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Snow Scene Displays In Glass Containers And Silver Plate Trays

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In less than 30 minutes, you can make these snow scene displays in clear glass salt and pepper shakers, thrift store glass containers, and silver plate trays.

To make these cute displays, you need Epsom Salt for the snow, and your favorite small Christmas or Winter decorations.

How to make a diy snow scene in a large glass container using bottle brush trees and Christmas ornaments

I had so much fun putting these little Wintery snow scene displays together. To make the scenes I used all sizes and types of glass jars plus Dollar Tree decorations and my stash of Christmas decor. And I changed the scenes up using different decorations in the jars. The ideas for making pretty scenes are endless.


I started my project with thrift store pieces I found on my workshop shelves or in my kitchen cabinets.

miniature Christmas decorations from Hobby Lobby

I bought these new items at Hobby Lobby with this project in mind.

things you can put in a glass jar to make home decor

Then I decided to gather all my Christmassy stuff that wasn’t packed away in the attic that might possibly fit into my project containers. I’m not ready to unpack all my boxes of stored Christmas stuff!

Whoops, I forgot to mention today is the Thrift Store Decor Tour and you guys know what that means. The tour links are at the end of my tutorial. My friends have some really fabulous projects today.

Epsom Salt for fake snow

In the past I’ve purchased artificial snow to use in my Christmas scenes. This year I just pulled the Epsom Salt out of the cabinet. I don’t know which is cheaper but the Epsom Salt was handy.

Putz house snow scene diy display (2)

After I poured the “snow” into my silver plate footed tray I added a cute little Putz house and bottle brush trees. I bought a whole set of vintage Putz houses at an estate sale a few months ago. They are sooooo cute.

how to make a snow scene center piece on a silver plate platter

For the next snowy display I filled the tray with Dollar Tree metallic houses and all kinds of little Christmas trees.

Santa snd his sleigh Christmas scene on a silver plate tray

I think the next display is my favorite. The white and gold Santa and sleigh are from the same estate sale as the Putz houses. The small colorful ornaments were the perfect addition to this scene.


snow scene in a salt shaker and glass ornaments in a large glass container

Moving on to glass containers. The dyed seashells once filled a souvenir ornament from a Carnival Cruise trip I took with my Mom and sister. I broke the ornament years ago but saved the shells inside. I got the salt and pepper shaker snow scene idea from my friend Susan (Homeroad)

how to put a small Christmas tree in a salt shaker snow scene

I put a small Christmas tree in the other shaker.

use tweezers to place a miniature items in a small glass jar

When I bought the little trees at Hobby Lobby I thought they would definitely fit into the shakers. It was close! I used a pair of tweezers to push the tree into the snowy bottom of the shaker. (find miniature decorations on Amazon here)

a blogger and her messy work station

I really make a mess when I work. I had all of this stuff on my work station and was trying bits and pieces here and there in the containers.

snowman snow scene in a vintage jar with zinc lid

I filled a Ball or Mason jar with Epsom Salt, a tiny snowman, and colorful miniature trees.

Mason Jar with snowman snow scene (2)

The pieces in all of the displays so far are just sitting in the “snow”. There is only one display where I hot glued the pieces in place.

Winter scene in a large ball jar

This jar with zinc lid is turned on it’s side and I’ll show you how I put the camper, snowman, and tree in place.

how to make a snow scene in a jar

I glued a couple of small wood pieces to the bottom of the tree so It would have some lift in the deep “snow”.

use hot glue for placing items in a jar to make a Winter scene (2)

I also hot glued the camper (from Dollar Tree) and the snowman onto wood blocks. I glued the wood block for the camper to the jar before stuffing the camper inside. I couldn’t fit the camper with the wood block attached through the mouth of the jar. You might also notice while pushing the hot glued items inside some of the glue was passed onto the jar rim. I pulled it off once it dried.

