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Ceramic Cherub And Another Edition of My Arkansas Home

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Ceramic Cherub Owen Cemetery Arkansas Petticoat Junktion photo

Ceramic Cherub

My Arkansas Home

Today I’m sharing the rest of the photos from the November visit to my parents’ home in Arkansas. To read the first part of the story just click here……My Arkansas Home | Alzheimer’s Story Part III

When I left the story last time my dad, me, the JTS, and my nephew and his son were going to visit the “Old” Owen Cemetery. The cemetery is way out in the middle of the woods. The roads are dirt and sometimes they are impassible. We went on four wheelers and a Rhino.

Arkansas trip Petticoat Junktion

In this shot we are almost to the cemetery.

Old Owen Cemetary Arkansas

Dixie went with us too. Someone put a homemade sign on the gate since my last visit. The cemetery isn’t used now by my family. We have a “New” Owen Cemetery. The new cemetery has been around as long as I can remember so it’s not really new. The cemetery we visited here is just really old. Some of our distant relatives still use this cemetery.

Arkansas trip 2

A boy and his dog.

Owen Family Cemetery

This lady was my great, great, grandmother…..I think. My dad tells me all this stuff then I forget.

Owen Headstone Old Owen Cemetery


Old Owen Cemetery Griffith Springs Arkansas


Dad At Old Owen Cemetery Griffith Springs Arkansas

My sweet dad.

Old Headstone Owen Cemetery Arkansas

Don’t you just love that name…..Missouri? All of these folks are related to me in some way. The next time I visit the cemetery I will take a notepad and write all the information down. It’s only when we get older that we get curious about our ancestors and want to know all the stories. At least I feel that way.

My dad says he can remember when he was really young going to the cemetery in a horse drawn wagon with his dad. That would have been 80+ years ago.

Cemetery Headstone William K. Owen

Headstone Owen Cemetary

It sounds weird to say I enjoy going to cemetery’s so maybe enjoy isn’t the right word. I like the history. This headstone is barely readable. I know the top words are “Infant Daughter”  and that makes me sad. It also makes me want to know the story.

The guys

The guys; my hubby, my nephew Brickley and his son Jack, and my Dad. And Dixie the dog.


Me and Dad.

Ceramic Cherub Owen Cemetery Arkansas Petticoat Junktion photo

One more look at the ceramic cherub on one of the graves. Her little face is so sweet.

To start at the beginning of this series start here….Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone | Getting Personal (Nov. 2014)

To read the next post in the Arkansas and Alzheimer’s story click here..My Dad’s Garden | Alzheimer’s Story Part IV (July, 2016)

Have a great weekend guys and thanks for being here.

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:

    One of my relatives did that Gloria. I couldn’t refer to it because my daughter-in-law has it. I guess I need to get it back and make a copy for her!

  2. Write down your family tree info before it is too late! My mother-in-law compiled family stories and ancestry in a wonderful book that she copied and gave to all her children one Christmas. I can tell you it is one of my husband’s favorite things

  3. Helen Holley says:

    I love the cherub,

  4. Helen Holley says:

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog… And also that I am from Arkansas too! Originally from Monticello, but reside in Little Rock. It’s so wonderful to see such a great blog from a fellow Arkansan!
    Thank you for sharing,
    Helen Holley

  5. I too love walking through a cemetery. My family “headstones” are scattered through Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas. I live in Arkansas now and enjoyed your trip looking at the graves. Kids enjoy doing rubbings of their ancestors – or something on a headstone that looks interesting. I took my son 28 years ago to England when he was twelve and that was a great way to incorporate history with a light weight souvenir. Luckily he remembers every bit of that trip! Thanks for the posts!

  6. Kathy Owen says:

    Yes, if those kids keep the list of questions and answers in maybe 50 years they will look be glad you gave them the assignment.

  7. thank you for sharing your family with us.

  8. Kathy you are so right about getting older and wanting to know your ancestors. I grew up with my grandparents in the same house and oh how I wish I wrote down the things that they told me. I read to third graders and told them before Christmas to sit down with their grandparents and ask them questions and WRITE it down. They looked at me like I had 3 heads. Some day they will think you know that crazy lady was right I wish I had done that.