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Junk Hunt Arkansas Yard Sale Buys Plus More Junk

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 I was in Arkansas the first part of October and went on the Junk Hunt Arkansas Yard Sale. Lots of junk buys to share today.

Junk Hunt Arkansas 2020

Junk Hunt Arkansas Yard Sale

The sale is along Hwy 79 and Hwy 63 in South Arkansas close to my parents’ home. My sister took off work to go on the sale with me and she was my driver and we took Dad’s truck so we could load up.

I made some good buys and my sister only bought two books at our last stop. Wasn’t it sweet of her to drive me around. We ate at a café in one of the small towns we went through and I brought her lunch. Call it even.

vintage pyrex finds from the Junk Hunt Yard Sale Hwy 79 Arkansas (2)

I bought the two vintage Pyrex bowls with lids for $1 each. I’ve already sold them in my booth so I probably priced them too low. I think I priced them at $6 each so I did pretty well for the price I paid.

wrought iron Ferris Wheel planter

I bought the cute little wrought iron Ferris Wheel planter for $5. Deal

metal fishing tackle box

The metal box was $5 and you guys probably saw it on my Fall mantel decor post {here}.

vintage fishing lures from the Junk Hunt Yare Sale Arkansas

The box had several old fishing lures in it and I plan to sell those. I don’t think they are worth a whole lot but I bet I get my $5 back and I still get to keep the cool metal box.

rustic birdhouse

This rustic birdhouse was $1.

owl candle holder

The owl used to be a solar light but the light didn’t work anymore. That’s okay. It can hold a candle and the cost was 25 cents.

vintage glass lamps

I bought the two glass lamps at the same place and I think the price on them was $1 each. It’s been a few weeks and I’m a bit fuzzy on some of the prices. I know that all together I spent less than $40 on my haul.

red bottles

The red bottles were 25 cents each.

vintage frame

The vintage gold tone frame was $1.


This  birdhouse was $1 also.

wrought iron table missing top

The wrought iron stand with missing top was either $5 or $10.

two metal welcome signs for 50 cents

I got two  metal pineapple signs for 50 cents. I just completed two projects with these today and I’m so happy with them.

red iron magazine rack

The red magazine stand was $5.

junk hunt yard sale Arkansas rustic tin find

The corrugated tin was $4 for each piece and I bought 3 pieces. I have a couple of ideas for these.

free table

My sister gave me this table and I keep thinking I’ve seen it before. I think I gave it to her when she was looking for furniture to redecorate her house.

I need to ask her about that. Maybe we were just shopping together when she bought it. I’m in the process of painting it now and so far it’s looking good.

The next photos are from my favorite junk shop and the purchases were made in two shopping trips. I know it’s been a while since I shared my junk finds!

vintage hull pottery (2)

I’m kicking myself for selling the pottery piece above. I headed to my booth right after loading up from this shopping trip and I took the vase into the shop and priced it.

I didn’t think it would sell right away and I really wanted to keep it. I priced it at $14 thinking the price was high because there was a small chip on the inside lip.

Someone bought it the same afternoon I took it into the shop. I have never see a Hull piece like this. The finish was so pretty……and that color. Whining!

Mr. Butler from Butler's Antiques

Mr. Raymond Butler was working on some things at the shop.

planter to paint with metallic paint

I bought the plastic planter because I thought it would looked cool painted with metallic copper spray paint. The straight line designs are nice and modern looking or maybe art deco?

cheese ball dome

I’m thinking I’ll put some kind of winter display in the cheese ball dish.

wood box painted red

You guys know I like the wood box painted red. No top but that’s okay. It was $5 and I can see it maybe holding one of those small trees I use in my porch decor every Christmas.

Christmas tree cookie cutters

The two cute Christmas tree cookie cutters were 50 cents each. I think I’ll hang them on my tree.

twin size spindle bed to paint

I bought the twin spindle bed with iron rails for $25. Haven’t decided on a color yet.

blue iron twin size bed

I bought the blue metal headboard and footboard but no rails. The black chippy chairs are mine too and I’ve already sold them.

large wood shutters

I bought 5 of these wood shutters. Wood shutters are hard to find and some people make projects with them.

vintage wood frame (2)

It’s a little thing but I like the gold diamond design on this frame.

homemade tree stand

Metal tree stand for $5. Maybe it will sell since it’s getting close to Christmas. Christmas will be here before you know it.

Suzette and her daughter (3)

Another picture from Butler’s Antiques, Ms Suzette and her daughter.

box of Christmas ornaments from the Goodwill

I bought the Santa gift box full of these ornaments at Goodwill for less than $4. Not bad.

That’s all my junkin’ stuff for now. I bought more things but don’t have photos of it all. What did you like the best? Do you want to see a video of the junk shop? Maybe you missed it before…..

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”MGvWfmXU” upload-date=”2019-09-03T02:33:07.000Z” name=”Junk Shop Tour of Butler’s Antiques Hopkinsville KY” description=”Flea Market Shopping in Kentucky” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

Junk Shop Video

Do you ever go on any of those long yard sales like the Junk Hunt Arkansas? Share if you do. Thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Margie Bramer says:

    I use the cheese ball domes to create vignettes.
    Otherwise my cats would use it all as toys!!

  2. ROSE LEFEBVRE says:

    Quite the haul. Look forward to any of the remakes you do!

  3. You should check out Antique Crossroads and Beaver Creek Antiques near Boonsboro and Hagerstown Md. I always find good things priced well there.

  4. That had to be the most fun day!!!!!

    Thanks for taking us along…

  5. That lamp on the left is pre1940! It’s got a rayon wrapped cord. You can replace it w the small kind from a vintage lamp place. Or just leave it and sell as is. For those of us who collect vintage glass lamps, don’t charge the cord, you should get more for it! Expensive lamps had silk on the cords!

  6. I love everything in this message. I wish I went yard shopping with you. The prices are fantastic! Here in Maryland I don’t think I’ve seen those kind of great prices.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Rebecca Payne says:

    Great finds. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Barbara Warner says:

    Oh, my Kathy, you scored some great deals in this haul. I love the Pyrex dishes and that little bird house. The magazine rack is terrific as well. Can’t wait to see what you do with all this stuff.

  9. Maybe you can find one there. At least you know what you’re looking for. Sometimes I don’t know until I see it!

  10. Sherry Martin says:

    My favorite was the red wooden box. I have, or actually my daughter has them now, the pyrex pieces. They were my Moms.

  11. Yes, I love the pyrex but don’t collect it. As you know you can only collect so much stuff!

  12. I always buy cheese dishes when I see them.

  13. My favorite thing is, just about everything. I love red also, but metal beds grab my attention when ever I see them. I’m a big fan of Pyrex. It’s a good thing I have limited storage, or I would have way too much.

  14. Dannie Jones says:

    Love the birdhouse ❤️Beautiful

  15. Bobby Gittins says:

    That vintage tone gold frame is exactly what I’ve been looking for – here in the UK. just my luck!