Home » My Favorite Junk Shop » Junk Find: Vintage Metal Lawn Chair With A Lot Of Patina

Junk Find: Vintage Metal Lawn Chair With A Lot Of Patina

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I found so many cool items at the junk shop Saturday. The majority are going to my booth but a few things like the vintage metal lawn chair are staying with me.

I finally made it to my favorite junk shop over the weekend. I was sick for a few weeks (story at the bottom of post) and when I got to feeling better I went to Arkansas to visit my parents. You might have noticed a lack of new posts here on the old blog but things are getting back to normal.

my favorite junk shop in Kentucky

Here is that green chair I was telling you about. It’s perfectly rusty and the green is one of my favorite colors. The price was $15.

Vintage Metal Outdoor Chair With Lots Of Patina

Here it is after we got it home and there was one problem that needed to be fixed right away.

repalcement bolts

The bolts that hold the seat to the leg on one side were missing. The JTS fixed it up for me and all I have to do is paint them so they don’t stand out like a sore thumb. I’ll clean the chair then apply several coats of wax (find my favorite here) to shine up that cool patina. I see it on my front porch in a few weeks.

metal plant stand

Next I bought the metal plant stand or whatever stand. It was $10. I loved the color and the rustiness.

rusty and green patina

Isn’t the piece perfectly aged! 

vintage handmade quilt

This handmade quilt caught my eye and I had to have it. I love my quilt collection. This one was all stained up but the Butler sisters assured me that the stain would probably come out if I soaked it in hydrogen peroxide. I never thought of using hydrogen peroxide. I hope it works.

floral pattern vintage handmade quilt

The colors of the quilt are so pretty and look at that handiwork. It’s awesome.

handmade vintage quilt

I haven’t seen this quilt design before and the florals are calling my name.

black wood box from the junk shop

I bought the black box for $5 and it is going to my booth to sell.

metal adjustable counter stool

The metal adjustable stool was a great find. It was $5 too. Can’t beat that. These adjustable swivel stools are hard to find.

wrought iron heart railing

The wrought iron heart railing was $10 and it’s going to the booth also.

reclaimed wood with chippy white paint

Reclaimed wood is a big deal these days and I bought 5 of these 6 foot long painted boards with chippy white paint for $2 each. A steal.

chippy white paint

A close-up of that chipped and crackled white paint.

yellow vinyl covered wire rack

The vinyl covered wire rack/tray was definitely calling my name at $2. I’m keeping it at least for a while. Any DIY ideas for me?

black wicker frame

You can see I’ve already priced the wicker frame for sell. It’s pretty big and would make a great chalkboard.

oak wood header

The oak door header was $5. It went to the booth.

Mr. Raymond Butler and his sister Suzette loading items at my favorite junk shop in Kentucky

Mr. Butler and his sister Suzette loaded the truck for me.

bringing home a truck full of junk

I made a pretty good haul.

recalimed windows at the junk shop

A few more photos from the junk shop while I tell you a bit about what’s been going on with me.

I’ve been dealing with a bit of depression on and off for a few years. I don’t like to talk to people (therapists) about my issues and I don’t like to take prescription drugs. I finally made the decision to go on an anti-depressant 2-3 months ago. I was also treated for a minor non-serious infection with antibiotics about 6 weeks ago.

more reclaimed windows

I started feeling not good, really tired, and sleeping all of the time. To make a long story short. I had a whole battery of blood tests and repeated blood tests and the consensus was that I had Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI).

We don’t know which drug caused the problem. I no longer take any prescription drugs and will have plenty of questions if I am prescribed any in the future. I am on the upswing but I can tell you it is no walk in the park when your liver is messed up. The best medicine for DILI is to take away the offending drug and the liver will heal itself over the course of weeks or a few months.

On a positive note I’ve lost a few pounds since I didn’t have much of an appetite while I was feeling bad. I’ve continued to try to eat healthy and add foods to my diet that are good for the liver.

I also started doing Yoga again last week. I did Yoga religiously many years ago and loved it which was a total surprise to me. YouTube has some great Yoga videos if you’re interested. Exercise is also a good treatment for depression so that’s a win-win.

recalimed doors

I don’t share much personal stuff but felt like I should share this with you guys who are take the time to view my sometimes crazy projects. 

