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How To Decoupage Furniture With Paper And Mod Podge

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In this tutorial I show you how to decoupage furniture with paper. Have you tried to decoupage paper to anything? I once tried using paper napkins and that did not go well at all. There are all these decoupaged napkin projects on the Web but I’m missing something somewhere. I used wrapping paper for this project. The wrapping paper is much easier.

I painted a small bar stool turquoise and then wrapped the legs in paper using Mod Podge. Of course I have to be a bit different and the legs of the bar stool have varying lengths of paper covering them. Be sure and let me know what you think of the project.

paper decoupage mod podge furniture project

The different heights of the paper on the legs give the bar stool a unique look and that wrapping paper design is cool and colorful.

how to decoupage a bar stool with paper using Mod-Podge

This stool has been sitting on my fireplace hearth holding magazines and a Ball jar full of seashells. It was part of my Summer décor. I found the stool at My Favorite Junk Shop and I really liked the paint job….really! I like the way the white and black paint are uneven on the legs. That’s where I came up with the idea for the decoupage legs. The roll of pretty wrapping paper came from Hobby Lobby.

Valspar Paint from Lowes color Rushing Stream
Valspar Paint from Lowes color Rushing Stream

The Valspar paint sample in Rushing Stream was the pick for this project. Such a fun color and I love the inexpensive paint samples. Just the right size for several small projects. I probably used a third of the jar. I’ve found that turquoise fits into just about any color scheme. The bright multi-color wrapping paper not so much.

Glidden Gripper Primer Petticoat Junktion paint project

The original paint looked like it was oil base so I applied a coat of Glidden Gripper Primer to start the project. Glidden Gripper tinted gray is my go-to primer (update: it is now PPG Gripper).

Valspar paint project Petticoat Junktion

I waited overnight for the paint to dry. I didn’t want the paint to peel off when applying the damp mod podged paper.

Applying Mod Podge for decoupage Petticoat Junktion

I cut strips of wrapping paper and applied Mod Podge to them with a brush. Yes, the project did get a little hairy trying to work around the legs and the rungs.

paper decoupage furniture project

Actually I kind of went nuts trying to work around all the corners, bends, and curves. Holding the paper I cut angles around the rungs then wrapped the paper around the legs. They don’t call it wrapping paper for nothing. I filled in spots with bits of paper where the paint was exposed…where I didn’t want it to be….good thing the paper is a really busy print.

How To Decoupage Furniture With Paper And Mod Podge


The top of the paper on each leg has a torn edge. I thought that looked cooler than a cut edge. I let the Mod Podge dry then used spray on clear Polyacrylic as a sealer. I could have used Mod Podge as a sealer but at this point I was tired of Mod Podge finger tips.

How To Decoupage Furniture With Mod Podge
How To Decoupage Furniture With Mod Podge

The torn paper edges that are angled and not straight across are just quirky enough to look good. You don’t have to make everything look perfect or go by the book. Don’t be afraid to try a simple project if you’re a new DIYer. As far as I’m concerned there are no rules and you do the project in your way and your style and don’t be afraid to change the plan mid-stream or do the project over. I’ve been there and will be again and again as long as I continue working on projects.

paper decoupage mod podge furniture project


I distressed the seat of the stool so the black paint would show through. I think it works because of the dark blue in the paper.

decoupage wrapping paper to furniture using Mod Podge
decoupage wrapping paper to furniture using Mod Podge

Do you have some pretty wrapping paper or……. I just had a thought…..maybe an old newspaper. If the paper was aged just right and the furniture piece was really old I bet newspaper decoupage would be cool. Anyway, ready to try a decoupage project? I have several projects using fabric and one where I used an invitation card! See more Mod Podge projects  here…..Petticoat Junktion Decoupage Projects.

That’s it. What do you think? Have a great day. Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. I like the fact you did not totally cover the stool in paper and that you distressed the top edges. Have several items of furniture I would like to try this on. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love the idea and think something similar would be terrific for a little girl’s room – maybe a table and chairs or a rocking chair.

  3. This is so cute! The torn paper edges was a great idea. The little cart beside it is too cute, reminds me of one I have but don’t really like. Mod Podge may be just the thing for it!!

  4. This turned out really cute!

  5. Fun, fun project ! Now l know what to do with my roll of colourful wrapping paper. Thanks, Kathy.

  6. SharonFromMichigan says:

    I have this old smallish table in my basement that I didn’t know what to do with it. The top is kind of rough. I was going to paint the whole thing & then sell it, but the idea of another boring painted table didn’t float my boat. Now I know what I can do with it – I will Modge Podge the table top! I love the turquoise color you used. Your stool has a young modern fresh look which is very appealing. Great job!

  7. This is so pretty!

  8. I love it! Well done, Kathy ? I love that pattern on the paper so much. ✌?

  9. WOW your stool is absolutely GORGEOUS! You did an amazing job!

  10. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you! Come back again!

  11. Visiting from TT&J link up.

    I LOVE this take on the dipped legs such a fun bright print! super cute!

  12. What a great idea-love your stool.

  13. JaneEllen says:

    With school and working on projects, where do you find time to do anything else, let alone polish your cute little tootsies with blue polish?
    How is school doing? What does your hubs do while you’re at school? Hope he’s taking good care of himself.
    Love your stool, you just might start a new trend. I’ve got 4stools out in yard waiting to be rescued. Someday.
    Have you done any fall decorating? I’m not quite ready yet. Will be busy cutting out leaves from fall colored paper. Take care ok? Happy week

  14. Tami Toppen says:

    Very nice!

  15. every DAY I look forward to reading what project you are working on….you are so talented! Been buying up furniture pieces to work on when I finally get to retire…and now I wish I could just retire earlier! you are such an inspiration. Thanks.

  16. LOVE!!!!!! Now to find a cheap stool…

  17. logan wilhelm says:

    LOVE what you did with the stool, gives it a really fresh, updated look! It still has a rustic feel with the aging though and just love the finished project!!!

  18. I love the way your stool looks. You are so creative.

  19. Fonda Rush says:

    How fun! What a neat idea!

  20. chris aka monkey says:

    sometimes you be crazy…that’s what i love about your stuff…i think you will be starting a new trend here this is so dang cute love it xx

  21. Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio says:

    So in love with your stool redo Kathy! The color & that fun pattern is right up my alley!

  22. I’m not very fond of dipped legs but I LOVE what you did with the paper. Now I’m looking around for something I can do with paper. Thanks for the idea.

  23. I have now an idea of what to to do with my boring stool! thanks!!!
    from katoomba-australia