Home » My Favorite Junk Shop » Old Red Step Ladder Obviously Used By A Painter | Junk Shop Find

Old Red Step Ladder Obviously Used By A Painter | Junk Shop Find

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I went to the junk shop last week and made a haul of smalls. When I drove to the junk shop the day after July 4 no one was there. It’s sad when you have your heart set on junkin’ and then you just have to go to TJMAXX instead. I enjoy shopping at TJMAXX but it’s not the junk shop. Ready to see what I got last week? I spent $35 on all the stuff and I also have a few Goodwill purchases to share.

red step ladder from my favorite junk shop and trreasured finds (1)
old red step ladder found at the junk shop

The old red step ladder is my favorite find of the week. You can tell it was used by a painter and I love it as is. Don’t know if I’ll sell it or hang on to it for awhile. Probably keep it around.

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A quick look at the outsitde of the junk shop. It’s been cleaned up per the city’s orders.

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There are tons of old windows and window frames at the junk shop along with salvaged doors and cool salvaged architectural pieces.

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I wanted the blue metal box at first sight then after taking a closer look passed on it.

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I grabbed the bottom part of a file drawer. It’s rusty and beat up and it will look cool holding my vintage hardware at the shop.

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The two green pieces are made of metal and pretty heavy. Not sure what they came off of or were part of. I think I’ll use them as magnet boards.

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The wrought iron  patio umbrella stand was a steal at $10. That thing is heavy too. I bet it would cost $50-$100 brand new.

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Another look at my cool finds with some kind of rusty garden tool.

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This flower pot is plastic but I plan to paint it in some fashion to look like concrete or maybe copper.

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The vintage vanity stool is a mess but at $5 it’s a steal. Most of the veneer has peeled off of the back of the seat and the front too! You guys know there will be a  makeover coming with paint and a new seat cover. I may go metallic with the paint.

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The photo above shows a picture of the iron fence rail surrounding the shop door. I spotted the metal basket under all the stuff and had to have it too.

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Really cool wire metal basket. I need to do something with it but not sure what. I definitely need to keep it. That’s my problem. I want to keep it all.

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A look at the front room in the shop.


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Look at all the rusty tools and gadgets.

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One of the side rooms. Until 2 or 3 years ago most of the rooms in the shop were closed off because you couldn’t even walk down the aisles. They have cleaned up and sold a bunch of stuff since then.

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One of the walkways outside.

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The red metal box was $5.

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I also bought more of those big round wood knobs I used on the white furniture makeover from last week.

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The tiered basket came from Goodwill. You can never have too many baskets.

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The metallic gold owl came from the Goodwill too.

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I bought these two hanging shelves. I’ve seen a lot of these lately and like the style. In fact I have a couple of brass colored iron ones with white boards somewhere?

That’s all my purchases so let me know what you think of them and if you have any project ideas. For those of you who are new here or if you haven’t seen the video of my favorite junk shop you can check it out below.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”MGvWfmXU” upload-date=”2019-09-03T02:33:07.000Z” name=”Junk Shop Tour of Butler’s Antiques Hopkinsville KY” description=”Flea Market Shopping in Kentucky” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

Butler’s Antiques, Hopkinsville Kentucky 

As always thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Wow, you are so fortunate to have such a junk/thrift shop. I could spend hours there. Thank you for so many great ideas!

  2. Always enjoy looking at your items from the junk shop.

  3. Cannot wait to see what you do with your finds! I think I would have gotten each one too!!

  4. Dlorah I Friesen says:

    I enjoy looking at all of your vintage items from the junk shop. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Cecilia from Georgia says:

    Love it all! I have an iron umbrella stand somewhere in my flower bed…
    can’t wait and see what you do with it!

  6. will you ever show us some pictures of your antique booth?

  7. Thank you! That sent me searching the internet to see how they worked!

  8. You are a joy to watch shopping for junk. You give me inspiration. Keep up the great work you do! Appreciate you in Texas!

  9. SharonFromMichigan says:

    The junk/antique shop looks like the kind of place where you can spend hours slowly walking around and trying to look at everything! (My kind of place :))

  10. I just love that you and some of your readers can just look at stuff and know what to do with it! I don’t have that talent and am a “copier”, so thank goodness for those with the talent and the touch!

  11. Terri Austill says:

    The cool garden tool is a pair of sheep shears. I have a bunch of those hanging from my patio on an old fish stringer.

  12. Colleen Bohn says:

    You done good in finding some great items. Darling little red step ladder; nice handy item to use in my kitchen. 🙂
    Me, I’m always on the look out for the old vintage, gardening tools & small farm tools / items

    Have an enjoyable day