What do you think of my purchases? Did you have a favorite? How about my vintage metal lawn chair? Too rusty or just right?

It’s been a year and a half since I wrote an Arkansas story and updated you on Mom’s Alzheimer’s journey and Dad’s comings and goings. I’ll write a post with updates soon. When we went to Arkansas last week the nursing home was locked down. I didn’t get to see Mom but I’m glad the nursing home is taking these precautions.

It has been a while since I painted a piece of furniture but I was ready to start back this weekend and I have a doozy of a project for our Furniture Fixer Upper Day on Thursday. Thanks for always being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Barbara Gardner says:

    You are such an inspiration to me. I love reading about your junking trips & what you do. Always waiting to see what’s new!
    I pray you are feeling better, getting your strength back & bouncing back.
    Take care of yourself!!

  2. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Love you friend ❤️

  3. Barbara Carolan says:

    I am so sorry you were unable to see your Mom, but at least you know she is being well cared for. Hopefully restrictions will be lifted soon. I can relate to your struggles with depression, and so many times people think you can ‘snap out of it’ or tell you that it is no big deal saying “at least you’re not sick.” Personally, I’d rather be sick! My son is faced with the same situation with DILI, but unfortunately the drug responsible in his case is a ‘last ditch’ treatment and must take it. So very happy you are doing better and were able to replenish your treasures.

  4. When you apply the wax let it dry well then buff it with a lint free cloth. It will not warm and transfer to your clothes. You can apply several coats of wax if you like. I would apply thin coats, buff, then apply more if needed.

  5. Yes, GREEN. My favorite junk shop has great prices.

  6. So many of you guys mention having panic attacks. I feel bad about my little bit of depression. I hope you get more help since the attacks are getting worse.

  7. Thank you sweet Janet. The panic attacks must be horrible. Thankfully I’ve never had a panic attack.

  8. Renee, I’m so glad you got help and look forward to each day. My depression isn’t as bad as it sounds like yours was. That is why I waited so long to go on antidepressants. Thought I could beat it. Just didn’t want to get out of bed in the mornings or off of the couch or go anywhere and cried at the drop of a hat. Better now. I think the liver scare woke me up.

  9. I’m glad your husband is okay. My depression isn’t as bad as yours. I don’t have panic attacks or anxiety attacks. That must be a horrible thing to go through. I hope you are better now.

  10. Thank you Bonnie. I have several beautiful quilts my grandmother made for me.

  11. Bunnies! I’ll thing about that. Great idea. I did call Mr. Butler before I drove up there. I don’t know how he managed to stay open. I think he told the people that is his home…and he does live on the second level.

  12. Being a junk addict I know exactly what you mean!

  13. What great memories! My Dad loves Coke floats and used to make them all the time. I’ll have to make him one next time I’m in Arkansas. Thanks for the comment.

  14. Yes, I hear Indiana has some great junk shops and auctions. I hope to make a junkin’ trip up that way someday.

  15. Cheryl Atkinson says:

    Hi Kathy! I always look forward to your furniture flips on Thursday. I also suffer from depression and take anti depressants. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see your mom. My aunt had dementia and she is a nursing home. During the day she is fine and understands what is going on but at night time she is confused. Keep doing the yoga and creating and just know you are appreciated and loved. Take care of yourself and go wash your hands. ?

  16. Betty Jane says:

    Health is very important.
    When we get back in school I must have a student help me get rid of this autocorrect thingy.

  17. Betty Jane says:

    God bless you! Soooo glad to hear that you are getting diagnosed. Health I see very important. We all need to be proactive.
    Enjoyed the treasures and can’t wait to see their futures.
    Betty Jane

  18. Lola Fields says:

    So glad you are on the mend. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. I hate that you didn’t get to see you Mom but at least they are doing what is best. I would have a hard time with that.

    Now on to the fun stuff. You got some great buys. Love the chair it is just like mine but be stripped and painted ours. (I did order the wax). What are your plans for the black box I have several like that?

    Have a great week and stay safe and well!

  19. So glad that you’re feeling better! I love reading your posts, it’s inspiring how you can take something that’s past its expiry date and make it beautiful. It takes a special eye and enormous creativity. I think you’re wonderful and wish you good health and perseverance.

