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Pink Flamingo Paint By Number Art Repurpose Idea

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It wasn’t until recently that I became a paint-by-number fan. I’m talking about vintage paint-by-number art from the 50s and 60s. In fact, I bought a piece at a yard sale and didn’t even realize it was paint-by-number until someone told me. I’m nutty.

Vintage Paint By Number Pink Flamingo Gets A New Look

I got the pink flamingo paint by number wall art purely by accident. One day, I was in the shop where I had my booth, and I saw it in the trash can. Really. I asked if I could have it. The rest is history.

pink flamingo mantel decor

I used the art to decorate my mantel for Fall one year. Someone along the way got yellow paint all over the flamingo, which adds character.

The pink flamingo on the stand was a very thrifty buy from a local flea market. As you can see, I enjoy decorating my mantel with the unexpected.

pink flamingo paint by number

And lately, the pink flamingo has just been hanging out in the workshop. It’s time to upcycle or repurpose it in some way.

vintage serving tray

I bought an old tray at an antique store in Arkansas for $3. It’s a little worse for wear.

junk find

The back side was really yucky.

cleaning a junk find

I took the tray apart and cleaned the glass on both sides.

framing vintage paint by number

I couldn’t decide how to place the flamingo in the frame….. horizontally or vertically. I admit I’m sad I cut it up, but it’s too late now. I did a little research on the flamingo and discovered that paint-by-number art was “invented” in 1950. 

I also found another pink flamingo paint by number, just like this one on Etsy, but it was already sold. Maybe I can find one on eBay. I’ll have to keep checking.

stapling photo to frame

I stapled the flamingo to the back of the tray frame. I didn’t fit the flamingo art all the way into the frame next to the glass. I Thought having the depth between the glass and the flamingo was a nice touch.

Vintage Paint By Number Pink Flamingo

And that’s all it was to that. I still need to put a hanger on the back. Right now, the flamingo tray is sitting on the bar. I doubt that I will ever use it as a tray.

putting together reclaimed items

I liked the decorative art in the tray, so I decided to cut it down and put it in one of my thrift store frames.

framed junk find

That turned out nicely, didn’t it?

vintage paint by number in shades of blue and green

This framed paint by number art scene is hanging on the bathroom wall. I found the art at a yard sale for 50 cents.

furniture project before makeover

And this is the piece of furniture I’m working on right now. I had to make myself get up off the couch this morning and do some work.

It’s so cold here. I told the JTS I’m just like a bear. I want to hibernate. That’s about all I’ve been doing for the past month. It’s too darn cold, ya’ll.

Frogtape painters tape

I removed the hardware, taped off the insides and doors with painter’s tape, and started painting. I’m going to keep you in suspense about the color. You’ll have to wait and see.

That’s it for me today. Is it cold where you guys are? Leave me a note, and thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy Owen founder of Petticoat Junktion

Author: Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen is the founder of the home decor blog Petticoat Junktion where she shares tutorials on painting furniture and upcycling thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Yes, Kathy, it’s cold here in northwestern Virginia – in the Shenandoah Valley. I no longer like the low teens for our high temperature! However, we have run amok taking care of family members with health problems and find most are on the mend now, so I’m back to crafting. My friend and I are painting straw hat snowmen later this week.
    I love that piece you have framed – the compote on the dark frame. That is quite stunning in its simplicity. I like the flamingo, also, but understand your lamenting on cutting up the paint-by-number. I like retro flamingos!!!

  2. Fabulous. And I love that painting.

  3. Debbie C. says:

    Wish I still had some of the paint-by-number prints I did in the 60’s. Beautiful way to preserve the past. ❤️

  4. Mary Ann Avery says:

    I still want to paint by number. You did a great job framing it and saving it from the trash.
    It is very cold here in middle Tennessee. We have ice and snow and we’ve had bitterly cold low temperatures, 0 degrees Fahrenheit last night. Tomorrow we might hit 36 degrees. My dog will be happy to be outside.

  5. YES! It’s way too cold here! We’ve had snow several days starting last weekend and not the kind you can make a snow person out of, but the powdery kind you get when it’s really cold. The only good thing about the snow and cold to me is that it’s pretty and not ugly, messy mud and everything brown, brown, brown! I’d not mind it staying this way ’til it decides for real to be spring!

