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Porch Decorating With Mums, Pumpkins, And Rusty Chairs

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I’m behind in my Fall decorating. I usually have the porch decorating done by the first or second week in September but you know how it goes. I have to say even though it’s late and only took about an hour to decorate, the porch looks great. I decorated as usual with mums, pumpkins, and some of my junk finds. I made a funny video of me decorating the porch. I speeded it up so I’m working really fast.

My process for decorating the porch or the fireplace mantel is the same. I go through the house and workshop picking out things I think might look good in what ever area I’m decorating. I usually try to pick a color scheme or some kind of theme before I start searching for decorating stuff.

Porch decorations with mums, pumpkins, and rusty chairs

After I’ve gathered the items I take everything off of the porch or mantel except for a few pieces I will use for the new look. Then I start adding in pieces here and there, changing placements as I’m working. The whole process usually takes less than an hour. I have it down to a science.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (3)

I visited our local pumpkin patch and brought home all these pumpkins. I actually had to pick my own this year. When I got to the pumpkin patch the only pumpkins picked and ready to select from were orange. I had already decided the theme for this year would be white mums and blue, white, and any color but orange.

Well, this year they had a patch where the customers could pick there on pumpkins. Maybe for the “experience”. Hey, I was raised on a farm. I really didn’t need the “experience”. But, I picked my own pumpkins. I couldn’t find a single white one in the patch so the white mums will do for the white color now until I get some white pumpkins later.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (5)

I got the white mums at Lowes. I had to hit 4 stores before I found white mums in bloom.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (11)

This is how the porch looked before I started decorating. My summer porch and the flowers were a mess this year. We were out of town a lot and with the heat the flowers didn’t do well. Not enough attention. So I gave up after a while.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (24)

The vintage metal chair is all rusty and crusty. I bought it a while ago at my favorite junk shop and took it to my booth to sell. It has never sold so I brought it home to add to my porch decorations.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (2)

I added a little sheen to the chair and also some protection from the rusty stuff with a couple of coats of Howard’s Wax, neutral or clear color.

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On the other side of the front door is another rusty chair I bought at the junk shop. I just got this one a few weeks ago and I’ve been hanging on to it just for Fall decorating.

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The metal jar ring pumpkin is a project I made a couple of years ago. I spray painted a bunch of ball jar rings white then wired them together tightly to make the circle. Next I just inserted a wine cork for a stem. Easy!

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (14)

The tin container with the leaf decor came from the junk shop too. It didn’t have a lid and I don’t know what was in it originally but it looks great as a mum container.

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I love the soft color of these pumpkins. For some reason I just wasn’t feeling the bold orange color for the porch this year.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (25)

The wreath has been on our mantle with some other fun things for the past few months. I added the colorful bow. The ribbon came from Hobby Lobby. Just keeping the wreath simple.

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I left some of the Mums in the original containers. The color and design actually fits the porch theme this year.

If you want to see my funny porch decorating video in fast motion click the video below…

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”1xVn5awu” upload-date=”2021-10-02T03:39:52.000Z” name=”Decorating The Porch For Fall” description=”How to decorate the porch with mums, pumpkins, and Fall stuff.” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

How To Decorate The Porch

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (19)

What do you think of the small dark pumpkin? The lady at the Pumpkin Patch called them “chocolate pumpkins”.

how to decorate flower containers with Chalk Couture transfers


I added this “flower” box the day after decorating the porch. I added a Chalk Couture transfer using white paste to an old metal box. It looks so good!! Find my Chalk Couture page here.

How To Decorate The Porch For Fall With Mums And Vintage Finds (22)
The “ghost” is a diy project using a wood piece and fabric scraps. Just a fun piece that makes me smile. After I decorated the porch and took photos I made a few changes. The bold yellow can behind the vintage metal chair was distracting and the yellow color didn’t fit the theme so I removed it. Also the old water cooler on the left side of the door didn’t look right so I took it down and put the “ghost” on the bench instead.

Fall Decorating ideas
Fall Decorating ideas

I learned the photo tip way of editing decor a few years ago while taking photos of the fireplace mantel. The decorations didn’t look cohesive and there was too much going on. I took a few things off the mantel and moved a few things and took another photo. I made one more change and that was it. So if you are unsure of your room decor, table setting, whatever…..take a photo. You will find it a big help. Find my manel decorating tips and several of my past Fall mantels here..Fanciful Junk Inspired Fall Mantel Decorating Ideas

That’s it for me. I hope my Fall porch decorations inspired you. Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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One Comment

  1. Rebecca Payne says:

    So Cute and Clever! Thank you for sharing.