Dollar Tree diy project snow scene in a glass jar

Next I filled the jar with snow just enough to cover the wood blocks.

miniature Christmas trees in glass containers

Those shakers are so pretty with the snow scenes. The next time though I would try to find shakers that are totally round because you can’t see the trees and stuff inside these as well because of the up and down ridges on the sides of the shakers.


shot glass holding a minature Christmas tree

I pulled the two miniature mugs and one shot glass from my China cabinet. The red mug is one we bought at an auction in Florida years ago. It has initials on the side and the date 1912.

make a Christmas display using shot glasses and Epsom Salt for snow (3)

The small pieces filled with fake snow and miniature trees and snowmen are fun.

brandy glass with gingerbread house snow scene

I don’t drink Brandy so this Brandy snifter makes the perfect snow scene container.

snow scene in a salt shaker and glass ornaments in a large glass container

Another look at the seashell shaker and large glass bowl filled with ornaments and bottle brush trees.

how to make snow scenes in thrift store glass containers and silver plate trays

Can you work with these ideas? You probably don’t even have to buy anything new. Just shop your house and Christmas decorations for inspiration. Did you have a favorite display? Leave a note if you have time before heading out on the Thrift Store Decor Tour or email me kathy@petticoatjunktion.com. Take the tour by clicking the links below the “before” makeover photo collage……

thrift store decor makeovers November 2022


Thrift Store Decor Tour…

Personalized Wood Sled My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Vintage Wooden Bowl Christmas Candle Centerpiece House of Hawthornes
Updated Key Holder Domestically Speaking
Snow Scene Displays In Glass Containers Petticoat Junktion (you are here)
Indian Corn Decorations for Thanksgiving Sadie Seasongoods
Frog Tape Wooden Mini Tree Pot Organized Clutter
DIY White Christmas Village Our Southern Home
Easy Thrift Store Tray Makeover My Repurposed Life
Fun Fall Resin Projects Shop at Blu

Check out my video tutorial on YouTube here for another fun Christmas project!

As always thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Janis Schear says:

    Old ornaments can be painted with glue and rolled in glitter=new ornaments!

  2. Denise - Salvaged Inspirations says:

    These are adorable Kathy! I especially like the mini salt and pepper shaker ones…omygosh so cute!! XOXO

  3. Thanks Do. If you are like me you have some in your stash!

  4. Do Dodson says:

    Cute, cute, cute, Kathy! I especially love the vintage salt shaker. I bet I have a pair in my don’t throw that away because you’ll need it one day pile. Thank for sharing your creative ideas, my friend.

  5. I have a couple of those silver sugar bowls. I couldn’t find what you did with them. Could you share your idea for it? Love your creativity. I now want to find a salt shaker! So cute.

  6. I can’t wait to try the mason jar idea. I think I’ll cut pieces of glue sticks and place them inside, the use a candle lighter to heat them and then quickly place the items. Hopefully I won’t have the issues of glue on the rim.

  7. What amazing ideas, so cute,I too loved the jar on its side. I was just given a cordless glue gun, so if you will excuse me, I must start crafting, do stay safe and well.

  8. Dollar tree is adding smalls daily!! I’m going to use your shaker ideas! Thanks for the inspiration

  9. How creative!!! I love how you transformed your vintage finds into pretty Christmas scenes.

  10. Yes, I love the shaker idea but finding small things to fit through the opening is a problem.

  11. These are all wonderful ideas, Kathy! I wish I had room in my house to display all of them. I’ve been collecting vintage salt shakers for a long time with no clue what to do with them. Now I know! Thanks.

  12. Naomi Shelton says:

    Great ideas, Kathy! Thanks!

  13. Christy @ Our Southern Home says:

    All of these ideas are just precious and so unique! You had me a silver tray then I saw the adorable salt shaker. Very clever my friend!

  14. Linda Charlton says:

    These are such cute ideas. I will be copying some. Happy Holidays!

  15. Sue at Blu says:

    Kathy you’ve provided so many ideas! I’ve used Dollar Tree styrofoam snow and it was everywhere when I was finished. I like your Epsom salts idea! pinned.

  16. Kristin salazar says:

    These are super cute Kathy, I never would have thought to use a salt/pepper shaker, adorable!!!

  17. I really like the jar on its side idea. That jar turned out so cute!

  18. Carlene @ Organized Clutter says:

    I especially love the jars and shakers! Super cute with snow and miniatures! Pinned.