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White Pillowcase Curtains Straight From The Package

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Pillowcase Curtains. Quick and Inexpensive

I know this isn’t my usual kind of post but I thought this idea was genius, so had to share……pillowcase curtains straight out of the package. I come up with a good idea here and there.
white pillowcase curtains straight from the package hang with metal curtain clips Petticoat Junktion graphic

Easy Pillowcase Curtains

This post is for those of you….like me…. who don’t have standard size windows in their home. That would be older homes like mine, that was built in 1965!

bhg pillowcases

The window in our tiny master bath measures 36” high x 26” wide. Not a standard size. I purchased the Better Homes and Gardens king size pillowcases at Wal-Mart. I found some curtain clips from the thrift store in my workshop. If you don’t have any extra clips hanging around you can pick some up at any department store.


I attached the clips to the pillowcases and hung them on a rod. The size was just right. The rod is not a designer one for sure. Maybe I will pick up a heavier rod soon.

white pillowcase curtains straight from the package hang with metal curtain clips Petticoat Junktion

crisp white pillowcase curtains

I even think the hem at the bottom with the decorative open stitching is cute.

Another easy and fun project that can be implemented in so many ways is how to use fun adhesive drawer liner…..but not in your drawers. If you liked this post see how I updated my kitchen cabinets just by using adhesive drawer liner! 

So what do ya’ll think…dumb redneck idea ( I am from Arkansas)….or great diy? Please leave a comment below….good….bad…indifferent….I read them all.

 Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. I think it’s a great idea and I’m going to try it. Since the fabric is double it should hang nicely. Thanks Kathy!

  2. Bobby Gittins says:

    Very clever and I would guess not very expensive compared to fabric by the meter. They look very fresh and let just enough light through to get that airy feeling.

  3. Karen Bob says:

    I’m copying this idea. Love it! Great job!

  4. Candy Walsh says:

    SO cute! Can’t believe how perfectly they fit! I wish I had a window in one of my bathrooms so I could do this”. I also live in Arkansas, will you have a set up at the Bella Rustina Modern Vintage Market? I’ve never been before and I can’t wait! Hope to see you there!

  5. Denise Wixson says:

    I have used pillow cases and shams for many ideas. But have not thought of this one. How great.. I find wonderful old pillow cases and shams at second hand stores. I will be using your wonderful idea tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your Pillow Case idea.

  6. Kathy Owen says:

    They were inexpensive ones from Walmart or they may have been some I picked up at the thrift store. You can also buy fancy ones. A lot of it depends on the size of your rod.

  7. Sean T Traynor says:

    I am thinking of something like this for my new Rustic Garden Shed, It just may work. What clips did yo use? Great idea

  8. Kathy Owen says:

    Walmart or any discount or home decor store.

  9. Love this idea!!! Looks great but where did you get the clips from? Thanks!

  10. Great idea. Have used tea towels in the kitchen for a valance. I’m going to try using my grandmother’s hand embroidered pillowcases I’m in my 1930s home. Such a great idea and no cutting the pillowcases incase I want to use them after or get in trouble for using grandmother’s!

  11. Lisa Amerson says:

    I think it looks great! I love these kind of ideas!!

  12. Super great idea! I will be doing this very soon maybe with some cases that have lace at the ends. Thanks for the idea!

  13. awesome idea!!

  14. I’ve used crisp cotton dish towels with clips for cafe length but never thought of pillow cases. Great idea! Will do this. Thanks!

  15. Kathy Owen says:

    You’re welcome Jane!

  16. OMG! I am sooooo doing this!!! Thank you for the practical inspiration.

  17. Pamela Baker says:

    I think your idea is charming. I love it! We are building a new house and need window treatments and I am going to try this. Good for you!!!

  18. This is so great! I just saw a similar idea using fabric napkins, but realized they’d be a little smaller than I need. These will be perfect! So excited, thank you!

  19. Absolute genius! Great idea to use pillow case for window treatments!

  20. I own an old house built in the early 1900’s and I have had no curtain on my tiny bathroom window for months now but thanks to your brilliant idea my window shall not be “exposed” for much longer – THANK YOU!!!

  21. I wish I’d thought of that – maybe my guest bath wouldn’t be so bare, will remedy immediately, thank you for the idea!