  20. Kathy, I was concerned when you didn’t post anything for a while. So glad you are better and thank goodness you found out about your liver before it got worse.
    I love reading your blogs and you made a great haul from Mr. Butler’s place.
    Wishing you good health and thanks for always thinking of others.

  21. Kathy, you and Marie over at “Frugalista” are two of my four or five most favorite blogs. I love your projects and tutorials and just your style in general. I’m glad you shared your health journey with us and hope that you will continue to feel better. I can relate to the depression as I have struggled with it for years. I have taken an anti depressant drug for years or I wouldn’t be here to tell the story. It helps but doesn’t eliminate the depresssion. Anyway, I can relate to that aspect of your health issues.

    I can’t wait to see that green porch chair when you’ve finished with it. I really like that style of old chair. They were the kind my grandparents always had on their porches when I was a child. I’m also crazy about that metal plant stand. I would put that baby on my deck and fill it with flowering plants for the summer. Those long white boards look to me like baseboards from an old house. Wonder what they could be used for–maybe baseboards in another house!

    Take care Kathy and continue to feel better. Also, stay safe from this horrid virus.

  22. I love reading your blogs and viewing your fantastic finds. With the lock down here in the Midwest this is the perfect time for me to start/finish projects that I have put on the back burner. Stay focused and keep busy.

  23. Thanks for sharing your health situation, Kathy. And again, mega thanks for your awesome blog post “11 reasons to use latex paint” …it was a game changer/eye opener for me.
    Love the plant stand/bakers rack thingy. I plan to grow veggies on my back deck (Vancouver Island, Canada) while in self- isolation (stay at home)…the rack would be perfect.
    Stay safe.

  24. I love all of your junk finds – you do find the neatest items! Glad to hear that you are feeling better – take care!

  25. Love the things you find, look forward to your posts. Glad you have found the problem with your health. Had issues years ago and eventually found out I had Hashimotos Disease, underactive thyroid. It was awful. Luckily my doctor found it just by listening to what I said and doing a blood test. Keep up the good work.

  26. Glad you are on the mend. I have a suggestion, which may seem odd but I believe may help. Find a lengthwise crystal and have a healer cleanse and bless it for you. You can hold it or I wear mine in my bra. I can not begin to tell you how much it has helped me. Sending you love!

  27. Leslie Smith says:

    I was getting worried about you. Glad to hear you are on the mend and using diet and exercise–the best medicine.

    I love all the stuff you bought and am curious to see if the hydrogen peroxide works. I saw a tip to use to to remove paint from a t-shirt. It sort of worked. Be careful! Try it on a small portion of the white first.

    Stay healthy!

  28. Mother Deer says:

    I haven’t used wax to protect any projects, and so I have a question for you. Will the wax warm and transfer to clothing if you sit on the chair? Also, the yellow basket appears to be the type to lay across the top of the bathtub to hold bathing items. Do you plan on repurposing it, or adding decorative features to it?

    P.S. I’ve sent a personal message to your email address 🙂

  29. Sherry Martin says:

    I loved it all but the green lawn chair was definitely my favorite. $15! What a steal. Where I am in Texas, it would have easily been $40! I love anything metal and green is also my favorite color. And blue.

  30. Happy you figured out the problem and are now fixing it. I’ve battled depression for fifty years. Meds didn’t help and I didn’t want to depend on them. My big problem is panic attack s . Seems like they are getting more severe. Prayers for you. God bless

  31. Janet May says:

    Dealing with my own ghost and panic attacks/ depression for years. Most people have no idea that I suffer from this. Now with what is happening in the world, more are dealing with at lest a temporary condition of it. I hide it well, until I’m alone. Stay strong continuing on the path you are now on. The smartest thing you can do is ask for help when you know it’s too much to bear, or something feels really wrong physically. That feeling saved my life. Being a creative person gives us an outlet that feeds our soul. So never stop creating your special magic and know that you inspire others . This is truly a gift. Be Blessed & be well.

