How To Paint A Cardboard Box With Metallic Paint
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You can paint just about anything and this project proves it. You might not think you can paint a cardboard box but I did and you can too. The whole project took 10 minutes…..or less.
I made a geometric design that took no thought process at all. The contrast between the white box and the metallic copper paint is perfect.
Painting the box took no time at all. I saw a couple of rocks within arms reach so they got painted too. Sofi likes to paint rocks and I find them everywhere in the shop.
How To Paint A Cardboard Box
Project Supplies
- White Cardboard Box
- Frog Tape
- Paint Brush
- Metallic Paint
The white box is from IKEA. There was a lid too but it didn’t suit my plan. I bought several of the boxes a few months ago thinking to use them for storage.
The project was inspired by this faux grass stuff I bought on clearance at Michael’s. I needed a container for the grass. I tried putting it in one of my vintage wood sewing machine drawers but the drawers were a bit long for the grass.
I put it in the grass in the white box. The fit was just a bit tight but it worked. Now to paint it up because the glaring white wasn’t doing it for me.
Apply Frog Tape To Box
I grabbed the FrogTape and just started putting the tape on the box. No rhyme or reason, just willy nilly in what I thought would be a cool design.
I taped around all four sides. I ran my fingers along the edges of the tape to seal it well. Didn’t want any paint leaking under the tape. Keep in mind I had no idea how the project would turn out.
Maybe the tape would peel some of the paper off of the box or maybe the cardboard box would get too damp and wrinkle up…..kind of like your fingers do if they’ve been in the water too long. Just giving the paint a try. Nothing to lose except a bit of time and a plain old white box.
Paint The Cardboard With Metallic Paint
I chose FolkArt Brushed Metal Acrylic Paint in Copper because I have a thing for metallic copper paint and a handy dandy FolkArt paint brush to get the job done.
How yummy is that color?? As you can see it’s creamy and pretty thick, not running all over the plate. Thin paint drives me crazy.
I brushed on one coat of paint rather heavily.
Remove The Painters Tape
I removed the painters tape immediately after painting the box. Remember my tip, always remove the tape before the paint dries because the tape will take some of the paint with it if the paint dries before the tape is removed.
Next I painted a couple of rocks because I had paint left and painting the box went really fast.
Add A Plant To The Box
I glued a faux succulent plant to the smallest rock. You guys know I have a succulent obsession.
I have to say my willy nilly geometric design turned out great. Look how nice and sharp those paint lines are. Patting myself on the back and celebrating with a piece of chocolate.
So, what do you guys think? I have several metallic paint projects and you can see my favorites here…..Favorite Metallic Spray Paint Colors
Find metallic paint on Amazon by clicking here.
As always thanks for being here and have a great day, Kathy
Hey Naomi, The finish was flat, no sheen and no protective coating.
Melva, I’m “old” too, but I love looking at projects and dreaming and once in a while I even do one mysel-! Keeps our minds active, and thinking creatively. Glad to know I’m not the only older woman who loves these tutorials. Plus, sometimes we who’ve been around or a while have good ideas to contribute to projects, too, right? Right!
Well, how about that! Pretty darn cute, Kathy. Now, I have to ask: Was the paper on the box shiny or matte be-ore you painted it? I mean did it have a sort o- shiny glaze on it that would keep the paint -rom soaking in? Just wondering in case I decide to try something similar. I’ve never used that coppery paint be-ore but it looks like it would be -un on lotsa things to give them the look o- copper.
Haha!! This is GREAT!! I woulda been too afraid the tape woulda pulled off the cardboard and said no way. You should Deff pat yourself on the back! Great job
So cleaver , your very creative
I enjoy your projects , I’m old but still love to look at cute projects like I used to do in the old days
I love the idea ! I have lots of boxes I saved for lots of reasons and I never thought of painting them.
Thank You Kathy for your awesome ideas !
This is a great way to ‘do up’ a cardboard box for putting a gift in, too. I have bought expensive gift boxes in the past and wish I had thought of this idea of yours Kathy!