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Painting Farmhouse Style Decor For Spring

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When painting farmhouse or cottage style decor, off- white is my color of choice, especially when decorating my home for Spring.

Freshening items with paint isn’t time-intensive at all. I finished painting several items in less than two hours….and what a difference!

My Favorite Junk Shop Petticoat Junktion trip 74

I bought several frames and baskets at my favorite junk shop a few weeks ago. I got a lot of good stuff. The basket will be perfect for Spring flowers and I can paint the frames white and use them year-round. 

 I wanted to make a pretty farmhouse-style display, so painting all of the items white made sense. I love the farmhouse look, but most of my home decor is very colorful—greens, yellows, and oranges.

Maybe someday I will undertake a major decorating do-over. That would involve a lot of time, money, and energy, so maybe not.

dry brush a metal frame Petticoat Junktion

The metal frame contained a WWII or Korean War photo of an aviator. I still have the photo and I wish to thank Laura for the information on the Veterans project. I will try to contact them and send the photo to add to their archives.

I didn’t want to toss or stick the photo in a drawer. I get a little sad when I see old photos in a junk or antique shop…..those people are someone’s relatives.

I simply dry-brushed the picture frame. Dry brushing is the art of dipping your paintbrush into the paint, wiping almost all of the paint from the brush using a paper towel or something similar and then running the paintbrush over the details of the item you are painting.

paint a basket white Petticoat Junktion

I spent about 2 minutes dry-brushing the basket. Creating depth and character with just a bit of paint is easy.

dry brush an apple basket Petticoat Junktion

I painted the basket inside and out using Beyond Paint.

paint frames white Petticoat Junktion

All of these wood canvas stretchers came from the junk shop and I painted all of them off-white.

distress white paint Petticoat Junktion

Then, I distressed all of the frames by hand using 60-grit sandpaper. I couldn’t get the paint off using anything

white farmhouse decor

The paint was hard to remove because the frames were unfinished wood. I had to use fsixty grit, which is really coarse to distress the paint.

farmhouse decor Petticoat Junktion flower basket 2

The junky decorated birdhouse is an earlier project. I love that little birdhouse. I put a container of colorful impatiens in the basket.

dry brush white paint Petticoat Junktion flower basket and birdhouse

When Spring comes around, I’m always ready to lighten things up. I can incorporate these pieces into any room in my house.

paint farmhouse decor
paint farmhouse decor

Two years ago, I painted all the wood furniture in our living room white.

Farmhouse style painted home decor

How do you feel about farmhouse and cottage style decor? Do you have soft off-white or painted furniture or do you prefer wood finishes? Do you change decor with the seasons?

10 minute diy projects with spray paint and sand paper

Check out my Farmhouse Style Bench 

White Farmhouse Style Bench Petticoat Junktion diy home decor project

As always thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Wow amazing what little paint can do love your table fixed with your new painted items……yes I do seasonal decor and I would like to paint my master bedroom furniture this summer when it to hot to do much…..I lived with it 20+ years need a
    Change. I hope I am brave enough….lol..

  2. Geri Davis says:

    I love the farmhouse finishes on furniture, being in a rural town outside of Kansas City, I seem to have an easy time selling them as opposed to being in a a big city! Love the birdhouse decor for spring. Thank you for sharing your great ideas!

  3. Marlene Stephenson says:

    Thanks love these pieces and how to paint and use for spring.