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The Junktion Technical Specialist Can Do It All

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Repairing furniture is one of the things the JTS does best. He helps me with my furniture projects and never complains.

Ray at Hoover Dam

Today is going to be all about the JTS. When mentioning my hubby in a blog post I refer to him as the” Junktion Technical Specialist” or “The JTS” for short. Sometimes I will explain in the post what JTS stands for but most times I don’t. I had a good laugh when reading the comment from Lani yesterday on the Funky Cabinet Door Table Top post.

She thought JTS stood for “just the sweetest”. The hubby got a kick out of that too. I admit to referring to him as “just the sweetest” several times yesterday……just for kicks. He is a sweet man and I give him a hard time. I should be nicer to him because he sure is good to me.

ray working on table

He is always putting things together for me when I come up with crazy furniture ideas.


And he certainly makes a lot repairs on my furniture finds like replacing missing magnet stripes on cabinet doors.

Repairing Furniture With The Junktion Technical Specialist

Here’s a photo of him with my other little helper, the oldest granddaughter. This photo was taken a few years ago. You can’t beat a photo of a Papaw with his granddaughter.


He also takes me on fun trips. This photo was taken in Kodiak, Alaska when we went to visit our daughter and her family.

family in florida

He also likes spending time with his kids and grandkids. This photo was taken in Florida about 3 or 4 years ago. Everyone was there except my son-in-law who is in the Coast Guard. Our oldest grandson…the cute kid on the right….just turned 18 last month and graduated from high school too. Neither the JTS or I feel like we should be old enough to have an 18 year old grandchild.

Sofi and Papaw Jan 2016

The JTS is also known as Papaw. Sofi is the youngest grandchild and her and Papaw are big buddies. This photo gets me every time.

Just the sweetest Junktion Technical Specialist

The JTS raking leaves and cleaning the deck at my parents house back in November. He just does that stuff. No one has to ask him.

Power washing little tykes playhouse

Here he is washing off Sofi’s Little Tykes House. This was in October. I’m in the process of painting the house but the cold weather halted my progress.

screen repairs

He’s always working around the house. Sometimes I take photos of the projects to share with you guys and then don’t get around to sharing them. In this photo he’s repairing our window screens where those darn birds peck at them and make little holes. Did you guys know they have screen repair kits? I didn’t.

screen repairs using heat gun

He used a heat gun to adhere the strips and cover the holes. No it’s not a perfect fix  but it’s better than having a hole in the screen.

How to Paint Shutters, Petticoat Junktion

He painted the house shutters over 3 years ago and they still look great.

Ray cooking

The JTS cooks, does laundry, vacuums, etc., etc.. He’s going to kill me when he sees this post (insert smiley face). He used to not read any of my blog posts but has been reading them for the past year or so. Hi Honey!!

sofi and papaw Just The Sweetest

I’ll leave you with a photo of Papaw getting Sofi a snack. This was Halloween night and Miss Sofi was a little on the tired side. Hence the look on her face.

Some bloggers call their husbands or significant others Mr. _______  insert name of website. I chose not to call the hubby Mr. Petticoat Junktion….just didn’t have the right feel……maybe from now on I’ll call him “Just The Sweetest”. Till tomorrow. Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:

    Oh Kim, You are not alone. Sometimes I concentrate on things that make me want to thump the JTS!

  2. What a sweet post about your husband. Sometimes I focus on the things that my husband does that makes me want to thump him and forget to give him the credit for the things he does for me. I think it’s wonderful that you devoted a post to JTS.

  3. Kathy Owen says:

    We are lucky girls!

  4. Marie, The Interior Frugalista says:

    That’s too funny Kathy. I’m sure he loved being referred to as Just The Sweetest. The photo of Papaw and Miss Sofi on the couch speaks volumes – just adorable! JTS and Mr. Frugalista sound like two peas in pod – we are lucky gals!

