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Recycled Water Bottle Vases Created With Spray Paint And Ribbon

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To create these beautiful recycled water bottle vases, you need only a can of spray paint, ribbon, and plastic water bottles.

Don’t throw away plastic water bottles. You could drop them in the recycle bin, but that’s no fun. Instead, make vases. The vases are perfect for Spring table centerpieces, baby shower displays, wedding table decorations, or everyday decor. 

water bottles for upcycling into vases

I usually drink bottled water, and my hubby drinks water from the tap. Instead of bagging these up for recycling I decided to spray paint them. Spray paint is on my top 10 list of must-have DIY supplies.

recycle water bottles into decor

I removed the labels but not the part where the labels are glued to the bottle. See the little white pieces. This is just a quick, fun project, and I didn’t see any need to spend half the day removing glue from plastic bottles.

Tip….fill the bottles halfway up with water so they don’t tip over while spray painting them. They’re pretty lightweight when empty.

Valspar gloss yellow spray paint

I spray-painted over everything, and the paper didn’t show. But the black stamped-on date shows through the paint. It’s a good thing the date is small.

I don’t know how many coats of paint it would take to hide the date…..but I’m telling you….it would take a lot. The Valspar spray paint cost $1 at Habitat Restore, and it was a full can, too.

flowers in painted water bottles


I added artificial flower branches to the water bottle vases. The Spring flowers in my yard are looking a little puny right now. 

how to spray paint plastic water bottles 3

After trying different artificial flower stems, I decided on the branches with small multiple flowers. 

paint water bottles

After looking at the vases nicely lined up in a row, I decided I didn’t like how they looked, so I grabbed a roll of grosgrain ribbon.

wrap ribbon around painted water bottles

I circled the bottles with the ribbon, then did a little angled thing with them and finished it with a bow. You guys know I like to do the unexpected. Always group decor in odd numbers…..like 3.

DIY water bottle vases

Some people might think the vases are trashy, but hey, this is cheap decor. Why spend a bunch of money on something you may decorate with for only a few weeks?

trash to treasure water bottle vases

The thing is…the little flower vase display doesn’t look cheap! Ya’ll tell me…is this project trashy or classy? Be honest, but be nice.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Pamela Singleton says:

    This is very classy

  2. What a cute project! I love it so much that I decided to feature it at CoolDIYideas.com

  3. I think these would be great for a birthday party or BBQ. As a former art teacher, I have tried to find uses for just about anything that would be thrown out. Kids could also help paint them. Cans are also great for making impromptu vases. In fact, I had friends over for dinner and at the last minute decided I would use the tomato, sauce, and paste cans (labels intact) filled with flowers and herbs from my garden for the table. They looked great with our Italian meal and my guests thought it was cute. I say it’s art and just go with your whim!

  4. Kathy Owen says:

    You’re so right Clearissa. Thanks!

  5. Clearissa says:

    This just shows how a creative person can make something from nothing. Suppose someone is reading this blog that doesn’t have a lot of money? Well, the can add some color to their home for a dollar. I agree this is not a formal project, but it is a cute and creative project. Add some rock/marbles from the dollar store and these would look great on a patio or deck area and would not blow away and for a dollar, one could change the color at will.Love your creative thinking.

  6. Anuj Vohra says:

    Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.

    Leo Burnett

  7. Kathy Owen says:

    Hey Michele, Thanks for the tips and new ideas!

  8. Michele N says:

    Just an fyi, you can usually remove that black date with rubbing alcohol. They’re cute. I take 2L bottles, cut the top off, wrap in tissue or colored cello wrap, rubberband it & cover with rubberband with ribbon & fill with flowers to take out to the cemetery. I usually put a few rocks in the bottom to keep it from falling over. It works great because they’re unbreakable and safe with cement and metal tiles as markers all around the area.

  9. Way to go. You’ve coated perfectly recylable bottles with a toxic substance.

  10. I say neither trashy nor classy. They’re really cute! I love that bright yellow color especially paired with the framed citrus print…perfect!


  12. Kathy, neat idea! I could definitely see these at a kids birthday party or summer BBQ!! 😀

  13. Nicolee King says:

    Would be super cute for a picnic or deck/patio. One man’s trash, etc.

    Love your ideas!

  14. Kathy Owen says:

    I couldn’t have said it better Alicia. Thanks!

  15. Kathy Owen says:

    Linda, Thanks so much for having my back…these negative comments don’t bother me…really. And I did ask if they were trashy or classy!! Thanks for your comment!

  16. I think they are adorable. while they may not be everyone’s cup of tea that’s ok. But one thing I have learned as an adult is that just because someone doesn’t like something doesn’t mean I shouldn’t. If I like something, that’s enough for me! 🙂 These are so cheap to make that you can change them out as often as you like without being out a lot of money…so create what you like and if someone doesn’t like it….well, so what?! Let your creative juices flow….

  17. Kathy, I am new here but I find so many blogs have some pretty RUDE individuals that apparently didn’t learn any manners as children, women are the worst. I am sorry about that. Your creative juice were flowing and three cheer to you, they are adorable and if anybody had half a brain they would realize you wouldn’t use then on your table for a formal dinner party. GEESH, if ya can’t say something nice, STFU…… OOPS did Grammie just say that… You bet.

  18. kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor says:

    These are too cool, Kathy! Such a fun idea!

  19. Linda@Coastal Charm says:

    Great thrifty idea Kathy…love the color you went with.


  20. Linda @ Mixed Kreations says:

    I think there very pretty! Love the bright color, very cheerful. Your choice of flower branches go perfectly.

  21. Great idea for repurposing, but I can think of a lot of other ideas for the paint.

  22. chris aka monkey says:

    well iffen you had painted them pink the flamingo would have company lol actually they are cute..would be cute table setting for a outside event… bbq or party or even a wedding xx

  23. Kathy Owen says:


  24. Andrea Burke says:

    When I have a cupboard full of beautiful vases, why would I spend time decorating something that is reuseable and can be recycled?

  25. Kathy Owen says:

    I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Thanks for the comment Cheryl.

  26. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks Valarie!

  27. Way to think out of the box Kathy-that’s why you’re my fav!

  28. Don’t care for this one Kathy

  29. I think they are just too cute!