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How To Add Pizazz To A Flea Market Find

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DIY Wood Blanket Chest

The DIY wood blanket chest I found at the Nashville Flea Market got a set wheels. It wasn’t a blanket chest when I found it…but now it is.

DIY Wood Blanket Chest Petticoat Junktion

DIY Wood Blanket Chest

If I could add castors (wheels) to every piece of furniture and appliance I own, I would. They make life so much easier.

found at the Nashville Flea Market Petticoat Junktion

This is how the trunk  looked when I spotted it at the Nashville Flea Market. Not very pretty but I could see potential. It was originally used as a carpenters box. The inside was a bit of a mess but could be cleaned up easily enough. The price was right and I bought it.


Once I got it home I cleaned it up with Simple Green then used Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil to bring the wood and chippy paint back to life. Turns out the paint is a very, very, pale seafoam green color. Hemp Oil not only revives wood finishes it revives paint. You should see the antique mantel and antique painted trim I spruced up with the Hemp Oil here.

Elmer's Probond Advanced to adhere casters to the trunk Petticoat Junktion project


Next step in the process was adding the castors. I used Elmer’s Probond Advanced to adhere the castors to the bottom of the chest. I was going to screw the casters on but didn’t have the right size screws. That’s ok because the castors stayed on just fine during the move for the photo shoot 24 hrs. later. I will be getting those screws just to be on the safe side.

adding casters to the bottom of a trunk Petticoat Junktion

The trunk was all cleaned up and ready to roll but it was just soooooo plain! It needed something.

add pizazz to a flea market trunk Petticoat Junktion

I searched my junk stash for the perfect piece and came up with this. I know it’s on upside down but it looked better that way…..trust me on this. The piece is made out of plastic, not iron. It looks like iron. It was one of my many thrifty finds.

I drilled starter holes for the screws then went to town. I think the fake plastic detail works! I could have added a wood appliqué, real iron scroll work, stenciled words, etc…..anything to jazz the chest up a bit.

chippy flea market trunk Petticoat Junktion

I’m thinking of keeping it for myself. I admit to being a sucker for trunks, or chests, or whatever you want to call them. Trunks are great for storage and a stack of them looks really nice against a wall. This one would make a great blanket chest.

In fact I did keep the trunk for myself and used it in our spare bedroom to store quilts and blankets.

Update June 2015…

I decided it was time for the blanket chest to move on. It’s just one of the many casualties of my “project purge”. I can’t keep everything I work on….but I try.

add a second paint color to the mix Petticoat Junktion

The chest still seemed a little plain to me. Before taking it to the shop to sell I decided to paint the top. I painted the top a dark brown to match the fake iron detail. Then I distressed the brown so the minty green would show through.

two tone painted trunk Petticoat Junktion

I’m likin’ it. What do you guys think? Better with the brown or without.

add another paint color to the mix Petticoat Junktion

Sofi photo bombed this pic. I was taking photos under the carport and she was riding her tricycle. The girls are staying with us the week because their daycare is closed for the 4th……all week!

That’s it for me. I’m sharing Nashville Flea Market photos tomorrow. They are also coming to fix our internet. Keep your fingers crossed.

I start back to Austin Peay State University for the Fall semester today. Good thing I finished 3 projects over the weekend and started a fourth. Coming up this week are pics from the Nashville Flea Market, a decoupage project, and who knows what else!

Thanks for being here and have a great day, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. the trunk looks really really good. I love the added detail, it brings that extra pop to it and also added the wheels is a great idea as well.

  2. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to a frufru!! It looks great. I love the wheel too. What a clever way to jazz up a wood box.

  3. I love this; great job! I have a trunk obsession myself so I know where you’re coming from. 🙂

    I haven’t seen anything quite like this before. Pinning!

  4. I have a trunk just like that one in my garage and would give to you if you were here in Oregon!! I am going to be moving and getting rid of stuff.

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    I’m thinking fabric too JaneEllen. I’m taking Web Development and Design and Database Admin….two majors. Don’t know if I will ever finish it….too hard for an old lady like me!

  6. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks, you can put casters on yourself…don’t need hubby for that!

  7. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks, I really love it 🙂

  8. Kathy Owen says:

    yes you do!

  9. This piece is awesome and looks great!!

  10. Luv this creation. I want to try putting casters on something….hubby not interested in redo’s so I am on my own. Will try leaving something like this in a natural state and using the wood enhancer. Great job!

  11. stephanie says:

    Super cute!! I so need to go to the Nashville Flea Market!!!

  12. JaneEllen says:

    I’m glad you said you were still going to put screws in to hold casters on. The glue might stay there but here it’s so dry glue tends to dry out terribly. Love your trunk, I’d want to keep it also. You might line inside with fabric or thin boards. I’d go for fabric/light batting if you’re using it to store blankets.
    What kind of classes are you taking? Are you working on a degree? I’d love to take classes but we just can’t afford gas for me to back and forth to Grand Junction. Enjoy your classes. Happy week

  13. I love trunks, crates, etc. Thanks for giving me an idea. At a pick a couple of weeks ago, I got a slant top box, pretty large, wasn’t sure what to do with it. Now I think I will add wheels and put it on my landing, where I have a bare spot and use it for blankets!!!!!

  14. Laura Strack says:

    It IS a keeper! Fabulous find.

  15. chris aka monkey says:

    i don’t blame you for wanting to keep this trunks are the bomb for storage and good looking too this one is perfect xx

  16. perfect