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Junk Finds Decorate My Home

Want to get a look at all the junk finds I have in my home? I don’t just buy stuff to sell in my booth I decorate with a lot of my thrifty finds. First thing I did this week was redecorate the mantel. Decorating my house with thrifty junk finds (40)

I gathered things from the workshop and around the house to fit into my “red” theme. I always pick a centerpiece for the mantel first then decide the color scheme from that. In this case the game board is going to be the main centerpiece.

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And this is the look I ended up with. It took me about 30 minutes to put it together. I placed the game board first then worked around it. I placed things and then changed things around removing and adding until I got the look I wanted.

The only new thing in the decor is the greenery wreath. I bought it at T. J. Maxx. I didn’t have a plan green wreath and I think it will be a great piece to decorate with. I can add ribbon, flowers, different things for different seasons to the wreath.

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You guys saw the red metal box last week when I shared my latest junk purchases. The two red thermoses are part of a set with a plastic food box and a plaid bag. I have 3 of the red, green, yellow, and white stripped vintage glasses. I bought the red handle cooking thermometer …well, I don’t remember where but it was a deal and it is vintage.Decorating my house with thrifty junk finds (20)

I like using drink glasses as vases for real or artificial flowers.

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I talked about the “Jordan Pond” menu in the junk shopping post. I don’t know why but I just love that little wood lobster shack. As you can tell I have a color theme but every other decorating rule is out the window.

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The stained glass window was a gift from my daughter when we lived in Florida.

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The brass or copper coal scuttle is from an estate auction in Nashville. I don’t remember the price but it was a deal too. How about all those details. I was wrong when I said the wreath was the only new purchase. The flowers in the scuttle are from T. J. Maxx also. I’ve been using the coal scuttle as a door stop in the workshop. Crazy huh!

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Now we’re just taking a look at the house and some of my other junk decor. The photos aren’t staged and I didn’t clean or straighten the house before taking photos.

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I wanted to show you a new way I use old bed springs……to hold decorative teacups. I’ve used them in the past to hold Christmas ornaments and other things.

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The set of dishes were a find in a large box lot of auction stuff. So far I just use the dishes for decorating.

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I bought the Cockatiel picture at one of the shops where I have a booth. I love the colors.

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Some of my quilt collection. The blue and orange quilt was made by my grandmother. I have several quilts she made and I cherish each one.

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The yellow metal fire cabinet is a favorite piece. I love yellow. The pieces of hardware and drawer pulls are magnets I made a while ago. Miss Sofi likes to move them around on the cabinet.

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I moved all of my succulents to larger containers and made the mistake of leaving them outdoors while the hubby and I were in Arkansas. Some critter ate the up.

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I bought the painting at an auction and the price was around $20. I got a deal on it. There is a woman in a red dress by the river and that is the thing that caught my eye. That pop of red.

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The JTs bought this mirror at an auction.

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The fancy metal chair is unique. I haven’t found another one like it.

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I don’t usually decorate much for Easter but I found these cute bunnies at guess where….right….T. J. Maxx. The metal tray is a $5 flea market find. I know you guys are thinking she sure is buying a bunch of new stuff for a thrifter.

I went on a few shopping trips to my favorite stores the past few weeks. The past few months have been filled with quarantines and taking care of loved ones. When I had some time to myself and the weather was a little better I just went crazy! It’s okay to buy new things every once in a while. I fell in love with those bunnies and just had to have them.

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I bought the red and white checked curtains at the shop where I have my booth. I love red. So I changed out the tea towel curtains with these.

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The metal mail board or message board sitting on the kitchen counter holds notes and appointment cards. The antique mini wash board is just there because I like it.

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I just happened to see this pretty shower curtain at a local store (new), don’t remember which one. The colors are so pretty and it had been a while since I changed out shower curtains so I bought the curtain. Now I need to change out a few things in the bathroom before I do a redecorating reveal. Most of the present decor works with the shower curtain but a few changes are always good.

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This is how Miss Sofi’s bed at our house looks most of the time. I pick her up from school and she usually plays outside but some days the weather is too bad so she sits on the bed and plays with friends or with her computer.

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And this is how her piece of furniture that doubles as a desk looks!

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In our master bedroom which we painted and redecorated in 2020. I’ve made a few decor changes and some of them work and some don’t. I found the two framed art pieces at the thrift store and hung them on the wall but not sure I’m loving the look.

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Let me tell you about this lamp shade. I bought it on the cheap at a flea market because I thought the colors would work in the bedroom….and they do. But I wanted to add a little punch to the shade. Can you see where I started painting the white leaves with gold glitter paint? Maybe I’ll get the whole shade done one of these days (or not).

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I changed out the little tray that holds jewelry and other stuff. I’ve had the acrylic tray for a while.

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The mirrored bottom was scratched up and missing some of the finish so I glued pretty wrapping paper to the bottom and the tray looks really cool now.

That’s about it for my show and tell today but I did want to give you an update on family stuff. The hubby (aka Ray, aka The Junktion Technical Specialist, aka the JTS) lost his only sibling a couple of weeks ago. His brother had a chronic illness that suddenly got worse. Ray went to Arkansas to help take care of his brother before he passed away. Please say some prayers for the JTS.

My Dad continues to improve after his 17 days in the hospital with the virus. He will be 91 in May! I still go to Arkansas ever couple of weeks and stay for 5-7 days to help take care of him. The JTS is going on most trips with me and doing things for his Dad who will be 92 next month. Hope all of you are staying healthy!

Decorating your home with thrifty finds from junk stores and flea markets

What did you guys think of my partial house tour and my junk decorations. Any favorites? Leave a note if you have time and thanks for spending part of your day with me, Kathy

Kathy Owen founder of Petticoat Junktion
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Author: Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen is the founder of the home decor blog Petticoat Junktion where she shares tutorials on painting furniture and upcycling thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines. Kathy’s newest website is HappyHomeDIY.com

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  1. Your thrift finds are so great, Kathy. I enjoyed them all.
    Nice tour of your home.

    Good to hear that both your fathers are well, but I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your husband’s brother.
    Will keep you both in my thoughts.

  2. You have great ideas for your thrift finds! I think painting the leaves on your lampshade adds a lot to it. I’m sending prayers for your husband (and you). I lost my husband of 40 years to cancer in January. It’s been a rough time. I’m happy spring is coming and I bet you are too!

  3. I have way too many favorites to mention them all. I DO like the blue wall art against the brown wall…looks great to me. I was surprised to see the size of the lobster shack in proportion to the other decorations; it looked so much bigger on your blog post.

    I think of the JTS often since his fall from the ladder last summer. Has his wrist healed completely? Gotta have good motion to do what he does in the shop. And I’m so sorry to hear about his brother passing, but so happy to hear that your father and his father are doing well. Yay!

    Great post, thanks for sharing your home and special treasures 🙂

  4. Thanks for the tour, Kathy. Prayers and hugs to you and your family. I too lost my only daughter two weeks ago. She passed suddenly at her home. She was 49.

  5. Hi Kathy, I like your red curtains in the kitchen the best. You have a unique way of decorating with your junk finds. Thermoses and old bed springs; I would never think of this but it works! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Your home is so inviting! Love the new decor on the mantel and the bed spring ideas are so fun!