Home » Home Decor » 16 Ideas For Decorating with Seashells

16 Ideas For Decorating with Seashells

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Display seashells from your vacation travels in unique ways or make DIY projects using them. The shells will be reminders of happy times.

If you don’t have seashells, you can always buy them at craft stores, and I sometimes find them at the thrift store.

DIY Seashell Projects And Seashell Displays

I hope these charming and simple shell decoration ideas will inspire you to create a display or DIY project today!

collage with 9 diy seashell ideas

I love the centerpiece Mary Beth created. Which display is your favorite? Thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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One Comment

  1. Cheryl Atkinson says:

    Hi Kathy! Living in North Florida I have access to many seashells so these ideas were very inspiring. thank you!