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How To Make Unfinished Wood Look Like Barnwood

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I don’t work with new wood very much. I’m more of a rustic, reclaimed, wood kind of gal. I was given some wood kits to work with a few years ago, and they’ve been on the bottom of a shelf for a while. I pulled them out a couple of months ago, and the JTS and I put them together.

New wood looks like barnwood in 2 easy steps Petticoat Junktion

The first kit project I painted was the Weathered Barnwood Flower Caddy. The barnwood finish I did on that piece was so pretty I had to do it again. ( I have a short video of the project at the end of the post)


new wood caddy

I started with an unfinished wood box with four slots for mason jars…or whatever. The reclaimed rusty bucket handle has been in my junk stash forever. I almost took it to my booth several times but decided to hang on. Now, I’m glad I did.

FolkArt Painted Finishes Barnwood Effect and Barnwood Wax Project by Petticoat Junktion

I used  FolkArt Painted Finishes Barnwood and Barnwood Wax for this project.

FolkArt Barnwood paint product

This is the caddy with the barnwood effect paint.

FolkArt white wax for barnwood finish

It took the barnwood a couple of hours to dry then I applied the wax with a lint free rag.

reclaimed bucket handle for barnwood caddy

Next I drilled holes for a couple of rusty screws and attached the bucket hanger.

tutorial for making unfinished wood look like barnwood

Now isn’t that a cool little caddy. I love it when a project comes together.

new wood looks like barnwood with FolkArt Barnwood paint and white wax

I filled the caddy with my vintage jars full of buttons, antique keys, marbles, and crystal beads.

I filmed a short video (less than 2 minutes) of the whole process. …

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”D1GG4EET” upload-date=”2016-08-30T21:21:13.000Z” name=”Petticoat Junktion – Weathered Barnwood Finish Tutorial” description=”weathered,barnwood,finish,tutorial,wax,tint,FolkArt”]

Barnwood Finish Tutorial

New wood looks like barnwood in 2 easy steps Petticoat Junktion project

I set up my DSLR camera on a tripod and filmed the whole project. Now to edit the video. If I ever get it finished I’ll let you guys know.



See you tomorrow. Have a great day!

Supplies for this project:
FolkArt Barnwood Tint (no longer available)
FolkArt Barnwood Wax
(Amazon affiliate links are for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.)

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. This is perfect for those of us who can’t easily find old wood! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!

  2. Cynthia Chilson Finger says:

    Love it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tami Toppen says:

    Wow I really like this affect. I wonder where I can get this product?

  4. Is it cute? Ah, yes! You nailed it!!!

  5. Sherry Fram says:

    Love it! Looks just like old wood! Thanks for showing us how to get the look!

  6. Love this effect and the caddy is adorable!