Home » Crafts » Distressed White Terra Cotta Clay Pot Display For Seashells

Distressed White Terra Cotta Clay Pot Display For Seashells

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The terra cotta pot is painted white and perfectly distressed. perfect for showing off your seashell stash or of course you could always use it as a flower pot. The project is so easy……5 minute flip.

Is there anything prettier than white distressed paint? I don’t think so. If you agree with me this project is definitely for you. If you don’t agree please leave a comment and tell me your favorite paint color or paint technique.

distressed white terra cotta clay pot

White Clay Pot

This project makes me smile. I know you guys here that a lot from me. You probably think I have a permanent smile on my face. Maybe.

clay pot for paint project

The clay pot was in my stash. It looks like it’s seen better days. I don’t even know where I got it or how long it’s been hangin’ out in the shop.

FolkArt Home Decor Chalk white matte paint

I pulled out my favorite matte paint, FolkArt Home Décor Chalk, color White Adirondack.

painting a clay pot

I applied one coat of paint and the coverage was great. Then I applied one more coat. I love the chalk paint brushes. I don’t know what is different about them I just know the paint loads well and goes on smooth.


distressing white paint

Once the paint was dry I pulled out a piece of sandpaper and went to work. I started with the rim and the sharp edges. Then I went for the body. The paint was hard to remove. Maybe because the clay is really porous and soaked up the paint??

clay pot painted with white Home Decor Chalk from FolkArt and distressed for character

Once the distressing was done that was it. I didn’t apply wax or a sealer because I’m in love with the matte finish. Did I mention how quick you can do this project? Really Quick.Distress It Till You Smile

I filled the pot with seashells and…..Red, the Maine lobster ( a vacation treasure from a few years ago). What’s not to love!

This is a video tutorial I put together on how to distress furniture and home decor….very short…...by me!…..

How To Distress Decor

If rustic is more your thing then you must see the sisal wrapped rusty bucket diy for displaying seashells here or maybe this classy looking glass seashell holder here.

white clay pot distressed with love

Distressed White Terra Cotta Clay Pot

Maybe the reason the distressed paint works so well is the combination of white and terra cotta? Thoughts anyone?

Have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for being here (insert Kathy smiley face).

Products used in this project:
FolkArt Home Decor Chalk – White Adirondack
FolkArt Chalk Paint Brush
Clay Pot
Products unavailable in your area can found on Amazon. (Affiliate links for your convenience, read my disclosure here)

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. JaneEllen says:

    Love your white clay pot, lots of nice distressing, just right Happen to have some of that while chalk paint so will give it a good old try, put some of my shells in it. Why didn’t I keep those shells I used to collect at beaches in San Diego? Now where is my clay pot? Your pot looks wonderful.

  2. EFFIE CARROLL says:


  3. Fonda Rush says:

    I have another idea. How about put any old rocks in the bottom to weight it, then some kind of filler (newspaper or packing peanuts), then put shells in the top couple of inches. I would hate to have so many beautiful shells where they can’t be seen! We have scads of shells. Finally, we got them altogether in one spot. I don’t know what we will do with ALL of them, but this sounds like a great idea for SOME! We live close to the Atlantic in southeastern NC. We have no REASON to pick up more, but we do. Perhaps we’ll go through our hoard and give some away.

  4. Yeah, I like it. Simple and quick, that’s right up my alley! I have quite a few clay pots which I love, but I think I might love one or two even more if I painted and distressed them. Thanks for the idea!

  5. Missy Wilson says:

    That is so pretty. I think that hens and chickens succulents would look fantastic in one of those pots!

  6. anniebreland says:

    Love the pot. You could use this for a lot of different things. Thanks for the idea

  7. Love it! My clay pots are about to get a face lift!! Thank you!

  8. Linda Aulenti says:

    Love it. Isn’t it great that something so easy and simple turns out to be the perfect addition to perk up indoor or out decor.

  9. Mary Helene says:

    I have so many shells and this project would be perfect to do. Very pretty

  10. Jennifer Williams says:

    This is adorable! And it is perfect for a summer tablescape. It is on my to-do list for sure. 🙂