Home » Junk Shopping » $2 Bar Stools Plus Junk Shopping And Auction buys

$2 Bar Stools Plus Junk Shopping And Auction buys

It’s been a while since I posted about my junk shopping trips and auction buys. That means I have a bunch of goodies to share with you today. A couple of weeks ago, I really got some good buys at one of the online auctions.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (3)

I bought this set of outdoor bar stools for $11. They are now on our deck with the high-top table we’ve had for a while. What a great deal.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (4)

The four folding chairs were $8. What a deal on those. I’ve already sold two of them at the shop and am in the process of painting the one on the left.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (5)

The pair of wrought iron swivel chairs were $30. More than the other things but still a good price. They are very heavy and just a bit rusty and discolored.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (6)

I bought the 3 mismatched bar stools for a grand total of $2. This online auction deal was great! We are using all of them in the workshop. I may paint one of them and sell it.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (7)

I paid $8 for this vintage serving tray.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (8)

The handmade kids’ bench was $25. I’m just going to clean and refresh the wood.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (1)

I know it’s a mess but you guys know me. The rusty beat up First Aid Kit was $2.

items bought at auction Petticoat Junktion (2)

It was still full of first aid stuff.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (2)

Now for the finds from my favorite junk shop. I loved the shabby chic white distressed pot.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (3)

A look at the stuff behind the front fence at the shop.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (6)

Do you like milk glass? I do but there is only so much junk you can display in your home.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (7)

There were a lot of pretty pieces at the shop.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (8)

I bought the vintage stopper bottle at the junk shop. I took it to my booth to sell and someone walked off with it. That happens a lot at the shop with small things, but keeping everything locked up behind glass doors is impossible. They were kind enough to leave the price tag behind….ugh.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (9)

I love this old handmade pottery piece.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (10)

I bought this at Goodwill with a project in mind but it didn’t work out so now I need another idea.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (11)

The candleholder will come in handy for some kind of project.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (12)

A look at the outside of the junk shop.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (13)

The two wire flower basket holders are cool. I bought them.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (14)

And I bought the outdoor figures.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (1)

The frogs are cute.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (15)

At one time I made a few projects with horseshoes but I don’t know what I would make with them now.


junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (16)

I got the beautiful Hawaii hanging at Goodwill. I love those colors. It was only $2.99.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (18)

The wood flower planter was too cute, and I’m not sure if I should paint it. What do you think?

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (17)

The kitchen utensil came from the Goodwill too.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (21)

I don’t know why I like his little cat mug and topper so much. There is a chip on the top edge of the cup but I think it will make a cute little planter.

junk shopping with Kathy Owen of Petticoat Junktion (22)

I plan to paint the drawer white and distress it. Maybe use it to organize magazines.


The last piece is a small table the JTS picked up at an auction for $5.

online auction buys
What caught your eye? Any ideas for me? Thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy Owen founder of Petticoat Junktion
 | Website

Author: Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen is the founder of the home decor blog Petticoat Junktion where she shares tutorials on painting furniture and upcycling thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines. Kathy’s newest website is HappyHomeDIY.com

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  1. Thanks so much !!! I learned
    A lot today as I’m a newcomer
    So much I didn’t realize was
    Involved with renewing the new from the old
    Appreciate you

  2. I haven’t gone junkin’ in a long time. There are several shops like this in Burnet, Texas which is a short drive down the road from me. I should plan a day to eat a burger out and go shopping. So many funs treasures to find!

  3. Awesome buys Kathy! I would paint the small planter – something that’d stand out. You always have great ideas for your treasures. You’ve inspired me to be more creative with my own projects.

  4. I love the pelicans. Are you going to sell them in your shop?

    Yes, paint the flower planter.

  5. Oh my Goodness! I so wish we had a shop like that in my area! I would love to spend an afternoon just lookin through all the goodies!
    Love all your purchases listed. Good for you.