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Coral Painted Dry Brushed White Cane Back Chair

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Cane Back Chair Makeover Tutorial

The cane back chair makeover includes a new seat cover made from a vintage pillowcase and dry brush painting. The cane back chairs are the perfect makeover project and there are a ton of them out there. The cane looks great painted.

The cane back chair makeover includes a new seat cover made from a vintage pillowcase. I love this style of chair. The cane looks great painted. Petticoat Junktion

Coral Painted Dry Brushed Cane Back Chair Makeover

See what I mean. How pretty is that chair. I wasn’t sure the polka dots would work with the cane but I think they do. What about you?

themed chair project before photo Petticoat Junktion

The chair looked like this when I found it at my fav junk shop. Not too much to look at but I saw the potential.

chair paint project Petticoat Junktion

I painted the chair Rose Heartstring ( a Glidden paint color), the same coral paint color I used on the Nursery Dresser.

pillowcase for chair seat cover Petticoat Junktion

The pretty polka dot fabric with the lace trim is one of a pair of pillowcases I bought at an antique shop when we lived in Florida. I love the pillowcases. The colorful polka dots and the pretty lace trim had me at hello. It was hard to sacrifice one of them to this chair.

But it went perfectly with my vision and the pillowcase was just taking up space in the closet. (Am I the only one with too many linens?) I use one of the pillowcases on the bed in the granddaughters bedroom.

recover a chair seat Petticoat Junktion

Since the pillowcase fabric is thin and the original chair seat covering was dark I used a layer of white fabric (old sheet) under the decorative pillowcase. I have a supply of white sheets and pillowcases to use for projects like this.

You can pick up sheets at thrift stores for a dollar or two and they also make good lint free waxing cloths.I cut a piece of sheet to fit the chair seat.

The padding on the seat was still firm. I did not want to remove the original fabric so I sprayed it with Simple Green and freshened it up. recovering a chair seat Petticoat Junktion

After cutting the pillowcase to size I ironed and stapled the fabric to the seat. Always staple opposing sides first and pull the fabric tight.Work the corners as best you can to get out the folds and wrinkles. If you’ve never covered a chair seat and need more details I have a complete chair seat recovering tutorial here.

colorful coral painted chair Petticoat Junktion

The coral paint looked too one dimensional so I dry brushed it with white paint. I didn’t know if I would like the way the white paint looked on the coral but I thought what the heck. If I didn’t like it I could paint over it.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve changed paint plans on furniture projects. Some of my pieces have more than 4 coats of different colors of paint….really. If you don’t like it…paint over it.

cane back chair Petticoat Junktion project

I told you the cane looked good painted. And the dry brushed white really enhances the look. I painted a set of the  cane back chairs white and covered the seats with drop cloth (click here).

dry brush paint petticoat Junktion

Another way to highlight details like the lines on this leg is to distress the paint.

themed chair makeover coral color cane back chair Petticoat Junktion

Before I started painting furniture I couldn’t imagine painting a chair and recovering the seat. Now it’s old hat. It’s really, really easy. If you haven’t made over a chair give it a try.

fantastic chair makeovers

Share your thoughts please and then visit the photo links below. My friends always have great project and we all did chairs today!

As always thanks for being here and have a great day, Kathy

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Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Angie @ Postcards from the Ridge says:

    Such a fun makeover, Kathy. I’m like you and change paint colors multiple times during some projects. I love the pillow case!

  2. Kathy, I love everything you do, even when you cut up a cute pillowcase! The pillow will never miss it. Fun chair. Jeanette

  3. Christy @ Our Southern Home says:

    I love the colors! Great idea to use a pillow case. This would be so cute in a little girl’s room!

  4. Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio says:

    So pretty in pink and polka dots! Love the dimension you added to the coral and what a clever seat recover. That’s one cute, happy chair now; I love it!

  5. I love your vision for your chair, Kathy. The color choice is perfect eith the white peeking through. Such a lovely pillow case, too. Thank you for the inspiration. Pinning xoxo

  6. Kathy I love, love, love your chair. What an improvement!!!!

  7. Wendi @ H2OBungalow says:

    Such a cute chair I can imagine how darling it would be in a girls room:) The pillowcase was the perfect choice for the chair too.

  8. Fun color and chair fabric! I would love to have those pillowcases!! Love it!

  9. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    That is the cutest chair ever! Love the color and polka dot pillowcase. Great idea!

  10. So cute! I love the added white wash effect and that adorable fabric!

  11. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    Kathy this chair is so fun now! Way to give it a whole new look. Haha.. I also have to add a layer of white fabric sometimes- I did it with my latest blue chair too. 🙂

  12. chris aka monkey says:

    wow kathy doesn’t look like the same chair, this would make for a colorful pop in any room of the house makes me smile too xx

  13. I love the color and the fabric is so playful!!

  14. Marie@The Interior Frugalista says:

    Such a pretty chair makeover for a girl’s room. I think the white wash definitely gave it some dimension and softened the pink. Beautiful!

  15. Paula@SweetPea says:

    This makeover is perfect for a little girl’s room. I love the idea of using an antique pillowcase for fabric. It’s perfect for this piece.

  16. Christy@Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer says:

    How fun it would be to decorate a room for little girl! Those pillow cases are precious and they look great with this paint color! Beautiful job! XO

  17. This is SO gorgeous!!! I wish I had a little girl so I could put this in her room! A genius idea to use the pillow case as the fabric for the seat. Love it Kathy!!

  18. This chair is so pretty! The pillowcase is perfect for it.

  19. Larissa ~ Prodigal Pieces says:

    Absolutely adorable, Kathy!! Yes, I can see how cutting that pillowcase would be hard, but I’m so glad you did. 😉