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9 Wall Decor Christmas Trees Made From Old Junk

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I’ve put together many DIY Christmas tree decor pieces over the years. I didn’t realize just how many until I started looking back at old Christmas projects. I made the trees from junky stuff.

Reclaimed Hardware Tree


I love using reclaimed hardware, drawer pulls, etc. to make unique items. You can do the same. I bet you have some things in your junk drawer, garage, or workshop you could use to make something fun.

Maybe these projects will give you some ideas. You don’t have to make a Christmas tree. The first project on the list is from 2012.

DIY Christmas Tree Decor

DIY Christmas Tree Decor Made From Junk Finds

This was my first hardware Christmas tree and it’s also still my favorite. I had this old reclaimed door with handle and hinges still attached and I went from there.

hardware, Petticoat Junktion

This photo of my junk hardware stash was taken in 2012. The stash has grown considerably since then. I have a good selection of vintage furniture pulls and knobs, door hardware, old tool pieces, and miscellaneous metal junk items. You never know what might come in handy so I pick up any odd or fun looking piece.



recycle repurpose upcycle

I gathered hardware parts and pieces and put the tree together using hot glue and a few screws. The flower topper is a piece of vintage jewelry. It’s now 2020 and the hardware tree is still in one piece and a favorite of my Christmas decorations.

diy reclaimed hardware Christmas tree

The little DIY reclaimed hardware Christmas tree is similar to the first tree but on a smaller scale. I really like that green piece. Trying out different junky pieces in different places is half the fun of putting these guys together.

Checker Game Piece Tree

The checker tree has a garden spigot topper. I made several projects from garden spigots but haven’t done any recently. I need to get on that. The tree is on a vintage tin. The hanger is rusty reclaimed wire.

recycled checkers DIY project

Always check the local thrift stores, Goodwill, Salvation Army, and flea markets for inexpensive objects to work with. This bag of checkers was cheap!

Frog Tape Project Tree with Vintage Jewelry Tree Topper 7

This piece is a little different from the first two. I painted the tree on a blank white canvas using frog tape as guides. The colors are silver and gold metallics. The tree topper is a vintage earring.

Partridge in a pear tree stencil

The partridge in the pear tree was a fun stencil project. The frame is a junky find and the color is original.

Partridge in a pear tree stencil project

That little partridge is so cute and I love the curly cue branches of the tree.

Sparkle and shine reclaimed jewerly and hardware tree

I made this tree last Christmas. The board is a reclaimed drawer bottom. I tried to do something a little different with this tree. Most of the hardware is not flat like the first tree. Adds depth to the tree and I like it!

bling tree topper

The rhinestone topper came from my jewelry stash.

Guess what. I forgot about my sisal rope tree. I don’t know how I did that. 


The sisal rope tree is perfect for the home with nautical decor. It’s really easy to make too. Get all the details here…sisal tree.

How about some trees that don’t involve hardware? These trees are warm and soft.

vintage quilt christmas tree garland or christmas tree ornaments

Old quilts that have seen better days (cutter quilts) are great for upcycled projects like the Christmas tree garland I made. Take the trees off the garland and they can be ornaments. Change it up each year.

5 funky diy trees

I hope you liked the tree review. Which is your favorite? I bet you have some junky pieces you could make a tree from. Get creative. I’ll see you guys later. Have a good day, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. So very cute and creative! We have a huge box of old hardware that I wasn’t sure what to do with, now my mind is working overtime! Thank you ?

  2. MaryJo Materazo says:

    These are great! I love old crusty hardware too so this is great inspiration for a Christmas project. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

  3. I have a junk collection too that I hold onto awaiting the perfect project. But mine isn’t near as impressive as yours. Love love love this project!

  4. Barbara Warner says:

    You are part genius and part angel! I love these trees and the resources you used to make them. I have “copied” all of them so I can work on these pieces through the year. I donate a lot of my “art???” to a local thrift store so they can earn money to help our community. Thanks so much for sharing your talents and ingunuity!

  5. Alice Hanson says:

    Just darling! They certainly are fun projects to do! Us junkers have the stuff for sure! Merry Christmas!

  6. Kathleen Lunsford says:

    You are so original with your decor pieces, Thanks for all the great ideas.

  7. Cheryl Atkinson says:

    Kathy, those are awesome!!.I love them. I’m going to start looking out for junk to do that. I love all of them.

  8. Kathy Moreland says:

    Oh my, it’s too hard to pick a favorite. Great ideas! I need to look around and see what I can find to give this a try! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  9. Hi Kathy – Oh my goodness I love your trees! Wishing you and yours the merriest and the most blessed Christmas and holiday season! Hugs, Holly

  10. Lisa J. Donath says:

    I love them!!!! How clever:)

  11. Marie from The Interior Frugalista says:

    Love them all, Kathy but I have to say my favorite is the one you made last year. Love how all the junk finds pop against that pretty dry brushed turquoise paint.

  12. These are quite fun! It’s a tie for my favorite between the one with the hardware on the turquoise drawer bottom and, surprisingly to me, the very simple one with the earring on top. I just really like the clean lines and simplicity of that one.

    Great show and tell!

  13. Love love love. Right up my alley. Merry Christmas

  14. You always amaze me! Love.

  15. I like the first tree that you made the best also and my second favorite is the one you made last year. I really like the idea of using old handles and hinges. That’s such a creative idea.

  16. Creativity everywhere. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I am loving your creative trees. I am crazy for the one on turquoise colored wood! Matches my colors.

  18. Anything old I love it. I love them all

  19. super cute!

  20. Also…hope you are going to share the ?? again!

  21. I LOVE…all of these! You are my inspiration to attempt making these gems! I’m in the process of gathering the treasures required! Thank you Kathy! ?

  22. I love the first one and the Partridge in a pear tree ones. You did a marvelous job!!!! Thanks for sharing these with us.

  23. Kathy,
    I love ’em! I’d be proud to hang one anywhere in my home. I especially like the checker pieces one. Thanks for passing on ways to repurpose rusty old pieces or odd “no mates” pieces.

  24. Love all of them! Partridge in a Pear Tree is my fav!

  25. Tami Toppen says:

    Very cute and creative!