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Love Is Junk Assemblage Art

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Junk Assemblage Art

Hey, started college classes again yesterday. And I have classes today….I have classes everyday. Earlier this week I was putting things together like crazy. One project I finished up is a junk assemblage art sign.

I’m really in the crafting mood now that I’ve pulled out my accumulation of junk hardware and miscellaneous rusty stuff. I think it’s because once I get the stuff out I don’t want to put it up….. so I just work with it or around it! You may remember my red valentine love sign from an earlier post. Well, I made another love sign….in fact I made two….. but you only get one today.

assemblage art junk love sign petticoat junktion

love sign

I took all the Christmas décor from my mantel display but haven’t done anything else with the mantel.bThe love sign looked a little lonely so I hung one of my vintage Chinese checker boards on my new favorite rusty display thingie. Maybe before Summer gets here I’ll have the mantel decorated for Spring

junk assemblage art

The wood is leftover from my Florida days. We lived in Pensacola during the time folks were rebuilding after a series of hurricanes. I used to drive through neighborhoods every morning and sort through fence wood that was awaiting garbage pickup. I dry brushed a little paint on the wood to lighten it up.

assemblage are the letter E petticoat junktion

I’m awfully proud of the E.

junk assemblage art love sign petticoat junktion

I adhered everything to the wood with E6000. It works great.

love sign assemblage art petticoat junktion

I haven’t put a hanger on the back of the sign yet. That’s why it’s just sitting around. In this photo it’s on top of the china hutch in our den. Looks like I should have dusted while I was up there.

wood love sign assemblage junk art petticoat junktion

I have something extra special for next week…..two painted furniture projects! Yes, I really have been painting. I know ya’ll think I’ve been slacking off. I just didn’t have time to get photos of the furniture.

How did you like the sign? And what colors do you think I should use on the mantel for Spring? I’m really partial to yellow and green.

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Hi Kathy,
    I love your “LOVE” sign….first time here and have just become a Follower. I too love JUNK…and rust, and making things…so I can’t wait to read more about what you’ve been up to. I also clicked on your “HGTV” post and got a kick out of the outfit you create in…looks a lot like me on some of these busy snow days! Thanks for sharing so many great ideas with us!

  2. This is so much fun!! Now I want to spell all kinds of things with junk! You have created a monster 🙂

  3. LOVE this junky, gorgeous sign and display Kathy, Pinning !!

    xo, Tanya

  4. Paula@SweetPea says:

    Good luck with your classes this semester!

  5. Love, love,love it. Just right! Happy studies.