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    Linda, Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope your hubby’s treatments go well. You sound super excited about your craft room. I’m excited for you! Praying for you and your husband.

  6. thanks for sharing and i would save you are one blessed wife.

  7. you are so blessed. I miss my hubby.

  8. Linda McClellan says:

    I love your pictures and your husband is a real sweetie for helping you out with so much. Right now things are rough around my house but I still love seeing all the DIY things. My sweetie found out about 4 months ago that he has throat cancer and after 2 surgeries to remove his tonsils and then one to remove all the lymph nodes on one side of his neck he’s going through 7 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. Luckily the chemo is a low dose and only one a week for the 7 weeks of radiation. It’s hard on both of us, he’s really not himself at all with all the side effects he has and is so tired he sleeps most of the day after we get home. I have a craft room though that we started before he found out, well actually it was a temporary room for 3 of my grandsons while my daughter stayed with us for 3 months and my granddaughter slept with her Mom in the guest room on my pride and joy antique day bed trundle bed. So I’m going to stain the craft room (now that it’s mine) and a friend of ours is going to spray it for us and then spray the sealer that will make it glossy too. I have so many ideas for storing all my craft supplies and I can’t wait till I get them done and when my hubby gets well and our lives get back to normal. We have so many people praying for him at our church and several other churches of our friends. It likes it really lovely where you live. and I’m a native of where I live in San Antonio, Texas and I love it here except it has grown way to much for my likes. Can’t wait to hear more from you and what JTS is up too. God bless!

  9. Wonderful post.
    So refreshing to witness such a terrific couple.
    Pic of JTS and Sofi on sofa is priceless. I wonder if she got him to understand what she was telling him.

    I think I will share this post with my husband and pray he takes note…

  10. Kathy Owen says:

    Ah Nana, that is so sweet. Yep, grandkids are the best. They really get to your heart. Our oldest granddaughter is closer to me but Sofi and Papaw are best friends forever. I love seeing them together. I know you have fun keeping your grandkids. I’m not sure I’m up to a gig that big! Thanks for sharing with me.

  11. OMG!!! grandkids are the best, i have 4 grandsons and one precious granddaughter who is 3 and the light of my life, i love my grandsons and never wanted a granddaughter, she came along last. I was having so much fun with the boys i thought a girl would mess it up, but her and i are joined at the hip and i when we are not together i miss her, she does call and tells everyone to leave her alone cause she on the phone. Your pics are so precious, thank you for sharing.
    I have the pleasure of taking care of my granddaughter and her 2 brothers, so much fun

  12. Kathy Owen says:

    She’s our little doll. Although she is a little on the bossy side!

  13. Sherry Fram says:

    Love the photos! Miss Sofi is a cutie pie!

  14. Cindy Bailey says:

    First of all let me say, thank you. For sharing all your tips and stuff as well as this lovely story. My dream is to meet a man like yours – as my husband died in 2008, so cherish your time. (although we did have 27 wonderful years). But that picture of your granddaughter and JTS – that is so adorable it made me smile!
    Again, thanks for sharing, enjoy this wonderful ride of life.

  15. Michelle Ross says:

    JTS. . . Glad you defined that because I had no clue what it meant LOL “Just the Sweetest” is perfect. . . I might have to incorporate that . . . I don’t think mine likes being referred to as Mr. Rusty Junker hehe and he has definitely saved me more than once. . . as in last Friday when my whiskey barrels that were to be rented for the weekend started to literally fall apart since they had been inside in dry elements. He spent almost 2 hours helping me rebuild one of them and reinforcing them both for the weekend and for future events!

  16. Sounds like the JTS is a lot like my husband. My “jts” isn’t as handy with tools, but he’ll do most anything I ask him to (drilling holes, cutting wood, etc. He also cooks, does laundry, and WASHES DISHES!!!

  17. Dixie Lee says:

    A good husband is the best thing in the world and looks like you (and I!) hit the jackpot.

    You could add a note explaining “JTS” to your welcome widget!