A Tour Of My Not Perfect Home–Part I
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Today, I’m sharing a look at my home. Many bloggers show beautiful photos of their large, expensive, lovely homes. That is not what you will see today. Our home is nice and comfy and perfect for us.
I finally decluttered the bedrooms last week, where I had just thrown stuff on beds or left photography equipment lying around. So I thought it would be a good time to take photos for yall.
I didn’t use my light attachment on the camera or set up extra lighting, so these photos are not the greatest, and they are not staged. This is how we look every day. Also, there are a lot of photos, so we are just looking at the den and kitchen/dining rooms today.
This is our den, where we spend most of our time. It is a converted two-car garage, which was converted before we bought the house in 1988. Our home was built in 1965. In this view, you can see our backdoor, which opens to a two-car carport, which is our main entrance. We are back-door people.
This is the standing desk in the foreground of the first photo. It is a nice, heavy, adjustable desk with a walking pad beneath it. I sit on my rump a lot of the time, writing blog posts and editing photos.
I thought this walking pad and table would help me—if I used them enough they probably would, lol. I can walk on the pad while working, but it isn’t a lot of fun! I think I try to walk too fast. I really like the standing desk. You can adjust the height, and it is very heavy and sturdy.
Another view of the room. I am standing in front of our TV to take this shot. The hubby and I sit on the double-seated recliner loveseat. I am on the left, and my pillow back on the seat is torn and has been for a while (full disclosure). We really need to replace this piece, but I’m not feeling it right now.
You can see we have many messy areas. I should really find a better way to charge all of our electronics, handheld vacuums, etc.
I was kind of famous in the blogging world several years ago for the red radio cabinet. I love the color, and it is painted with Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint.
I used to work on decorating the mantel but not so much anymore. You can see more cords and stuff where hubby has his laptop plugged in. The wood chair with an orange seat is one of a pair I paid $5 for at an auction, and they are worth a lot more than that.
As I said. I didn’t try to hide or clean up anything before taking these photos. On the back wall you can see the “framed” tree landscape I posted about last month. And how about that bold yellow antique metal fire safe? It is one of my favorite pieces. Some of my vintage hardware magnets are stuck to it.
Here you can see the table I painted for Furniture Fixer Upper day last month. I love that Dixie Belle color.
We’ve had the roll-top desk about as long as we’ve had the house. It is a little dated.
We are moving from the den into the kitchen/dining room. There are two steps up from the den into the kitchen. We had the kitchen totally remodeled in 2000. We bought the new appliances about 6 years ago.
As you can see we have plenty of cabinets. They are all full. I guess you can never have enough cabinets.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a place to hide all of those countertop appliances? In this photo, you can see a bar stool where I recovered the seat and a vintage step stool.
This is a view from the other end of the room. The French doors lead to a large deck.
And that is it for today. Thanks for touring my home. Leave a note if you have the time and thanks for being here, Kathy
Thank you. You know I’m a big fan of green!
Your house looks homey like ours does. After you did your red cabinet I did one. Plus another in green.
Very lovely and comfortable! Thank you for sharing
Your home looks totally homey and cozy and has all your loved things where you can see them. That always makes you feel good when you can see things you love.
I love your large kitchen and dining room!!! And all those cabinets! We built s new house and due to the hugh cost of builing materials hsd to make major cuts to the olan that we wanted. Of course my kitchen and thus cabinets were one of those cuts. But hey, I’ve lived in a fifth wheel camper for six years so I will not complain.
Looking forward to seeing more of your home. I saw the ad for episode 2 and I’m going there now.
Have a very blessed day.
It’s interesting that you post this today. Just a few days ago I looked to see if you had pics of your home on the blog. Your home is much like ours–perfectly imperfect/lived in and comfy. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to seeing the rest of your home. (My husband and I moved to Murfreesboro from Texas just a few years ago.)
No worries, I know exactly what you meant! Thanks for commenting
Ha! When our oldest granddaughter was young we couldn’t put anything on the coffee table because that was her dancing platform!
Ours isn’t always this neat.
You’re welcome and thank you!
Yes, the red cabinet is holding up well. I need to take some “good” staged photos of it to post again.
Ours isn’t always that neat for sure. We don’t have cats or dogs and only the granddaughter who stays with us a couple of hours after school.
That is so funny! Thanks for sharing.
I’m so happy to see “real” home photos, Kathy!
Your home looks nice and cozy! I love the red cabinet and the yellow safe! We have recliners, too, but the double recliner will not work for us. My husband is tall and long legged, his recliner is called The Beast, we’re on our 3rd one in 24 years. I decided if you can’t beat him just join him. Last year when I bought him a new Beast, I got myself a new recliner as well. I’m five foot tall, so my recliner looks like a baby next to his. But, we make it work. And, it’s pretty comfy!
So nice to visit with you. Feels as though I’ve visited with a neighbor. As the other writers have commented, it can be intimidating looking as the perfect houses.
Mine would look that neat maybe for a couple of hours until the cats or dog walked through shedding hair, leaves, grass pieces, etc.
Thank you for posting.
Looks like a perfectly lived in cozy house. And I love the red cabinet that has stood the test of time! I like to keep my counters cleared off, but yours put me to shame. Why not leave out the appliances you use all the time? Its still a very clean space. Loved seeing your spaces!
I’m a big fan of bloggers that A) have average homes like most of us do and B) aren’t afraid of showing that their homes are real…not always perfect, not filled with things most of us can’t afford, not always perfectly neat, tidy and organized. In other words, a home that most of us can relate to. Thanks for being one of those bloggers! Your home is lovely by the way 🤗
Very nice, livable home. I think it looks great. Wish mine was as neat & orderly.
Comfy and lived in. I often wonder if bloggers with glass vases and carefully curated coffee tables have little grandchildren!
Ack! I didn’t mean to say you have Clutter! I meant, for example, the appliances on the kitchen counter. I also wish there was a way to have easy access to them but be able to hide them too.
Thank you for the tour! It’s so nice to see that your home is similar to mine. When I see the other bloggers’ homes all made up so pretty and no clutter, it’s hard for me to relate to them.
I’m so surprised there aren’t more painted pieces!