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12 Unique Repurpose Ideas For Throwaway Items

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Sometimes the coolest home decor projects are created using unconventional items. Next time you think about trashing an item, think again. You can make fantastic home decor items from things that would surprise you. How about framing a gift box, painting a coffee can, or using food wrap to create home decor? It can be done!

1. Wood Pool Rack And Antique Wallpaper

christmas upcycle project

This idea can be used with any paper as a background to make everyday decor or a seasonal display. I got the idea for my Christmas display from a magazine. Vintage wallpaper and a wood pool rack are the base of the project and the surprise ingredient is glitter!

2. Crown Royal Bottles

use a hydrodip spray paint technique on a recycled Crown Royal bottle
recycled Crown Royal bottle

Repurpose glass bottles of all types in fun and unique ways. These hydro dip glass bottles are colorful and unique, and the paint technique is easy. You will never get the same paint finish twice with hydro dipping. 

3. Grocery Store Packaged Food Netting

seashell cloche created using recycled food wrap netting

Did you know you can recycle those net bags from the grocery store? The ones that hold produce, fruits, and meat? I did it. I’ve always wondered about recycling the bags because I hate tossing them. Cover a glass cloche for a nautical feel!

4. Spam Cans and Plastic Fruit Containers

spam cans and plastic food containers repurpose idea

Recycled food cans and fruit containers using metallic spray paint to make flower planters. It’s a great way to help save the environment.

5. Aluminum Cans

repurpose aluminum cans into vases

These upcycled can vases are a knock-off of popular West Elm vases, which are very pricy. You don’t have to get fancy. Just spray paint them without the crinkles!

6. Hardback Books

paint old books for repurpose ideas

Painting old books is easy. In just a few minutes and you can have new inexpensive decor. You can paint the books any color and add any design. The ideas are endless.

7. Gift Boxes

framed gift box

Some gift boxes have pretty designs and colors, making them perfect for framing!

8. Coffee Cans

coffee can repurpose idea

Upcycle a coffee can into a pretty vase to display flowersPaint just part of the can so you have a two-tone finish. That makes it special.

9. Plastic Water Bottles

water bottles to upcycle

Don’t throw away plastic water bottles. Make water bottle vases. You could drop them in the recycle bin but that’s no fun.

10. Cutter Quilts (old and tattered)

recycle old quilts into home decor

Use old quilts to cover plastic pumpkins, faux rabbits for Easter, or just glue quilt pieces to wood blocks. The repurpose ideas for old quilts is endless.

11. Denim Jeans

denim jean repurpose

Are you guilty of throwing out your old denim jeans? I hope not. You can do something cool, like cover a bench or chair seat with the faded denim.

12. Greeting Cards

christmas ornaments
Greeting cards of all kinds can be upcycled. Make banners or garlands to hang on the mantel or china hutch. Or create unique Christmas ornaments to repurpose the cards from family and friends.

I hope these projects inspired you to repurpose similar items instead of sending them to the recycle bin or landfill. Thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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