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Vintage French Provincial Desk Makeover

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I found a Vintage French Provincial Desk or maybe I should call it a vanity.



A Vain Vanity French Provincial Vanity Makeover Petticoat Junktion

see why she’s vain?

She’s a beauty now, if I do say so myself.

French Provincial Furniture is my favorite for girly makeovers.

I got her at My Favorite Junk Shop…..where else!

Before I get into the whole makeover story I have something personal to share.

My left eye looks like I’ve been in the ring with a prize fighter……or maybe a bee.

My eyelid is all swollen and it doesn’t feel real great. I’m typing this post with 1½ eyes.

My friends at the eye doctor’s office asked if the hubby did it.

They know us well, or they wouldn’t kid about it.

The doc said I either got something in it that I’m allergic to or something stung me.

Aren’t ya’ll glad I shared all that…..TMI.

Let me put down my ice pack and get serious.

vintage french provincial vanity

The vanity has a flip up mirror and a place to store makeup.

I bet you didn’t see that coming.

vanity with bench painted furniture project Petticoat Junktion

My intention was to paint it a really soft pink.

I mixed together a couple of  Valspar samples (love those sample sizes) and I decided that the color was too bright.


furniture makeover Petticoat Junktoin

I then painted the drawers an off-white with the barest hint of pink.

That still wasn’t working for me so I painted the top and the middle inset between the two drawers in the same color as the drawers.

Still not working….

so I did a white-wash technique over the bright pink color…..now we’re talking.


re-cover a chair seat Petticoat Junktion French Provincial Vanity bench

For the seat I tried several fabrics before I came up with one that would work.

These are two pillowcases from my linen closet.

It worked but I decided the pillowcase looked better if it was turned wrong side out…..the one on the right….a softer look.



how to cover a chair seat with fabric Petticoat Junktion

I cut the pillowcase to size then stapled it on the seat.

{How to Cover A Chair Seat Tutorial here}



re-cover a vanity seat Petticoat Junktioin

The JTS screwed the top onto the bench bottom for me.



Vanity 1

The hardware got a coat of off-white spray paint then a dry-brushing of the lighter pink paint.


French Provincial Vanity Makeover Petticoat Junktion

I’m in love……what about you?

I’m sharing photos from the Nashville Flea Market tomorrow……and an update on my extreme eye issues.

Comment section below…

Have a great day, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Cheryl Austin says:

    I had this exact vanity as part of my French provential bedroom suite as a child. I had a canopy bed and the chest of drawers and a bedside table. Wonder what ever happened to that old bedroom suite…………..?

  2. This is so sweet. I’m a huge fan of pink!

  3. So…my daughter would die for this piece!!! Well done for sure!!! Looove it!!!

  4. Lynn @ Sweet Peas Charm says:

    This really is a beautiful piece! Love it!

  5. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    That’s such a pretty pink Kathy! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  6. Lovely – lovely – lovely! You are my inspiration. I have collected small pieces of furniture from fleas and curbs, and they are just waiting out back for some TLC. It’s 100′ and humid here in Southern California right now, so the thought of going outside doesn’t thrill me. So they wait.

  7. I hope your eye gets better. Such a cute vanity. Love the colors! I just finished one for my grandaughter. Not a girlie one as I would of liked to do more of a modern one probably 40’s or 50’s.

  8. Kathy Owen says:

    Benydryl hypes me up…I’m like a crazy woman!!

  9. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks for your concern JaneEllen. The doc did prescribe some drops for me. Still swollen but going down some. Those pillowcases I have had forever. They used to be part of the bedding I used daily with a sheet to match as a dust ruffle. They were a great buy at TJMAXX and Ralph Lauren at that. They were always wrinkled. That is the worst fabric I have ever seen. I used a steam iron on the pillowcase before covering the seat ant it was still wrinkled!

  10. JaneEllen says:

    So sorry to hear about your eye. Hope it gets better, a little spider could have gotten in your eye while working on a piece and not even notice it til it’s bothering you. Hate having something in my eye, let alone all swollen. Keep putting the ice on it and maybe take a Benadryl, couldn’t hurt.
    Glad you have hubs to help you with the seat top. That inside out pillow case fabric is perfect. Always good to consider other ways to use things, just never know. Your idea worked perfectly. It needed something soft and feminine. I figured when looking at photo saw the middle part was a separate section there might be a mirror and storage area under it. Have seen other vanities similar to yours so had idea bout it. The light pink look is very appropriate for vanity. Somebody will be very happy to have it in their room. Happy days, take care of that eye.
    What about trying some allergy eye drops?

  11. L. Thompson says:

    Eye swelling could be a very small spider that you may not even have seen. This happened to me one night on computer. I rubbed my eye for whatever reason and it was swollen almost closed next morning, had to be a barely visible spider as I have seen them come down from ceiling near computer since. Some of these are so tiny can barely see—and yes I have spider webs. I took Benadryl but did not feel like doing anything next day. Seemed to have affected my whole system.

  12. stephanie says:

    Super cute 🙂

  13. That is so very pretty! I have a question: did you have to strip the shiny top of that piece before you painted it?

    I sure hope your eye heals quickly…..nothing to fool around with!

  14. very very pretty, just finishing up a chandelier that would look lovely over it…OOPS no for me…LOL

  15. Genius, pure genius!

  16. Soooo cute!! Love it!

  17. Donna Kay from One of a Kind Finds-Vintage Fare says:


  18. chris aka monkey says:

    oh poor kathy i hope your eye heals quickly don’t want you painting only one side of the furniture hahaha, she is a beaut and i love the seat so chic xx

  19. Tracy Lenz says:

    I LOVE IT !!!!, LOVE THE SOFT PINK COLOR OF PAINT AND FABRIC. You were right to flip the fabric over, great idea. Will have to remember that trick.

  20. Ronnie Gunn Tucker says:

    So pretty in pink. : )
    Sending good wishes to your eye!

  21. Another smile brought to my face with this pink dream.