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Make A Yarn Seat Cover

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I made a yarn seat cover for our sad little bar stool. I just can’t stop running my hands over the seat cover. It’s sooooo soft.

You guys! This easy yarn project make me wonder why I haven’t worked with yarn before! 

Make A Yarn Seat Cover | Color Combination Fuchsia And Black

Can you look at this photo and not smile? The colors are amazing. Fuchsia and black are so perfect together.

Super Soft Fuchsia And Black Yarn Seat Cover

 We’ve been using the barstool in our workshop but now it’s going to have to move on to bigger and better things.

bar stool for makeover

I bought the bar stool at my favorite junk shop a long time ago. So long ago I can’t remember the price or find the original photo.

The stool seat is kidney shaped and had a foam and leather cover when I purchased it. The seat cover was in horrible condition. I pulled it off and threw it away.

We needed a stool to use at the workshop bar and it was fine for that. I painted it black at a later date but still couldn’t decide on a seat cover.

Bucilla RyaTie Kit with instuction booklet

Then along came the Bucilla RyaTie(TM) Kit. If you guys are my age or maybe a bit younger you will remember the latch hook days.

I made a few of latch hook rugs in my time. The RyaTie yarn bundles have a similar deep pile texture as the latch hook look of the 70’s.

Make A Yarn Seat Cover | Color Combination Fuchsia And Black

The RyaTie Set includes a small & large card for making bundles, similar to pom poms, and a 24 page instruction booklet with 6 easy to do projects.

But you guys know me. I went totally off the grid and did my own thing. That’s the fun of the little RyaTie bundles and the look is more modern than latch hook.

Red Heart Yarn from WalMart

Select Yarn Colors

I selected three colors of medium weight Red Heart Yarn. Black and Shocking Pink to go bold and Aran (white) to balance them out.

Make Yarn Bundles

The technique is very easy. You use a wooden tool to create yarn bundles and then attach the bundles to a mesh canvas. It’s as easy as wrap, cut, and tie.

I made my bundles while watching television. I usually do all my work in the workshop but the shop isn’t air-conditioned and with temps in the 90’s it was nice to have a project I could work on in the house.

There are two different size cards for making the bundles. For my project I made both sizes in all three colors.

In the photo above the black bundles are 2.5 inches and the pink ones are 1.5 inches. The bundles are similar to pom poms but not as full.

RyaTie bundles on grid fabric similar to pom poms or latch hook project

Tie Yarn Bundles To Mesh Seat Cover

Once I had all my bundles made I tied them to the mesh fabric. The instruction booklet outlines the way to mark the mesh for your design.

For my design I marked the mesh with a black permanent marker at every fifth grid. I didn’t follow any specific pattern with the colors. I just eyeballed and said “Okay, I’ll add a fuchsia bundle nest”. That’s how I roll.

Attach Yarn Seat To Bar Stool

The last thing to do before attaching the fabric to the stool was cut the bundle ties on the back of the mesh and add a dab of glue for extra staying power.

Staple seat cover to bar stool

I attached my finished  RyaTie mesh fabric with bundles to the stool seat with a heavy duty stapler.

Black and Fuchsia Red Heart Yarn bar stool seat cover

Easy Yarn Project – Seat Cover

All done and I’m patting myself on the back. Now I’m doing the happy dance. What a difference the yarn seat cover makes. Adding texture definitely takes kicks any project up a notch.

yarn too soft not to touch

Like me, Sofi couldn’t help running her fingers over the yarn bundles.

Pretty Cool Fuchsia And Black Yarn Seat Cover 1

Who’s ready for a yarn project. Was that fun? What do you think of the colors and the technique? Do you remember the latch hook craze?

Weave it n leave it

In addition to the RyaTie kits Bucilla has a new Weaving & RyaTie Program that includes the Bucilla Weaving Loom for handmade projects and  Weave it n’ Leave It kits to create fun one-of-a-kind, hand-woven pieces.

The kits are super easy to use and you can create to your heart’s content.

Get you kids or grandkids one (or more) of the kits. Kids love creating! Sofi is always looking for something to work on when I’m doing my thing.

She’s a chip off the old block. We hang her creations in the “Granddaughters Bedroom”.

How to make a yarn seat cover

How to make a yarn seat cover

How about more fuchsia and black combinations?? See more of my projects here….Desk and Chairs and More Fuchsia and Black

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Plaid Crafts as part of the Plaid Creators program. All words, project ideas and photographs are 100% my own.

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:


  2. Such a cute and adorable project. Love the fringe and the colors and so creative!

  3. Kelly Mahan says:

    What an awesome seat cover!! Love it!! I do love working with yarn already, but never thought of making a seat cover with it, thanks for the idea!

  4. hollyberry357 says:

    Carol, how about different shades of reds! It might give it contrast and depth!

  5. Patty Soriano says:

    How cute is that! So many color combinations to think of ! New and different…I like it!

  6. My cat would definately try to eat this. BUT I must make one anyhow! :o) I’ll think of something to deter her! I am thinking I need a lavendar tie rug next to my bed for when I get up!
    Now to tell the dogs they can’t lay on it!
    Thank You for the links and the heads up! Love your stool!

  7. Nice twist on the kits from the seventies!

  8. Did not expect it to be so cute! I usually run fast from the 70s, but this is just precious!

  9. Ellen Pilch says:

    That came out great. I fear my cats would try to eat it if we had one. I am going to paint mine old stool now though after seeing yours in black, it inspired me.

  10. Amy Latta says:

    This is so fun!!! Those colors are fabulous together!

  11. I loved this , I am going to make one for my kitchen stool in RED.
    I probably should ad another color right
    you are so clever miss Kathy