Make A One-Of-a-Kind Wood Drawer Pull Christmas Tree Sign
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This is one of those projects that was a complete do-over. I had this plan for a wood drawer pull Christmas tree kind of like my hardware Christmas trees from past years. The wood tree took a lot of work including decoupage, hot glue, searching for the right parts, and lots of time. Well, the first plan was a bust but I didn’t realize it until I finished the project and took a bunch of nice photos. I took the tree apart and made another one. I know which one I like the best and I would love for you to tell me which is your favorite please.
The wood Christmas tree with the plaid background was the first attempt at the upcycled project. I found the plaid Christmas paper in my stash of stuff and thought it would be the perfect background for the wood drawer pulls Christmas tree. I decoupaged it onto an unfinished wood sign from Plaid Crafts then I hot glued the drawer pulls to the sign, then added the poinsettia bloom because the sign seemed to need something else.
I wasn’t totally happy with the finished project but I thought it looked pretty good. I took several photos of the tree then a couple of days later I looked at the piece again and looked at the photos and said “No”. It was just too busy with the plaid and all of the wood pieces and the unfinished wood showing between the slats where they were put together was the first thing that caught my eye. I should have at least painted the sign red before decoupaging it.
Let’s go back to the beginning of the project. I went through my wood drawer pull stash mixing and matching pieces together. The look above is what I came up with for the first tree. I made a few changes in the second tree project.
The stained finish on the pulls was dull and rubbed off in places. I revived them with Howard’s Feed-n-Wax. I just love this stuff. I used a small paint brush to refresh the detailed areas of the pulls. The brush is much easier to use than a rag on pieces like these.
The before and after is amazing. No the wax does not work like a stain to stain the damaged areas but it revives what is there!
For the second tree project I decided the background for the tree would be turquoise. The paints I had were a bit darker than I liked so I mixed a bit of white acrylic paint with some turquoise FolkArt Home Decor Textured Chalk. I don’t think they make this paint anymore but I love the regular FolkArt Home Decor Chalk.
Next I painted a board from Chalk Couture with the turquoise custom mix. Out of all the wood I have in my stash, new and reclaimed, it was the only piece of wood I had that was a good size for the tree.
I grabbed the plaid tree project and ripped the wood pulls from the board. I attached them with hot glue and it really sticks. Needed a little help from my screwdriver. I rearranged the drawer pulls for the second tree and attached them to the board using more hot glue. The hanger is gold cord ribbon hot glued and stapled to the back of the wood board.
I replaced one pull with a different pull and then I took off the spindle piece on the top and just put the faux poinsettia bloom at the top, kind of like a star. The all wood tree on a wood board needed something to soften the look. More texture is always better.
The round wood rounded piece at the very top where the poinsettia bloom is sitting was a piece I found in a bag of wood I think the JTS bought at auction. I’m not really sure where it came from.
I’m so tickled with the way the second tree looks. What about you guys? Which tree do you like the best…..first project, the plaid tree, or the second project, the turquoise tree? Leave a note if you have time and have a Happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for you always being here to follow my crazy adventures, Kathy
(find the Howard’s Feed n Wax on the Petticoat Junktion Amazon Page here)
Thank you Stormee
white wash sounds perfect. Thanks Naomi!
Thank you!
Thank you Evelyn, I guess everyone liked the Plaid tree and now I’ve taken it apart. That’s the way it goes!
I personally love the plaid background tree!! I didn’t even notice the blank slats because it was hung up against a white background. The spacing between the slats gives the whole piece added character. I love the pointed filial at the top and just think the whole idea it is very creative and beautiful. You really have demonstrated a creative eye & talent in your efforts with this repurposed but very beautiful decoration! Great job!!!
I just love that you see these things in piles or bags of junk! You are a genius! I like both your ideas; for my decor I think I’d use the solid board painted a brick red … to match my Southwest decor! Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season from New Mexico!
Hmmn…I do think the first tree was too busy but I think the second is almost too plain. I am not so find of the blue background; I would like to see more green or a little red in the project. But, I have to say, that is a really creative way to use those wooden pieces. I think I would like them better with a bit of a white-wash on them. though, just to lighten up the look of the tree. What do I know? There are so many ways you could do it, but the idea to make a tree is really unique. I think you did great just to come up with it!
I like the plaid background tree the best. I do agree that it would look better with the wood painted red, but it’s still my favorite.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thanks for the comment Mother Deer. All comments are always appreciated as long as they are presented nicely, and your was. I too liked the finial topper but I liked the poinsettia piece too and I thought it softened all that hard wood. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Kathy
Mine probably won’t be the favorite comment, but you asked 🙂 Although the plaid pattern is perhaps too busy to showcase the tree, I prefer the original tree with the finial. The pointy top really makes a great Christmas tree shape. Both versions are very creative. If it was for my house, I’d leave off the poinsettia. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mr. Junktion.
Cute and unique