    The paint by number flamingo looks good in its new frame, I think. And the tray art looks great in its new frame, too. I think you did a good job placing the flamingo. Why don’t you like it?

    I have two paint by number pieces that I did as a kid of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Are you old enough to know who they are? They are just the canvases on frames but someday I plan to frame and hang them. Not sure where they should hang, but I’ll figure that out. I think it would be fun to find an old paint by number picture that hasn’t been done and paint it. Have to use new paints, though!

    Stay warm!

  6. Michelle West Singleton says:

    Love what you did with the painting!! Try taking wide pink ribbon and make a hanger for it that would be just too stinking adorable Way cold here in Iowa as well was thrilled this morning when the temp in my truck read a positive instead of negative for the first time in weeks Supposed to be in the 40 s this weekend whooohooo lighting the furnace in my happy place and do some serious wreath making!!! Got some fun things to make with Valentine-St Paddy-Easter here in a blink!!Happy Best New Year to you and keep sending your stellar tips our way

  7. Katie Hager says:

    I love your projects Kathy. I get inspired every time you post your fantastic ideas.

  8. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you!

  9. My grandma used paint by number. It’s very cold here in Western New York, and we have about a foot of snow.

  10. Hi Kathy,
    What a great idea with the flamingo painting! I don’t think it looks very “paint by numberish” either, it is better looking!! I would have been fooled just like you were about it! I really like how you placed it in the tray, it’s perfect.
    Its cold and snowing here in New England today!

  11. Cindy Richter says:

    You should be President! Your amazing creativity is astonishing. So much so, I’d totally vote for you! Everything turned our perfect. 🙂

  12. Had no idea paint by number was so cool now! Did a lot of it when I was “young”….. Never thought it might be fun to hang now. Cute idea with the flamingo in the frame! Amazing what simple things can turn out so decorative.
    Can’t wait to see what you do with that big fellow…..cold weather permitting. We’ve been hovering in the low teens to minus degrees, then we pop up to 40’s the next day. Weird weather. So…how long til spring gets here?!?!

  13. Stephanie Carrico says:

    So cold here in Central Kentucky, in the teens with 4 inches of snow. We have a collection of pastureal paint by numbers done by my Father in law.

  14. Inga Zahodnik says:

    I too love paint by numbers. Wish I would of kept the old ones my Dad had done. I do have a couple I have gotten . I had intention of doing my basement in these paintings. One day. Living in Manitoba prairies Canada you have no idea how cold it gets here. -33 to -40 can no longer translate to Fahrinheit. But trust me it’s freezing cold. Love your trays. Great idea.

  15. I think you did a fantastic job with the Flamingo PBN…! It brings it to a new level. Also keeping the piece off of the tray and framing that…genius.

    Love what you do and how you go about doing it.

    Stay warm!

  16. Laura Werley says:

    Yep it’s cold here in Dallas, 13 degrees this am. But by the weekend mid 60s and continuing through next week. I used to love paint by number as a child. I was always amazed that you could fill in little patches with the right color and voila a painting that looked cool with shading and shadows. I rarely find them when I’m junking though. Framing the flamingo was a great move and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished buffet you are painting.

  17. Yes it’s cold here! and I live in Florida. I’m stuck in bed with pneumonia so I’m warm.?.
    I remember doing paint by number in the 50’s. Yeah, I’m that old. Ha. I like the one in your bathroom.
    Looking forward to seeing your finishing touches on that piece of furniture. It really looks long in that picture.

  18. Hi Kathy! You are one clever cookie – I would never have thought to cut up that painting to make it fit my décor. I’m a little disappointed now that I didn’t keep the paint by numbers my MIL had done years ago. With your idea I could have found a way to re-use them.

    And it’s snowing here today in the upstate NY. Has been since yesterday morning.

  19. Lynn DiCenzo says:

    Hi Kathy…No it is not that cld here in San Diego area….we are suppose to be in the low 60’s with some much needed rain this Fri and Sat. It will just be cold for bout 3-4 days then back up to the lower 70’s…….believe I grew up in the Chicago area and I too know what cold is however now cold is definately the lower 60’s but thats O.K. this too shall pass……..love the flamingo so darn cute.