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Garage Sale Stuff And Auction Buys

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Are you guys ready for another round of “the junk I bought last week”? I actually went to a garage sale this weekend and I got some stuff at an online auction. The garage sale was in my neighborhood so it was a no brainer for me to stop by. I spent $12 and got some goodies.

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I’m a sucker for fruit paintings and I like them just like this one….without the frame, just the canvas.

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I don’t know what the pig is supposed to be but I think he’s filled with rocks. The pig is heavy and when I shake it he rattles like his stomach is full of rocks.

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I liked the little hanging lantern and I was going to fix it up but noticed it had snowflake cutouts on the roof so I think I’ll wait until Winter time.

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Cute homemade sign. It’s kind of primitive and that’s not usually my style but I love the colors and I may keep it.

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This plant basket is really large. Hard to tell from this photo.

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I really like the basket with lid although the lid is oblong and the basket is round but it looks okay all put together.

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Yes, they had a lot of baskets. I thought about painting or dry-brushing this one but decided it was perfect as is.

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The blue bottle is made in Belgium. I’ve already made a project with it but you will have to wait a couple of weeks for the reveal.

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Next up are my auction buys. I bought the three snuff bottles made in Japan for $10. I liked the colors.

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The butterfly is a door knocker. It was made in the 1920’s and apparently some of them sell for a lot of money. This one is not in very good shape.

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The maker was Rosa May Pickard. I have never seen a butterfly door knocker like this have you? I found a little information about the artist here.

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The butterfly knocker was in the box lot with the postal scale, cow bell, and glass dog.

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I bought a large lot with containers of screws and hardware, bike helmets, a camera tripod, and other goodies for $30.

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There are a bunch of tools which the hubby likes and the grouping of stuff was definitely worth the price.

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That orange thingy is a extension cord hub thing with a lot of hookups on it. I found one like it on Home Depot here and the price is $19.

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I like the dominos but I don’t think it is a complete set. I will check to be sure but if not I feel a project coming on! If you are interested in auctions, estate sales, yard sales and such check out my post here about how to find them in your area…The Secret To Finding Estate Sales And Auctions In Your Area

That’s it for my buys. What did you think of the stuff and did you have a favorite? Tomorrow is thrift store decor day so be sure and be here! Thanks, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Love the primitive sign and the lidded basket….

  2. Dlorah Friesen says:

    Great stuff!!. Every thing is a winner to me! The blue vase and the lantern are tops though.