Home » Christmas » 17 Vintage Christmas Decorations I Display Every Year

17 Vintage Christmas Decorations I Display Every Year

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I’m just a vintage gal—vintage 1954—and maybe that is why I love decorating with old Christmas items. Or maybe I got tired of the cookie-cutter-everything-the-same decor a few years ago. 

At one time, I collected Hallmark Christmas ornaments. Every year, I would buy a bunch. Do you know where those ornaments are now? I don’t have a clue because I either sold them in my booth a few years ago or donated them to the thrift store. I was tired of decorating with the same thing a million other people had. 

There is just something about vintage Christmas items. Maybe it is the texture? Or maybe the vibrant colors. Here are some of my favorites, which I pull out year after year—and this year, too. 

The Christmas House

A peek at my vintage Christmas Decorations

I can remember where I bought some of these items and some I can’t. This plastic house is a favorite piece but I don’t know where I got it. The colors are so bold and bright. I love the traditional red and green colors of Christmas

The Vintage Christmas Card

framed vintage Christmas card

I ordered a bunch of vintage Christmas cards on eBay a few years ago and there were some really interesting ones in the mix.

I framed a few to display and used some of them as gift tags on our Christmas presents. I liked the Santa card and framed it in a silverplate frame – one of my junk finds. 

The Christmas Blow Molds

vintage Christmas candle blow mold

I remember buying the Santa blow mold at my favorite junk shop and maybe the candle, too. I know I bought one candle at the Nashville Flea Market. I like to display the blow molds on our front porch, but there isn’t a handy electric outlet on the outside of our home, so they aren’t lit. 

The Shiny Brite Ornaments

Vintage Christmas ornaments in a jar

I collected Shiny Brite ornaments over several years when I could find them for a reasonable price. I probably had three dozen or so, and then the hubby bought a bunch at an auction. They were relatively inexpensive and I don’t need any more. 

The Vintage Christmas Tree Stand

Antique Christmas Tree Stand

The hubby also bought this wrought iron antique tree stand at an auction for $5. I have never put a tree in the stand, but I display it every year. 

I just searched with Google Lens and found one like mine on eBay for $129.00. It isn’t rusty and the colors are wonderful. I don’t know that I would spend $130.oo for it though!

The Hand Decorated Glass Christmas Tree

I purchased the glass Christmas tree at my favorite junk shop two or three years ago. I believe it is vintage but not really sure. I couldn’t find a similar piece online. 

The top part lifts off and I sometimes put an led candle inside the tree.

Frosted Christmas Trees

I bought the trees about 15 years ago at a local shop. They may be from a “Christmas Village” company like Dept. 56.

Spaghetti Christmas Angels

vintage Christmas angels

These angels are called “spaghetti angels” because of the fine spaghetti-like trim on the hats and dressers. I believe they were made in Japan for the Lefton company in the 50s or 60s. 

Vintage Putz Houses


Putz houses

I adore these Putz houses. They make me smile. I don’t put the lights in the back of each one because the cord is too obvious. Carol, a friend of mine from the old Nashville Flea Market days, has a display her husband set up this year, and I’m stealing the idea next year. 

Carol Logan Putz house display idea
Image Credit: Carol Logan (from Facebook)

Rodney ran a string of mini lights under the snow fabric, poked holes in them, and put the bulb in the back. Carol was nice enough to let me share her photo she posted on Facebook. I love this whole display! How about that tree??

I bought my Putz houses when my neighbor’s Mom was having an estate sale before moving to assisted living. She had traveled the world when her husband was in the Army and bought them then. I’m proud to have them.

The Nativity Scene

The sweet nativity scene came from my favorite junk shop, lol. Seems to be a theme here. The prices at the junk shop are always good and that’s where most of my favorite used items come from.

Santa Cookie Jar

Yep, the cookie jar has seen better days but now it has character.

Outdoor Handmade Santa And Reindeer

Vintage Santa and reindeer

This awesome piece or pieces caught my eye at the Nashville Flea Market and for $20 I had to have it.

kathy shopping the Nashville flea market for Christmas items

I bought them back in 2017. The best I can remember, the vendor who sold them was from New York, somewhere up North anyway. The reindeer have holes in them that look strangely like bullet holes, and now some of them have lost their antlers and feet, lol. 

I have them on my front porch again this year. Maybe I will find the time to take photos of this year’s decorations, indoors and outdoors. 

The Wreath With My Son’s Handprint

handmade Christmas wreath

This is truly one of a kind and I will never part with it. When looking through my photos for vintage items, I said to myself that this didn’t fit the theme, but I was going to add it anyway. Then I realized my son is 41 and he made the wreath in daycare when he was probably 5 or 6. So that’s vintage. I’m getting old. 

The Plastic Mistletoe Bell

The bell hangs on the cord from our pull-down attic stairs in the family room every year. It’s a tradition.

The Vintage Home Interiors Santas

Who remembers Home Interiors and the parties? It was a company like Tupperware or Party Lite where they came into your home and displayed items for sale. 

My aunt sold Home Interiors for years and she was very good at it. the Santas are from Home Interior so I’ve probably had them for over 40 years. 

The Brass Sleigh and Reindeer

brass sleigh with Santa

My husband brought the brass reindeer, sleigh, and Santa from home from one of his tours in Korea. He served in the U.S. Army for 27 years.

The Nutcracker Squeeze Toy

toy soldier squeaky toy

I bought the toy Nutcracker from a friend’s shop. Isn’t it funny the things you really like? This squeeze toy caught my eye and I love looking at it every year. This year it is in Sofi’s bedroom here at our house. 

vintage Christmas items I always display

I hope you enjoyed looking at my vintage Christmas decor and the displays. I hope to take photos to share with you of my home decorations this year. Maybe before the end of the week. Thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. You are right. Christmas vintage is expensive now.

  2. I love your vintage Christmas! I have a few things but now everything Christmas vintage is so expensive. I love putz houses and have started making my own, so much fun!