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Make A Love Sign With Recycled Buttons And Keys

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Make A Fun Valentine Sign

This is the last one….maybe. Another love sign for you. Are you guys ready for Valentines Day? I haven’t bought a single card yet.

I did go to yoga class yesterday…for the first time in a couple of years…I know…..bad. Trying to get back on the healthy track.

Enough about me….

Make A Love Sign With Recycled Buttons And Keys

No, I still haven’t got the workshop completely organized(thanks for asking Chris). It’s a work in progress. After I got out my junk treasures I didn’t put them back. They’re all over the place. That’s why I keep throwing signs together!

junk finds love sign petticoat junktion

I like the buttons on this one. I adhered everything to the reclaimed wood board using hot glue. My favorite!

love sign from salvaged finds

They say the third time is a charm…so I think this is my last love sign for a while. Do you remember the other two?

The first one is Love on a red background and the second is a really junky sign that I just love. So I’m keeping that one!

And if you want to get a little crazy grab the black electrical tape and create your own special love note.

Leave me a little note below. I love hearing from you. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Paula@SweetPea says:

    I have been meaning to go back to yoga but haven’t done it in several years. When I did it regularly, I felt so, so good.

  2. Your signs are great. Can be used all year around too. CONNIE @ http//:bradshawshouse(dot)blogspot(dot)com

  3. It is amazing how you always have an interesting post.. one by one I’ve been ‘unsuscribing’ from other useless blogs.. Thanks for always giving ideas and helping us to recycle and make beautifull things!!

  4. Beautiful, I love this!!

    xo, Tanya

  5. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    Totally cute…as always!! 🙂


  6. chris aka monkey says:

    i love buttons this is cute xx i know you know i am just picking on ya cuz i love ya xx