11 Of My DIY Fails
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Good or Bad DIY projects? Some of my projects are a little over-the-top, and I know they are going to be controversial. I actually liked several of these projects but others hated them. The comments, especially on Facebook, were really ugly. The emotions DIY furniture or home decor projects can evoke are surprising.
I love when you guys comment and share your opinions. If you don’t care for one of my projects, that’s okay. You probably say nice things when you want to say “What in the world was she thinking?” Take a look at these “love or hate” DIY projects. Some of the makeovers are from 2012 so you may not have seen them.
Plastic Water Bottle Vases
The plastic water bottle recycle was fun. I spray painted the bottles with bright yellow paint and bundled them up with the pretty ribbon. The flower twigs finished the look. You would not believe how many people went crazy over painting water bottles. Some even commented on the fact that I wasn’t being environmentally friendly by drinking bottled water.
The Painted Antique Dresser
This makeover was for a client. It was her piece of furniture and she wanted it painted. The antique dresser was in pretty good shape and I got a lot of flack for painting it. I give the client what they want. Personally, I didn’t mind painting it but I wouldn’t have chosen the hardware the client did. I would have gone with something more in style with the antique dresser.
Project Inspired By A Photo In BHG Magazine
The chocolate-inspired piece is more recent. I saw a photo in Better Homes and Garden Magazine that inspired this look. I still have this piece for sell in my booth. I guess I’m the only one that likes it.
Really Chippy Milk Painted Wardrobe
This is the only one of the bunch that I wasn’t sure of ….and still am not. I couldn’t decide if I loved it or hated it. After I set it up in the shop and stepped back for a look, I decided I liked it. The finish was achieved with Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint. The piece sold right away.
Painted Waterfall Chair
This project surprised me. I thought everyone would like it ….no. I don’t think it was that they didn’t like it as much as they wanted to see something on the back of the chair. That is a big black blank space! Read the original post to see what I used to cover the chair seat.
Very Heavily Distressed Desk
The desk is a project from 2012. My photography skills back then were definitely lacking. This photo was taken at the shop where I have my booth. I heavily distressed the white drawer fronts using an electric sander. I do admit after looking back at this piece that the distressing with the sander was not good. The paint has weird chopping marks from using the sander. It may be too distressed for some.
Shabby Dresser
If you are a regular here, you’ve probably seen this piece more than once. I still love it. I wish I had the dresser….. but I sold it. One thing I would have done differently is to put the dresser in front of a solid backdrop. Another photography mistake. Also, all of the furniture looks different in person. At least to me. I see the furniture and I look at the photos and the visual is just not the same. Do you know what I’m talking about?
Spray Painted Tree
Okay, I added this project to the list because I don’t like it. The tree did not turn out as I envisioned. I was hoping the tree would look like a silver tinsel tree but I just kept spraying silver paint on the tree and it kept soaking it up. Never did get really silver.
Duck Tape Bulletin Board
I covered an old picture frame with different colors of Duck Tape and added a corkboard to the center to make a bulletin board for my granddaughter’s room. It didn’t make me happy.
Color Block Wardrobe
When I painted this wardrobe, color blocking was in. But this look would never be in. I didn’t like it at all.
Nautical Furniture
This was too over-the-top white washed for me. The style of the piece didn’t help!
Love or Hate Projects
I get questions about my favorite DIY supplies and tools. You can find them on the Petticoat Junktion Amazon Page by clicking here. That’s it. I just thought you guys might want to go back in time and look at these controversial projects.
They’re not my cup of tea either, but that’s OK. I like that you were creative and open to what you liked and didn’t like.
Like Thumper said –
If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all!!
Though I personally don’t like any of those, I like that you share them. I like to see what others are doing, what’s possible, and what I don’t love (without having to go there myself). I usually like your projects, and even those I’d do differently are a springboard to more ideas. Thanks for sharing, Kathy.