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Custom Furniture Painting: Bedroom Furniture Makeover

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I occasionally do custom furniture painting and these pieces were painted for a young lady going off to college.

blue and white painted furniture Petticoat Junktion
chair and chest of drawers to paint (2)



             dreamy blue and white furniture restyle Petticoat Junktion


custom furniture painting





blue desk (2)



Aqua Blue Chest with White Wash Details

This is a custom piece for one of my clients.

This client purchased my blue and white Mademoiselle Desk and then had me paint a dreamy blue and white chest, nightstand and chair to match.


The client’s daughter needed a little more storage so I was asked to paint this piece to match the others.


I used a white wash to bring out the details on the chest doors.

white wash furniture details on a turquoise chest


Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Shanna Gilbert says:

    Gorgeous Kathy! Love the colors you chose!

  2. Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity 2 Life says:

    These are great Kathy. I’ve got a similar chair (actually 6 of them!) that I was going to paint black, but you’ve now got me rethinking my plan. Still will do black, but might do the floral part in white or ASCP greek blue.

  3. dymphna zaydon says:

    Love your work. Where do I find a tutorial to help me understand the steps you did to make such a transformation? I have a blue wash piece of furniture that I want to switch to white wash. How do I do it? I don’t know anything about painting furniture. Thanks, dymphna

  4. wow-what an improvement-love it.

  5. Rosemary@villabarnes says:

    What a beautiful job, Kathy. The chair is a great compliment. Try to stay cool. We've been having some pretty hot weather too.

  6. Beautiful Kathy – what a transformation!
    I've been painting in unbearable heat as well,
    fun, isn't it?

  7. You Never Know says:

    The owner loves it. Great job, Kathy!