Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Furniture Makeover in Shutter Gray and Ironstone
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Shutter Gray and Ironstone Color Combo
Two tone color combinations give furniture a designer look. Shutter gray and ironstone milk paint colors are so pretty together. The look is designer worthy.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
It’s been a hopping one for me. I did a lot of painting. One of my favorite things to do.
When I’m painting everything else fades into the background.
One of my projects was this little antique table. I picked it up at the Nashville Flea Market on Thursday. Yea, I know the market doesn’t officially open until Friday but there are a few early bird vendors who set up Wednesday afternoon late or Thursday morning. I probably shouldn’t have let that cat out of the bag! Now everyone will beat me to the good finds.
The table was a bargain at $12.00 but it did need a little work. Looks like my husband pulled out all the stops on this one.
He’s my Technical Specialist and I don’t give him enough credit for all he does behind the scenes. He usually makes furniture repairs when I’m at work or out gallivanting around, so that means I don’t get many pictures of his work. He’s gluing the top onto the table and making sure it’s level. I would have just eye-balled it and then everything I set on top would have rolled off the edge!
What do you think about this table. Has anyone out there ever ran across one like this? I love the shape. At one time it had three small chains running from the table top underside to the top of the legs. Different. Anyone every seen this before?
I selected Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint in Shutter Gray for the bottom and Ironstone for the top.
The paint is in dry powder form and you mix 1 part powder to 1¼-1½ water. I use this little scooper to measure the powder into a plastic cup and stir it with a paint stirrer. I stir the paint for a couple of minutes then let it sit for a couple of minutes then stir until it’s dissolved. I’ve found that the lighter colors dissolve faster than the “Tricycle” Red. I don’t know if it is a difference in the pigments or if it’s just my imagination.
The paint dries really fast. It didn’t chip like my first MMS Milk Paint Project. I think it has to do with the type of furniture finish. I’m painting a display piece for the shop for our MMS Milk Paint display and it is chipping like crazy. You have to stop by later this week to get a peek at it. Anyway, I distressed the table by hand with 100 grit sandpaper.
I finished it off with some Beeswax Polish. It gives the paint a nice soft sheen and the painted table feels so smooth.
I like the fact that you don’t have to mix all the paint at once. I used very little paint for this small table.
Thanks for being her and have a great day, Kathy