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DIY Repurposed Window With Metal Sunflowers

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An old window is a great project piece. If the color is nice, the frame has nice details, or it has an interesting shape, you can hang a window on the wall as is. 

You can also line the backside with a vintage quilt piece, scrapbook paper, photos, or many other things. I decorated this window with metal sunflowers.


recycle or upcycle an old wood window 1

I bought the window at my favorite junk shop, and I don’t remember how much I paid for it. The windows usually run $4-$6. The color is a dark, dark green.

Because of the lighting in the workshop, it’s hard to tell the actual color from some of these photos.

flamingo planter with metal sunflowers

Do you remember the pink flamingo wood planter I remade a few weeks ago? The flamingo didn’t need those metal sunflowers. But I think this window does.

metal sunflower lawn yard garden art

I cut the metal flowers from the stand and saved them. I was going to take them to the shop and sell them but using them in a project is always a better idea.

hot glue project putting togther a recycled window and metal sunflower art

The flower stems were made of really thick metal, and I could not cut them with wire cutters. No problem. I just cut the flowers, leaves, and twirly stuff from the stems.

metal sunflower upcycled window art

This is what I had left to work with.

window clean up with wax

I cleaned the window and applied Howard’s Wax in Walnut. The wax protects the perfectly imperfect finish and gives the frame added patina.

applying hot glue to a metal sunflower to make window art

I used hot glue to attach the flowers and leaves to the window and frame. I adjusted the petals a bit, pushing them up toward the front center of the flower, so the back middle of the sunflower would lie flush with the window.

With the flower shaped like this, the hot glue would have more surface area to grip. The hardest part of the project was placing the flowers and leaves in a perfectly imperfect random way that would look nice.

I nailed a sawtooth hanger to the back of the window. When taking photos of the window after it was finished,

I turned the window various ways and decided it might look better if I turned it sideways. I plan to add another hanger so it can be hung either way

sunflower window upcycle recycle

The yellow sunflowers were a bit faded, and I almost touched them up. I’m so glad I didn’t. I like the washed-out-looking paint.

I set the sunflower window on my fireplace mantel to take photos. This piece will be going to my booth at the shop.

Repurpose Old Windows decorating them with junk finds

I have two more windows to decorate, and I’m looking for ideas. Do you have any for me? I found a project using wallpaper decoupaged to the window panes. I like that idea a lot.

You can check it out here…Retro Wallpaper Window at Fave Crafts. Fave Crafts is chock full of project ideas. It’s my new favorite DIY crafty website.

how to recycle an old window using what you have at home

I still have two metal flowers left over from the flamingo project. I don’t have a plan for them yet. But I will.

How to make a sunflower window using metal yard art and an old used window frame

Do you like sunflowers, and how do you like my sunflower window? Maybe you’ve decorated an old window?

Share your ideas and email me a photo! Leave a note and as always thanks for being here and have a great day, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. The window and flowers came out so cute. I really like it. I look forward to seeing your next projects.

  2. Sharon Girvin-Davison says:

    Great idea! I like the fade on the flowers, good that you didn’t paint them.

  3. Lurinda Tate says:

    I like this! If I had a fireplace I think it would be a great fireplace screen. I have a couple of old windows just waiting for that special project…but a lot of the glazing? has broken off during the wait. Any tips for securing the panes of glass?

  4. I am glad you didn’t repaint the sunflowers too. They have a kind of faded charm that feels really homely and the whole piece feels ‘homely’. I like it very much.