purpose for the ribbon good thinking xx

  7. Looks like it was originally to hold either paper towels or extra toilet paper. You think? Great repurpose!