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Clipper Ship Nautical Wall Decor | Junktion ReFunkton

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Nautical Wall Decor

Well, I have to say this piece of nautical wall decor would look great in a kid’s room or a men’s study either one. It’s definitely guy decor. Wait until you see how easy it was to  make.

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to me…..that’s right…..61 today. That is so darn had to believe. I don’t feel 61. How did this happen? Seems like just yesterday I was graduating high school, ready to take on the world. Now here I am with a wonderful hubby, 2 great kids, and 4 awesome grandkids. Life is good.

But enough about me. How are you guys? Did you have a good 4th of July weekend? We’re old folks( you did read the first paragraph) and we didn’t shoot fireworks or go to any fireworks shows. We hung out at home.

I worked on this refunktion project…..

clipper ship nautical wall decor Petticoat Junktion refunktion

clipper ship nautical wall decor

The clipper ship was originally a book end. I bought it at My Favorite Junk Shop. It’s been riding around in the floorboard of the truck under a bunch of tie downs. It’s a good thing Sofi spotted it the other day.

ship bookend

I forgot about buying it.

dry brush and wax

I knew you guys didn’t want to look at a long post with tons of photos so I made a collage. The first thing I did was remove the flat base from the bookend. Then I grabbed a bottle of white paint and dry-brushed the ship. I painted a reclaimed door in royal blue and then distressed the paint with 80 grit sandpaper. I used Howard’s Wax in golden oak to darken the paint and add a little patina. I drilled a couple of holes and added sisal rope for a hanger.

nautical wall decor Petticoat Junktion refunktion

I hot-glued the clipper ship to the board.

hot glue gun Petticoat Junktion

I keep the glue gun and glue sticks in a handy dandy box. Everything is together and I can stand the glue gun up in the box while it’s heating. I bought a fancy expensive glue gun a few years ago but I like my cheap one the best. You can tell it’s been used a little bi

clipper ship nautical wall decor Petticoat Junktion t.

That’s it! What do you guys think?

How about a few pieces of nautical furniture? Here are a couple of makeovers you have to see…… Red Striped Nautical Chest ……… and………Stenciled Number Blue and White Chest.

I have to tell you what my hubby ( the JTS or Junktion Technical Specialist) said to me. Last week I told him I would be 61 pretty soon. He said “Sweetheart if you turn that around you’re still 16”…..ahhhhh.

Tomorrow is the tutorial on the Antiqued Red Cedar Chest.

See you then, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Kathy Owen says:

    I hope to run into you too Lynn! I’m glad you like my blog!

  2. Lynn Crider says:

    Happy birthday Kathy!! I met you once at You Never Know and just knew we were about the same age. Of all the blogs I read I look forward to yours the most. Use to have another favorite but feel like she ran off and left me! Hope to run into you again at YNK.

  3. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you Ruth. I’ll keep them coming!

  4. Kathy Owen says:

    When you get here let me know. Happy Birthday to you!

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    so true, to all of that

  6. Kathy Owen says:

    I will, thanks!

  7. Kathy Owen says:

    haha, will do

  8. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. You go girl!

  9. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you Patty!

  10. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday. I have 3.5 years on you and have never been happier or felt better or more free. Enjoy growing older because many have been denied the privilege.

  11. Happy Birthday Kathy!! 61 is not so bad, I turned 62 and just finished installing board and batten all by myself! Oh, the things YOU will do!!

  12. Happy Birthday!

    Let us know when your JTS begins his class to teach other husbands how it’s done!

  13. Marie@The Interior Frugalista says:

    Happy 61st Birthday Kathy! Keep on Keep’n On like it’s 1966.

  14. chris aka monkey says:

    happy birthday kathy i’m 66 and my mind doesn’t understand that, thinks it’s 30, just wish my body would follow suit xx

  15. On Friday I will be 16 also. Oh the joys of youth with wisdom. Coming to see you and shopping in Nashville with you is on my bucket list.

  16. Happy Birthday Kathy!!!! I just turned 60 & I don’t feel it.!Keep the projects coming!!!

  17. Kathy Owen says:

    Makes since to me Fonda. Thank you for being a faithful reader and the nice comments. A lot of people your age don’t even know how to use a computer. Rock on!

  18. Kathy Owen says:

    Sailing on! Thanks Laura.

  19. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you Dorothy. That makes me feel good. I write the posts for you guys. If no one read them or commented I wouldn’t enjoy blogging. I thrive on the feedback.

  20. Kathy Owen says:

    Thanks Jamie!

  21. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you Patricia!

  22. Kathy Owen says:

    haha! I don’t feel 61 Donna that’s the good part.

  23. Donna Marie says:

    I turned 61 last October, so it can be done! The only time I feel it is when I look in the mirror and wonder who that woman is lookin’ back at me!!!

  24. Happy Birthday…thanks for sharing all your creativity!

  25. Happy Happy Birthday.. Have a good one. I truly enjoy your posts.

  26. Happy Sweet 16 Kathy 🙂 Love your nautical wall hanging. Sail on Sister!!

  27. Fonda Rush says:

    Ahhh…to be 16 again… Right now, I’m 85, so I have 3 more years! Only on this post should this make sense!