  22. Lisa Livingston says:

    Have been doing this for almost 35 years ! I have used sheets as well !
    I love finding little used antique pillow cases , they r my favorite !

  23. I used pillow shams to make a valance, I sewed them together and in the center I attached this stuff that has a string in the center that you can pull and it gathers up (sorry I know there is an official name for it) Looks great!!!!!

  24. Thanks for a great idea for our son who is just starting out in his first apartment! Window treatments are sooo expensive.

  25. Great idea. So simple. I have thought about sheets for curtains, but not pillowcases. I have used towels and washcloths.

  26. This is an ultra AWSOME idea, curtains are so costly now a days……I love your idea,

  27. I have an all white bathroom, which I love..gonna do this, thank you.

  28. Kathy Owen says:

    haha. I’m glad you liked the project! I’ve also tried towels, shower curtains….this worked perfectly for the size of my window.

  29. Why yes I think I did.:)

  30. Kathy Owen says:

    Did you just say I was brilliant 🙂

  31. I think it is brilliant, we have a short window in our bathrooms so I use hand towels to match our bath towels.

  32. Such a great idea to use the clips! Sheets are terrific for decorating – I’ve been using them since 1980, especially in my sons rooms. So easy – & economical – to have Mickey Mouse, Star Wars, etc. on the walls & windows!

  33. My mom used to make bathroom curtains the same way except she used towels..

  34. Andrea Burke says:

    Got to hand it to you! Absolute GENIUS!!

    Love them!

  35. You totally just solved my curtain problems. Thank you!

  36. bonniekay says:

    Just what I need….a solution to my “odd” shaped bathroom window…THANKS!

  37. Love it! Doing it! I’ve also “recovered” my outdoor chair pads with king size pillow cases. Perfect size, just take them out of the package and slip them on. Nice to change up the porch decor more often!

  38. I love this idea. Sorry I’m not clever enough to think of things like this. I’m definitely doing this.

  39. Lisa Langston says:

    BRILLIANT Idea!! Wish I had thought of that!!!

  40. That is such a great idea.

  41. Love, love , love this idea!! Thank you!!!

  42. Oh my! LOVE these pillowcases/curtains!! How creative are you!! Pinned!!

  43. I love the look! Clever use of pillow cases. Thanks for the inspiration.

  44. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    Love this idea! Shared it on Pinterest and on FB 🙂


  45. Love this! Nothing like letting someone else do your sewing!

  46. Inspire Me Heather says:

    Your curtains look great – what a perfect solution!

  47. Ronnie Rowley says:

    Awesome idea!i have a sister in law who used twin bed sheets when her daughters were younger, to make comforters! She would put batting in between the two layers of sheets and sew them together, and then sew a pattern through both thicknesses so the wouldn’t bunch up whe washed!

  48. Kathy Owen says:

    yep, the rod does need improvement. It’s what was up there with the valance I was using. Thanks for the comment!

  49. Kathy Owen says:

    South of Pine Bluff, a little place called Griffith Springs!

  50. Fantastic idea! I can’t wait to try this!

  51. Cute idea!
    Where in Ark. are you from?

  52. love the idea….however the rod needs improvement…

  53. Adorable! My bathroom window is getting new curtains! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  54. it’s a great idea! thank you for the idea, i have an odd-size window in our guest bath & guess what i’m gonna do? yep go buy us a pair of pillowcases…

  55. Always a great idea. : ) Very practical.

    For years I’ve been making “drapes” out of sheets. Patterns, solids …. any. Haven’t tried decorating with cases though. Would be wonderful for cafe curtains if those are fashionable today.

    Linens are so pricey. One can always go to a discount store. Going to a new set of drapes for dining room w/pure linen (blush) (4) double-flats. They are going to be really pretty.

  56. Elena @ `a casarella says:

    Um, I actually think that is BRILLIANT!

  57. I think it’s great!!!!

  58. Great idea and they look perfect.

  59. Great Idea!! If you needed a pop of color you could sew (or glue if like me, sewing challenged)some fun ball trim on the bottom or top.

  60. Lynn Bennett says:

    Perfect solution! Quick, easy, inexpensive and lovely!

  61. pam clark says:

    Looks great!! so fresh and simple

  62. Kathy, that was a really cool DIY idea! You rocked it!