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Last Minute DIY Gift Idea For Procrastinators

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You will love this last minute gift idea. The gift is quick and easy to make along with being really cool. And the best thing is……you probably have what you need at home to put it together.

This Last Minute DIY Gift Idea Is For You Procrastinators

Copper Mugs Filled With Goodies

I made these mugs filled with goodies for the neighbor ladies who lunch together. We try to have lunch every week but everyone can’t always make it. One or more of us usually has a Doctor’s appointment or another commitment that trumps the lunch.

copper mugs from Goodwill to repurpose

I bought 4 copper mugs at Goodwill for $4.99. These are known as Moscow Mule mugs. The copper keeps drinks really cold. