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This Is Where It All Happens | Owen Workshop

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Owen Workshop clean up

We Love Our Workshop

I don’t know if you guys noticed but I’ve been out of town. I scheduled a few posts for the time I was gone but not the usual number. My daughter who lives in Alaska flew to San Francisco to have some elective surgery and I went out to spend the week with her. The surgery was minor but she still needed someone to take care of her….read….keep her down. We stayed in a tiny cottage (refinished one car garage) in San Rafael. The weather was perfect. The temperatures were in the 60’s and 70’s for the most part. When we drove into San Francisco it was cooler but still nice. We also drove up to Napa Valley one day and the temps were higher there. I wasn’t ready for the heat when I got off the plane in Nashville on Tuesday night…but I was glad to be home.

One of the highlights of the trip was getting rear ended on the Golden Gate Bridge….and the car that hit us keeps driving…hit and run. I spent many hours on the phone and at the police station filling out forms. I got the license number of the hit and run guy. I bet he’s going to be surprised.

I also turned 62 while we were in California. Happy Birthday to me! My daughter will be 42 this month. Where does the time go???

One of my goals before I left for California was to clean up the workshop. I know….but I really did it this time. Notice all the open space in the top photo. The furniture waiting to be painted isn’t covered with my junk finds and odds and ends of stuff now either.

cleaning up Petticoat Junktion

This is just the last of the garbage to be hauled away after the cleaning.

junk in the Owen Workshop

The vintage yellow metal cart and the things on it are headed to my booth at the shop.

coral chest of drawers

I know you remember my coral chest of drawers. The top drawer sticks and we need to work on that before taking it to the shop to sell.

diy ribbon holder

I also made the ribbon organizer. Miss Sofi has been crafting with my ribbons.

dresser Petticoat Junktion project

The long dresser is for my sister. She’s having a new house built and I’m painting this piece green. I need to get to work on it.

fun junk finds

Some of the things in the workshop have been there forever….like the table and mismatched chairs. I plan to pull out the HomeRight paint sprayer for this project.

fun things in the Owen Workshop

This corner holds all the ladders and sheets of wood. Notice the bear in the wagon wearing the bicycle helmet. Things get a little rough when Miss Sofi takes the kids for a ride.

Owen Workshop organization

Just look at all that space.

pair of lamps Owen Workshop

The pair of lamps are also for my sister. The vintage waterfall headboard and foot board are going to become a bench. The JTS and I discussed how we are going to make it happen. Now we just have to get busy.


I decluttered the countertops too.

shelves full of treasures

Some of my fun junk stuff.

shop table

Another clean work table. The one table in the back is still covered with things to put away. I just didn’t get to them yet.

storing small bottles of acrylic paint Petticoat Junktion

Do you think I have enough acrylic paint. No? That’s not all of it….really.

Tenley chest of drawers project

This is the chest of drawers Tenley (the oldest granddaughter) picked out for her room. She’s in charge of painting it. She has already removed the original hardware and filled the extra holes with wood putty. The original drawer pulls are going to be replaced with knobs.

This Is Where It All Happens Owen Workshop

This end of the workshop is for break time.

vintage glass jars

Love my storage containers.

wood crate organizers

wood crate organizers

walk way cleared

The wood fence panels are for staging photos.

workshop shelves

Yes, the shelves are full of stuff but are mostly organized!

workshop table

Another work area. When I walked in the workshop yesterday after being gone for over a week, I was surprised. It’s been a mess for so long that’s what I expected to see. So it was a pleasant surprise (insert smiley face).

Behind the scenes Petticoat Junktion workshop

This photo was taken when I was getting ready for the Coral Chest photo shoot. I move those wood fence panels and lean them against furniture then go from there staging the shoot. It is a lot of work. I need to show you guys some behind the scene photos sometime. You would be amazed the things I do to get a few good photos.

That’s it for the workshop tour. Did you see anything you like? Have you been to San Francisco? Have you ever been involved in a hit and run accident?

See you next week…..be good!

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Linda Kaplan says:

    would love that workshop

  2. Marie, The Interior Frugalista says:

    Ha ha ha Kathy, I actually said “holy” out loud when I saw your craft paint stash! Wow, that’s quite the workshop you have there! Sorry to hear about the hit and run but glad to hear you’re both okay. Happy Belated Birthday – I’m not too far behind you!

  3. You workshop is awesome – lots of fun stuff to poke around and look at. Have you ever done a post on your shop where you sell your stuff? I’d love to see it.

    I was in SF in the 70’s. Loved it. I always wanted to go back.

  4. Kathy Owen says:

    I do a little custom painting when I have time. Email me!

  5. Cindy Mann says:

    Your workshop looks great! I only wish I had one! I was wandering do you paint for others. I have 4 wood kitchen bar stools that need painting. I began the project but… that is all I can say. I need help.

  6. I really enjoyed San Francisco too. Happy belated birthday. I am so jealous of your workshop. I have been using my screen porch and now it is too cluttered to entertain. You are very welcome to come over and organize and declutter my work space. My spirit says do it almost daily, but my flesh rebels. Haha! Thank you for sharing. I am always inspired by your offerings.

  7. Hope this gives me some incentive for my garden shed! Thinking I need mor shelfing! Needs to be wood so I can screw them to the studs. ?

  8. Gracie Redfield says:

    I love your workshop! I see so many “goodies” in there—I’d be driving you crazy with questions: ” What is it? What are you going to do with it?” and many more…

    San Francisco is where I left my heart. I dearly wish I could afford to live there. It is an amazing city!

    Yes, I have experienced a hit-and-run accident—very frightening! While waiting for a parking space to empty at the hardware store, a man in an SUV came around the corner, rammed into the front of my truck, backed up and tried to ram me again. I couldn’t back up quickly enough–I was in shock! A man in the parking lot ran up to the driver of the SUV and told him to back up to clear my truck. The driver then tore out of the lot and disappeared into traffic. I filed a police report, but without the driver’s plate number, I had no recourse.

    I hope everything turns out well for your case!

  9. Wow! I’m going to show my husband all of the things in your shop. Maybe he’ll understand me. Love the blog.

  10. Kathy Owen says:

    I love yellow. I’m glad you left the yellow formica counter tops. I went through the declutter thing a year ago and feel so much better. I don’t have a problem with my paints drying up. Hum. I do remove the lids to pour the paint out. I can never get the cellophane off so I just unscrew the lids and put them back on! Glad you found my blog too. Thank you!

  11. Kathy Owen says:

    Oh my gosh Gloria! I wish I would have known believe me I would have come to see you. I don’t put the info on my blog before I go out of town. I am too leery of what could happen when I’m gone. You can hear all kinds of weird stuff.

  12. Love your workshop, Kathy! I’m glad you went out to CA to stay with your daughter during and after her surgery. It’s always nice to have Mom with you. My daughter is 40 and my son will be 46 this fall (I’m 66.) Wish I was 46 but I’m doing well for 66 – no complaints except bad knees!
    Keep your good projects coming to all of your fans!

  13. I’m 59, my oldest is 40! Yes where does the time go!?? I have that (vintage?? naw! I’m not vintage!) yellow metal cart in my porch office area. I bought it in the early 80’s brand new. It was quite pricey and I was so pleased to have it in the kitchen of my house to hold my green tupperware canisters and my coffee pot on top! The house then was 80 years old, but it was re-decorated in the late 60’s. I’ve left the “yellow” formica counter tops in the kitchen. :o) We did a huge HUGE de-clutter after living here 39 years, but the cart stayed in my office.

    I just found your blog, and am enjoying it.
    I am a decorative painter. How do you keep your acrylic paints wet? Mine dry out in the bottles quickly, even sealed tight.

  14. I wish you would have announced your plans to come to Napa. I work here, and would have loved to meet you, and perhaps show you the winery where i work!

  15. Kathy, great job organizing the workshop! A suggestion for your vast collection of paints….I put a dab of color on the top of each bottle – it makes it easier to find the color you’re looking for (if you have the time to do this!) I’ve been to SF many times as we have family living in the East Bay…love it!

  16. Bet you like having your space now organized better.

  17. Looks fantastic! Hope your daughter is recovering nicely…..Rescue Rehab is in Alaska!!

  18. Always enjoy your site and wished I had a “real workroom”, not just part of my laundry room. Of course, I do not do the wonderful work you do! Years ago on vacation, my hubby wanted to take me across the Golden Gate. I said, “tell me when we are on it”. Well, it was so smoggy, we couldn’t even see it but we did cross it. Keep up the good work!

  19. Lynda Nunez says:

    Yes, I’ve been to San Francisco and loved it…and yes, I’ve been involved in a hit-a-run while turning into the day care center when my kids were little. The guy sped around the right of me and slammed my car. This was back in the 70’s when there were no seat belts. Thank the good Lord none of us were hurt and the guy was apprehended. He was running from another hit-and-run. I’m glad you weren’t hurt and that you got his license number. Love your site.

  20. Wow!!!!