How To Make A Vintage Linens Garland
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It’s easy to make a vintage linens garland and you can use almost any type of linens.
I got the idea for the garland after organizing my fabrics stash. I didn’t realize how many linens I accumulated in my junkin’ adventures. I found most of my linens at my favorite junk shop.
How To Make A Vintage Linens Garland
These garlands or banners as some people call them are really easy to make. Probably one of the easiest craft projects I’ve attempted.
The linens I gathered for the project included a vintage cloth calendar, a lace doily, a lacy slip, chenille spread, and then I decided to add burlap too. I used natural jute from Hobby Lobby for the stringer.
I cut long fabric strips from the linens and didn’t measure anything. The strips are about 28” long, give or take a couple of inches, and 1’”-2”wide. The beauty of this project is that perfection is not required.
I tied the strips of fabric onto the jute and spaced them about a half inch apart. I didn’t knot the fabric. You can pack the fabric strips tightly together or space them further apart for a simpler look.
Very easy project….no thinking required! A no-brainer, perfect for me. The most time consuming part of the project is cutting the fabric.
You get a two for one on this post because I also have a simple all burlap garland for you.
For this garland I used jute string, red burlap, brown burlap and white chenille torn from an old bedspread. Get the kids or grandkids to help with this project. They like to use scissors!
I cut these fabric strips much shorter than the strips for the linen garland.
And the garland looks great with my Nautical Chest of Drawers.
The beauty of the garlands or banners is you can use almost anything to make them. I used colorful floral fabric for the garland you can find here.
You would be surprised what you could repurpose. See my list of things to save here….17 Things Not To Toss In The Donation Bag.
I promise to share the nightstand makeovers for our master bedroom project on Thursday for Furniture Fixer Upper Day. I just can’t seem to get it together lately and have been slow on writing posts. Sorry.
Have you made a fabric garland? What’s the easiest craft you’ve created? Leave a short note if you have the time. Thanks for being here, Kathy
That is a door I purchased somewhere and do not have the paint color. It is a beautiful color. Sorry I couldn’t help.
Hi Kathy,
I love the color of the wall or cabinet behind the first garland you made, I think it was vintage linen. Will you please give me the name of the paint and the color? Where did you purchase the paint?
As long as it didn’t get too wet it would probably be okay. Let me know how it turns out. I would try using maybe heavier materials of some kind?
You’ve got me thinking about making a garland to hang outside on my patio. It would be exposed to the elements outside, but maybe that would add to its charm?
As always you inspire me!
thanks Debra, sometimes it’s nice to do something that you don’t have to put a lot of thought into!
This is wonderful, Kathy. I love the “simplicity” of it in all the neutrals. Anything that’s a no-brainer works for me!
I bet your garlands are beautiful especially the blue ones, thanks for sharing
Hi kathy ,I have made items like this before. I use cream calico and sacking,I try to use differant laces,some very nylon and others made more of cotton,the reason for this is nylon is not good on taking up dye colour,but the cotton parts in the lace lap up the dye colour..When finished I place the whole lot in a strong hot brew of coffee, over the sink, so I can hand wring out most of the coffee,when cool,then I put a tea bag in a small amount of boiling water,I let it cool slightly and then randomly dab over the rag and lace strips,with the wet tea bag.I hang the garland our side to drip dry.The differant materials and lace, take to the coffee dye at differant absorption levels,so all have a differant depth of colour but all in the same colour way…I some times rinse the garland out for softer shades before I hang out.I also use Arabian night Dylon clothes dye,it gives a lovely old blue colour way all the same colour but differant shades.Im not sure you can get this colou any more but and ex periment.I love plum..I coffee dye some rags and dye some plum,when dry, I alternate the coffee and plum ones
I’ve seen this done before on a string of white lights! It’s a very good look!