Home » RosaAnne Angels » Fleur De Lis Angel Art Assemblage

Fleur De Lis Angel Art Assemblage

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Hey guys! How is your week going? Mine’s been pretty good. I’m loving the weather. I went to the pumpkin patch on Tuesday afternoon and loaded up on gourds and pumpkins. We’ll take the granddaughters to the patch tomorrow so they can go through the maze and pick out a couple of pumpkins to bring home.

Fleur De Lis RosaAnne Angel Petticoat Junktion

I also went to My Favorite Junk shop yesterday. I haven’t posted photos from the last two trips so I have to get on that. Today I wanted to share two more of my hardware/reclaim RosaAnne Angels (see fancy angel here). The first two Angels sold to a sweet reader in Arkansas and….…this third RosaAnne Angel I’m giving away. You can enter to win the Angel on the Rafflecopter below.

There’s a story behind this Angel. The JTS and I spent hours….and days on it. As I mentioned before I’m trying to adhere all the items to the wood with screws or nails. I used a lot of hot glue and E6000 on the Angels I put together a few years ago.

I had this Angel all together then did one turn of the screwdriver too much. The wood of the reclaimed fence board split. It didn’t split into but it cracked. We tried gluing it, but the crack was still there. I’m a perfectionist about some things and didn’t like the look of the split wood coming out of the Angel’s head.

reclaimed wood

This is the piece of wood that split. I removed everything from this board and asked the JTS cut another piece of wood for me. We went to work on the Angel for the second time. I was able to screw the faucett/Angel head on without any damage…yea! The JTS was using the nail gun attached to the air compressor to adhere the wood fleur de lis angel body to the wood. He couldn’t get the nail gun to work. He played with it for hours. Finally giving up we headed to Home Depot to get another nail gun.

Once back in the workshop the JTS read the instructions for the new nail gun ( yes, really, I’m surprised too). He put the nail gun together and started shooting nails into the wood. On the last nail…..

RosaAnne angel assemblage art Petticoat Junktion

….this happened. The wood on the top left wing split off. At this point I’m thinking this particular Angel was not meant to be. We searched for the missing piece and never found it. I put the Angel away. The JTS kept trying to find ways to fix it. He felt bad. No reason too I told him. The next day I started going through my junk jewelry stash and came up with a fix.

Assemblage art angel Petticoat Junktion

I love it. I did have to use hot glue to add the jewel detail. Enough already with the nail gun and screwdriver. I added some Elmer’s glue around the jewel after the hot glue dried. Hopefully it will stay on When I started making the Angel my goal was to give it away to a reader. That is still my goal. I hope you guys don’t think I’m trying to give it away because it’s “damaged”.

wall protectors

This is the back side with wall protectors. All of the Angels are perfectly imperfect. That means they are made of reclaimed/worn wood and reclaimed/rusty metal. They will not be perfect.

hardware assemblage art Petticoat Junktino

I’m giving away RosaAnne Angel no. 3 so click that Rafflecopter below to enter. No special requirements just enter  your email address so we know how to contact you! . You can enter once a day until the giveaway ends! I’m sorry but I have to limit the giveaway to residents of the continental U.S. Shipping outside of the U. S. is pricy.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you missed the Christmas Tree Ornaments I made from Vintage Christmas Cards you can see them by clicking here. Have a great weekend! Kathy

Find my favorite DIY Products here.

Kathy Owen founder of Petticoat Junktion

Author: Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen is the founder of the home decor blog Petticoat Junktion where she shares tutorials on painting furniture and upcycling thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:

    You’re entered Rebecca. Thank you!

  2. Kathy:

    I absolutely love your angels, but I love everything you do. I look forward to each of your projects. I promise to give her a good home if I am lucky enough to win her.
    Thanks, Sherri

  3. Rebecca B says:

    I clicked the entry button on rafflecopter but there wasn’t a space to provide my email. Please enter me, thank you!

  4. Little RoseAnn Angel is adorable. Such a unique talent you have in making each one special. Thank you for sharing the giveaway with us. Hugs

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    I’m sorry I don’t know what’s going on with the rafflecopter! I have emailed support. It seems to work sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t

  6. Diena Cameron says:

    Is the rafflecopter still not working or is it just me and my tablet that are doing something wrong or not doing something right ?? lol tried as i might, it will not “pop up” when i tap on it. Love RosaAnne, she would look right at home with all my “junk”. <3

  7. kathy@petticoatjunktion says:

    Hi Fonda, You do need to enter your email address so we know how to contact you. Thanks!

  8. Fonda Rush says:

    It won’t take my entry. It wants me to fill in the blank, but it also won’t accept any typed message. So, I can’t enter, and I would love to win.

  9. She is holding a “light” to guide the way!

  10. Marie from The Interior Frugalista says:

    Oh no, sounds like RosaAnne is a stubborn Angel and wasn’t giving up until she had some fabulous bling! One of those oops that was a blessing in disguise. She’s gorgeous Kathy! Being Canadian I can’t enter the contest but wanted to pop by to tell you how adorable she is ♥

  11. Kathy Owen says:

    No Randi, You’re entry doesn’t show up….nor does anyone else. I reinstalled the rafflecopter. It should work now. Sorry for the problem.

  12. I do not have facebook but tried to enter the contest with email. Not sure it worked 🙂 lovely items! I have seen you transform some of my old furniture into amazing items. Always reading your blog 🙂 let me know if the wntry did not work or how I can do it without faccebook