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Blue Milk Paint Table With Stencil

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This project features pre-mixed milk paint. The blue milk paint table turned out great. I gave the top of the table a barnwood look and then added a stenciled design to the blue part of the table.

Blue Milk Paint Table With Stencil
Blue Milk Paint Table With Stencil

Folk Art Milk Paint and Painted Finishes Table

The room challenge was definitely a challenge. The 10 members of the Plaid Creators team live all over the country. We emailed back and forth and talked on Facebook about our individual projects trying to color coordinate, select themes, and more.

We also shipped everything to Plaid Headquarters in Atlanta. That meant I needed to select a piece of furniture that would ship well and also fit the style of the room.

table project before photo

This is the project table. It was the right style but the wrong color.

FolkArt Pre-Mixed Milk Paint

I painted the base of the table with FolkArt Milk Paint, color Inkwell.

painting with FolkArt Milk Paint

I applied two coats of the milk paint. The FolkArt Milk Paint brush is a must have. Makes the job so easy. Cleans up well too.

FolkArt Milk Paint color Inkwell

One of my favorite things about the milk paint, besides the fact that it’s pre-mixed,  is the flat finish. I decided not to wax or oil the milk paint. The base of the table isn’t going to have stuff sitting on it like the top will. I think it’s fine without a sealer.

FolkArt Painted Finishes Barnwood Effect and Barnwood Wax Project by Petticoat Junktion

FolkArt Painted Finishes Barnwood Effect Tint and Wax


FolkArt Painted Finishes Barnwood Tint

I painted the top of the table with FolkArt Barnwood Tint.

FolkArt Bohemian Stencils and Painted Finishes Barnwood Tint and Wax

To get the rustic weathered barnwood look I applied the Barnwood Wax. The table top was perfect but the base of the table was begging for something else. I pulled out the FolkArt Bohemian Stencil pack and selected this stencil to add to the side.

Stencil project using FolkArt Milk Paint in Milky White and Monument Gray

I also did the stenciling with the FolkArt Milk Paint. Did you know you can stencil with milk paint? You can. I mixed two colors together for the stencil design……Milk White and Monument Gray.

Bohemian stenciled table project FolkArt Milk Paint in Inkwell

I just stenciled a bit of the design on  two sides of the table. The two-tone finish was perfect and I didn’t want to over do it with the stenciling.

FolkArt Bohemian Stencil

Remember not to make your stenciling look all perfect and everything. Then it looks manufactured and store bought.

Bohemian stencil

The Inkwell color is so pretty and the barnwood finish on the top is perfection. Patting myself on the back. You guys know I do that a lot. I’m smiling too.

Do you want a peek at the table in the room reveal?

Room Reveal With Petticoat Junktion FolkArt Milk Paint Table

Room Reveal From Plaid & The Plaid Creators Team

Photo shoot at Erins house for Plaid Room Reveal

Erin from the Erin Spain blog, our Plaid Creator who lives in Atlanta, offered a room in her home to display the room challenge projects for the room reveal. That’s Erin in the middle and Deanna our awesome Plaid Social Media Coordinator. The guy on the left is the photographer.


Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.


  1. The simplicity of these designs is intriguing!! Id like to start playing with a simplistic color scheme in my home; thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Shirley Wood says:

    Everything looks really nice. We’re so glad you party with us at Merry Monday. We always look forward to your projects.

  3. Love, love, love that stencil!

  4. Linda Kaplan says:

    cant say enough

  5. Karen Ploransky says:

    Love that adorable table ! and their paints!

  6. K=Love the look of the stencil on the table.

  7. Shann Standifer says:

    Love the stencil!

  8. Julie Shearer says:

    Lovely table transformation!!! So pretty.
    Thanks for sharing.

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