  32. I’m loving your “hauls” and anticipating the finished products on the ones you re-do. Fun seeing the goodies you find and I find myself wishing I had good “junk yards” like you have.
    As to your sharing your own issues….I can fully related. Have been dealing with severe depression for over 30 years…medicated and hospitalized many times but…today, am off most meds…thanks to a great therapist who “encouraged” me to talk instead of waiting for me to tell him/her what they wanted to hear. I look forward to getting up in the morning and finding a great treasure to play with….furniture or crafty piece…and reading your blog.
    Stay the course Kathy….that grey cloud does have sunshine behind it and I do believe you will see that sun shining warm on you again soon.

  33. I share the same memories of my grandfather but our chairs were blue solid metal.

  34. I’ m so glad you’re feeling better. I’ve gone through the panic attacks things and hyper-ventillation for about 45 yrs. Not much fun and can be really debilitating. I got so angry with myself and just talked a lot to myself and got so I could talk myself out of them when I felt them coming on. Nobody know unless they’ve been through it. My husband just had his lever checked also as he he on many meds for his heart. It turned out to be OK.
    Stay strong and talk to your self a lot.

  35. Love the chair and plant? Stand . My favorite is the quilt! I was raised with quilts (Grandmother inspired)! I have a collection also! Hope your health improves greatly! Thanks for sharing your story. Inspiring!

  36. I am very glad you are feeling better now. You might not be aware yet, but the governor in Kentucky has ordered all non-essential that stores closed, including clothing stores, furniture stores, bookstores, and stores that sell used items. Only essential stores and businesses are allowed to remain open. At this point we don’t know how long those restrictions will last. You might want to call ahead to find out what is open before any trips to Kentucky. So many businesses are temporarily closed or have cut their hours way back.

    I always enjoying seeing your finds and the creative ways you use them! I’d love to see some junk assembly bunnies to go along with your junk angels.

  37. Cynthia Murphy says:

    Feel better soon.

  38. Love your take on junk. I follow two local salvage places on Facebook. I’m afraid to go in person as I might spend a lot! Take care of yourself. We’re on lockdown here (Richardson, Dallas area).

  39. Stephanie C says:

    I love the green metal lawn chair. My great grandparents had the exact same chairs and they were painted a beautiful turquoise color. They loved sitting in their side yard watching the traffic go bye. I spent many a hot summer afternoon sitting in those chairs sipping an ice cream float. My great grandfather was an expect float maker. Thanks for that memory. Right now we all need to remember happy times.
    I glad that you’re feeling better. Stay healthy.

  40. Kathy,
    In sharing your physical difficulty, it makes you more human to me. I’m glad that you allowed yourself to be vulnerable by sharing. I have chronic physical issues and have decided, after the food stock-up, to shelter in place. I hope that you are able to do the same. I also hope that you are able to get whatever treatment is best for your condition. And that you get lots of rest, fluid, peace, and healthy, life-giving food. I love your blog and find it inspiring! Thanks for being real with us!

  41. Kathy, hope you recover fully and quickly. Love all of your treasures.

  42. Becky Fischer says:

    I love what you purchased; my favorite is the chair. I love it just the way it is. I am so glad that you are feeling better. You are such a lovely person and I very much enjoy your blog.

  43. Anything green always catches my eye when l go junking!

  44. angela carrera says:

    I love your purchases!!! and your posts/emails. keep up the good work. very inspiring. and of course…..FEEL BETTER!!! and thanks for sharing…..

    Angela from NJ (down the Jersey Shore)

  45. Bonnie Pratt says:

    I moved to an urban area in Florida where there are no junk shops nearby. I used to live in a small rural town in Indiana where I was a “junker” and picked barns, old closed storefronts, and even a former horse carriage shop. I truly enjoy seeing your posts and all your purchases. Thanks for sharing your struggle as I believe you are helping others to recognize they can get help. Love and prayers to you.

  46. Sorry to hear about all your health problems. Glad you are on the upswing.
    You scored some great finds. I’m always amazed at what you find.

  47. Sarah Evert says:

    Hi Kathy,
    I love your projects and your spirit. I hope you are feeling better and I am sorry you have been struggling. I know it is strange when we don’t have our usual energy. I love to see what you have come up with and Ilove that you get such joy out of it. It is really refreshing to read your posts. Get better!

  48. I love the swivel stool

  49. Get well Soon Kathy. Sorry to heat of your problems.