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Easy And Tasty Box Mix Banana Cake With Sour Cream And Cool Whip Icing

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Do you guys like Banana Cake? I’m talking banana cake with real bananas on the cake—none of that fake cake mix banana flavor. And the icing, uh-la-la, is made with sour cream, sugar, and whipped topping. My Dad loves this banana cake, and I make it for him on every trip I take to Arkansas, which is monthly. He’s a little spoiled. The recipe is my grandmother’s, and I am sharing it with you today.

Grandma’s Banana Cake Recipe from the Owen Family Cookbook -Alzheimers Story Part IX

Several years ago, some of the Owen women got together and made an Owen Family Cookbook. My mom must have called me 10 times trying to get me to send some of my favorite recipes to add to the cookbook. But you know how it is. I was too busy. I wish I would have taken the time to send the recipes to my mom.

best fresh banana cake recipe with cool whip frosting or icing
best fresh banana cake recipe with cool whip frosting or icing

The photo on the front of the cookbook is of my great-grandparents (my dad’s grandparents). The name “Well My Goodness…”  is in honor of my great-grandmother, who always greeted visitors with those words….and a hug.


I set my alarm to get up at 6:30 a.m. at my parent’s house. My Dad usually gets up long before then. You get up early when you’re raised on a farm, and it sticks with you. I cook breakfast for Dad, Mom, and anyone else who comes along. I do more cooking, washing dishes, and house cleaning at my parents in one week than in a month at my house. 

US and Arkansas Flags

Now for the Banana Cake Recipe. I’m posting it here, but you can also download a copy.

Banana Cake
1 Yellow Cake Mix
Mix cake according to package directions and bake in three 9” cake pans
5-6 Ripe Bananas (layer between cake layer and frosting)Frosting
8 oz. Sour Cream
1 cup Granulated Sugar
8 oz. Whipped Topping (1/2 of a large Cool Whip container, a little extra is always better too)Stir together sour cream and sugar first. When mixed well, add the Cool Whip or whipped topping. The sugar will not
dissolve if added to the Cool Whip first.
Slice bananas crossways ¼” thick and cover the first layer. It takes about 1 ½ – 2 bananas per layer.
Spread frosting over the bananas. Repeat with the remaining layers, then frost the sides with the remaining
frosting. Store the cake in the refrigerator.
My grandmother always said, “Anyone can make this cake.”
Recipe from Dora Owen (my grandmother)
Recipe found at PetticoatJunktion.comPrint or download the recipe here…..Homemade Banana Cake With Cool Whip Icing
how to make a banana cake with sliced bananas
how to make a banana cake with sliced bananas

Make sure the three layers of cake are cooled, then start with one layer of the cake and cover it with sliced bananas and then a layer of the yummy sour cream and whipped cream icing. 

banana cake with layers of bananas and whipped cream icing

This icing is the best because it is not sickeningly sweet! 

three layer banana cake with sliced bananas and sour cream and whipped topping frosting

The cake is so good, and it’s best if the bananas are ripe but not overly ripe then, if the cake sits for a day or two before the family devours it the bananas are not overripe. In fact, the cake may taste better when it sits over night. 

Dad and Stacey
My sweet Dad and not-so-sweet sister (kidding)

Mom’s Alzheimer’s is progressing. We feed her most of her meals and do more things for her now. She still sleeps most of the day in her recliner in the living room.

Mom will sometimes answer yes or no to a question but other than that; she doesn’t say very much. She will smile at us sometimes, so I know she understands what we’re saying. I decorated the Christmas tree when I was there earlier this month. When Dad asked Mom if it was a pretty tree, she said, “It’s the prettiest one I’ve ever seen”. That was a long sentence for her; it made my day or maybe my year and also made me cry. It sure got my heart.

The photo of my Dad and sister (Stacey) was taken on my trip in early November. We were visiting my sister at her new house. Stacey is going to kill me if she sees this photo. Do you like Banana Cake? If you make the recipe be sure and tell me about it.

To read my Mom’s Alzheimer’s story and Arkansas stories start here…….Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone | Getting Personal (Nov. 2014) or read the newest post here….Arkansas Snowstorm.

This post first appeared on Petticoat Junktion in December of 2016. Since then my Mom passed away from Covid and my Dad just celebrated his 93rd birthday.

You guys have a great day! Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Do you put anything on the bananas to keep them from turning bad?

  2. I love the cookbook! My Dad was a great cook. We did the same for his recipes. He passed unexpectedly last year. I love the simplicity of the banana bread recipe! Even I might be able to make it:)! And thank you for sharing your stories. Sending love and hugs to you all. Mimi

  3. Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air says:

    Hi Kathy, thanks for sharing such a wonderful family recipe, I cant wait to make it especially the frosting. Your sister wont be mad…that is a wonderful picture of her and your dad . I know how you feel about your mom, all you can do is take each day at a time and make her happy when possible such as you have. I was also in a very similar situation. You are lucky to have a sibling because I am an only child and that is very hard, especially because I have lost them both in the last few years. And for your dad …keep spoiling him he deserves it as well. Happy and blessed holidays to you and your family Lisa@ Sweet Tea N’ Salty Air

  4. Kathy Owen says:

    Sorry about your dad Effie. Let me know if you try the recipe. Merry Christmas!

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    Oh Nancy, I know how that hurts. I hope your holiday is happy. Merry Christmas.

  6. Kathy Owen says:

    Dee, Thank you for the comment. Twelve years is a long time. It was probably eight years ago or so that we first thought Mom was having a few issues but I don’t think it was until about 5 years ago that we knew she had definite problems. She never admitted to having problems. She would just say everyone has problems sometimes when they get her age. Then it was about three years ago that things got serious. You are not alone. Please take care of yourself.

  7. Thank you for sharing your recipe, and thanks more for sharing your journey with your Mom and Alzheimer’s. My Mom is in the advanced stages of the disease. You would think I would have adjusted my expectations and feelings since its been a twelve year journey so far. It helps to hear from you and others going through the same thing. It helps to see I am far from alone. God bless you.

  8. Patty Soriano says:

    Can’t wait to try this recipe. Looks pretty easy. Thank you very much for sharing it. I’m sorry about your mom. My mom was not diagnosed with any dementia, but she didn’t know me at the end of her life. That was hard enough for a short amount of time, but I imagine it must be very difficult to go years realizing a parent doesn’t know you.

  9. I bet my family would like that cake because their favorite dessert is banana pudding. Tell your sister that is a cute picture of her. I love seeing pictures of the family members of bloggers. I know how hard it is to see your mom like this. I have watched by mom fade away, mind and body for about 15 years. She has no idea who I am. Merry Christmas!

  10. EFFIE CARROLL says:

    Thanks for sharing. Went thru this with my dad. Have a Merry Christmas. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. thank you for sharing your story and recipe. Those family recipes are the best.
    Merry Christmas to all.

  12. Can’t wait to try your grandmothers “bannana cake”. Thanks for the recipe, and have a Merry Christmas ….