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2 Minute Watering Can Jack O Lantern Plus Candy Corn & Peanuts

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Watering Can Jack O Lantern

Make a watering can Jack O Lantern. If you don’t have a watering can grab a large pail, tin bucket, or something similar. Use Duck Tape for the design then remove it when Halloween is over. Reuse and Repurpose.

2 Minute Watering Can Jack O Lantern Duck Tape Project Plus Candy Corn and Peanuts

The watering can never looked cuter.


junky galvanized tin watering can

It’s one of my junk store finds and usually holds a flower display. It’s been known to sit around on the dining room table, on the fireplace hearth, even on the coffee table. Time to try something different.

Duck Tape

I pulled this roll of Duck Tape from my stash. A few years ago I bought several rolls of various designs. The granddaughters like to use the tape for their projects too.

cutting Duck Tape with scissors

I cut triangles using a pair of scissors.

Duck Tape Jack O Lantern for temporary Fall or Halloween decor

Then placed the triangles on the watering can. I didn’t worry with getting the triangles the exact same size or placing them perfectly straight. That’s how I roll.

exacto knife for cutting Duck Tape

When I got ready to cut the tape for the Jack O Lantern mouth I used a utility knife instead of scissors. The tape tends to stick to the scissors. Then I get frustrated.

Jack O Lantern mouth

I cut short pieces of tape and put them on all willy nilly.


2 Minute Watering Can Jack O Lantern Plus Candy Corn & Peanuts

See, two minutes and you have a cute display for Halloween and/or Fall. I almost hated posting the project because it’s so easy. You guys really didn’t need a tutorial just a photo of the watering can jack o lantern. Anyone can do this project.

2 Minute Watering Can Jack O Lantern Project Plus Candy Corn & Peanuts

I set the can beside the rusty wagon I filled with ferns and impatiens for Summer. I never took photos or wrote a post about the cute wagon planter.

Duck Tape jack o lantern

I put the watering can on the front porch with the new Fall décor. I may add flowers to the can later. Have to make another trip to the plant store first.

Dollar Tree craft with Duck Tape Jack O Lantern

I thought it was time to make my favorite Fall treat too. First I decorated a clear glass container with Duck Tape.

Candy Corn and Planters Peanuts

My favorite Fall treat is candy corn and salted peanuts. Have you tried this? Just like a Payday candy bar.

edited ps IMG_9267-001

I filled my newly made jack o lantern candy dish with mix. And that’s it. Do you have any Duck Tape, electrical tape, masking tape, or something similar around the house? Make a few Halloween decorations.

Check out some of my Fall décor from past years. Just click the photo or pink link……

Fall Mantel Décor 2016

Pumpkin Tic Tac Toe Table Petticoat Junktion Fall Home Tour

Pumpkin Tic Tac Toe

square wood pumpkins Petticoat Junktion project

Square Pumpkins

Hope you guys have a great day. I’ll be back tomorrow with such a really pretty thrift store décor makeover…..seriously…..you have to see it. ‘Till tomorrow!

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Rebecca Allen says:

    This is such a cute and easy way to make something I already have near my front porch look like a Halloween decoration. I love it!

  2. Michelle James says:

    This is simply adorable!! Thanks so much for sharing at #merrymonday Hope you will link up with us again!

  3. Cindy Richter says:

    Such cute and easy ideas!

  4. Yes that snack is so good. Look up on Pinterest how to make Butterfingers from candy corn too. We loved those last year.

  5. You are just really a gifted person!

  6. You’re just loaded with the cute ideas lately. I have tons of old galvanized water cans and I just might be putting a pumpkin face on one.