How To Decorate With Vintage Door Knobs
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I bet you have a bunch of old junk! No need to be embarrassed. If you’re an older person and have lived in the same house or apartment forever, you have built up a supply of junk. It just seems to happen. There is no need for that old stuff to sit in a drawer or hang out in the closet.
Go through your drawers (lol) and I bet one of those pieces will speak to you. Pull it out and find a use for it.
I bought the vintage toaster at an auction for $3. I know the other folks at the auction were wondering what in the world I was going to do with it. Well, I had no idea. I just knew I liked it.
Once I got it home I sat it on a shelf and noticed my junk stash of old door knobs. Some of the knobs are from our house and some I collected at the junk store.
I oiled the knobs and the toaster with Hemp Oil then shined them up.
I added simple artificial flower stems and created this display.
The toaster works perfectly as a display for the chippy door knobs.
Who knew door knobs could double as flower “vases”.
The toaster is rusty in spots…but now it’s clean rust…and the rust just adds character.
Well, how do you like the project??…and what about the photos???
See what you can do with an old chandelier here…. Junky Chandelier In The House
The project I have for you today is very simple. I’m calling it a recipe or photo holder but I can see it being used for a number of things. This isn’t a new idea. I’ve seen photos of similar projects all over the internet and also in magazines. Some of them are fancied up with a little bling. I didn’t pull out my bling yesterday so this one is just rustic…..and cool.
Supplies: thick wire (mine came from a yard sale), vintage door knob with rod, wire cutters, needle nose pliers, and wax of some kind.
Since the door knob I used was all rusty and so was the wire, I waxed them. The wax keeps the rust from rubbing off on your hands and other things. It also adds a nice patina to the rust. To make the wire holder cut a length of wire, thread it through the bottom hole and twist it around the rod with the needle nose pliers. Make sure it’s good and tight.
Stick the rod back in the knob and you’re done! Unless you look at it and think it is a little one dimensional. Mine didn’t look right so I cut more wire and did a little more twisting and…..
…ta dah!
Nice vintage door knob diy photo recipe holder .
I’m off to class.
Have a great day!
Your little vintage toaster and doorknob vignette is just as precious and creative as can be! What a great idea, I’ve got a couple of old doorknobs like that in one of my junk bins around here. I’m going to dig them out and copy your great idea!
You can tell the difference, great idea on door knobs.
I never would have thought to use them that way! I have seen people use them as drawer pulls, hangers for coats or hats, toppers on birdhouses, but never as a vase!
Picture quality is the BEST and I know nothing about
photography. I can tell a difference in these and your past pictures. Great work.
You have such great ideas! How cute this is and the pictures are so crisp & clear.
I love the way you think outside of the box Kathy. Who would’ve thought to use door knobs for mini vases – brilliant!
they display is eye candy and the pics are awesome xx
Cute idea!
This is so cute, what a great idea! Love the photos!