Vintage Handmade Quilts | My Collection Blog Tour
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Vintage Handmade Quilts
Good Morning All. Today my friends and I are sharing “what we collect”. I’m sharing my collection of vintage handmade quilts so get ready for a lot of photos. I use the quilts in every room of our home. Okay, maybe not the bathrooms or the kitchen. They’re just too pretty to hide away.
Vintage Handmade Quilt
The one pictured above was pieced and quilted made by my sweet Grandma Owen. She gave it to me when I graduated from high school. It’s my favorite. You guys know how I like bright colors.
The bookcase in our den holds a few of the quilts.
The back bedroom….referred to as the “grandsons room”.
The famous “Tricycle Red Radio Cabinet” that I use to display quilts in our den.
This is another quilt made by my grandmother. I inherited this one. My grandmother specified who each quilt would go to when she was no longer with us. I have no idea how many quilts my grandmother made in her 93 years….but it was a bunch. She had 5 children, 19 grandchildren and I lost count of the great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. She made quilts for every newborn in the family along with all the other quilts.My son still has the baby quilt she made for him. She re-worked it once because it was falling apart.
The stitching on the state quilt is beautiful. This quilt is on the bed in the grandsons room.
Love this color combination. Now I have a few shots of the quilts from the cabinet display. Yes, I took them all out. Then I had to put them back in all neat and straight.
I don’t remember where I purchased most of these.
I don’t have any rhyme or reason when I buy quilts. Usually it’s because I love the pattern and the colors….but the price has to be very reasonable or I will pass it up. I’ve passed up a lot of quilts.
This quilt was a wedding gift from my grandmother when the JTS and I got married. The pattern is “Dresden Plate”. I can only name a few of the patterns.
I like this one because it’s different.
patchwork quilts
I do remember buying this quilt a few years ago at Artifacts here in Clarksville. I couldn’t resist the red.
The fabric of this quilt is sooooo soft. I don’t know what the difference is in it and some of the others.
Several of the quilts are really ragged but I love them anyway. I’m pretty sure this pattern is “wedding ring”…or double wedding ring?
This one is another of my favorites and I have no idea when I purchased it or where.
The ties on this one are a little strange. And that’s it. There are a few I didn’t photograph but these are my favs.
I got a little teary eyed writing about my grandmother. It’s only when your loved ones are gone that you wish you had spent more time with them.
Please leave a comment and tell me which quilt was your favorite then take the tour. Just click on the photo links below. Have a great day, Kathy
Wow, Kathy, you have a wonderful collection of quilts!! I don’t even own one…and now I’m sad that I don’t!
Love your beautiful collection. (and the emotional attachment is all the more!)
Kathy your quilts are beautiful and I love that your grandmother made so many of them. My grandma also makes quilts and I have a few of them – my son sleeps with a small one every night, it is his cherished blankie! 🙂 (We had to do some repairs to it recently also.) I love all the colors in your quilts and they are stunning in your red cabinet. <3
Kathy, what a beautiful collection. My mom collects quilts and have made a few. I still have one that she handstitched for me when I went away to college. I still cherish it dearly. Thanks for sharing.
So lovely. There’s nothing like an old, very soft quilt to curl up in. I also have a nice collection. Not as many as your’s Kathy! Years ago I fell in love with any wedding ring quilts. Probably my favorite of most. The more my quilts are laundered, the softer them become.
WOW! What a magnificent collection! Those are all just precious. I love the state quilt the best, but they are all so special and unique. Even the non-sentimental quilts become sentimental just by being part of your collection! Thanks for playing along!!
The states flowers quilt is one of a kind.
Oh Kathy! How impressive and gorgeous. Every detail and stitch is such perfection. I know each one holds a special place in your heart. I love that your grandmother worked with her hands. I can see where YOU got that talent as well.
Thanks for inspiring me to pull out our vintage quilts.
Make it a lovely week.
Sharon — I love the story of your husband rescuing your quilts from the fire. A true act of love.
The most precious thing I own is my grandmothers quilt. I keep it in a cabinet next to the living room. It gets pulled out when anyone need comforting! Works like a charm. 🙂 Jeanette
Hello: I really love quilts, those with red and blues are my favorites. About 30 years ago, our home was burning down. My husband, after getting the 5 kids, dogs, cat, bunnies out of the house, he thought what would she want? He ran upstairs where I kept my quilts (mostly family) and threw them out the window. That is why I dearly love quilts, especially family ones. Enjoy the history!
All of them -although if they were mine probably the one grandma actually gave you would be most cherished. Beautiful memories.
What a special collection that you have. I know that you love displaying and using these made-with-love quilts and I hope that one day your grandchildren will inherit them and love them just as much as you do.
I love vintage quilts…I have a quilt top my grandma made….never finished…but that’s okay…it sits in my pie safe…she used old clothing…things they wore and clothes she found while “goodwilling”…my sister has a finished quilt that has seen better days…and one day she will gather the courage to cut it up and frame squares for us all….
Girl, I LOVE all your quilts! I have a quilt collection in my mind -ha! I seriously would love to collect quilts but the prices! I have a knack for finding ones for $300 and up. The picture of your quilts in the red hutch is one I pinned a long time ago and it’s the first time I discovered your blog. I adore that hutch with the quilts — I think of it every time I think of having a quilt collection! Love, love, love it all. So glad we did this tour — it’s such fun seeing all the great collections! 🙂
Popped in from Better After. Love your quilts. The state one! Favorite by far. It’s so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I love your vintage quilts. Handmade quilts are so beautiful and they tell a story. Lovely collection.
Oh Kathy I adore your quilt collection. They’re all so pretty and colorful. I have a few but not near as many as you. And it’s nice that some of them have special meaning. I have a couple that my great grandmother made that I’ll never part with. Thanks for sharing these with us.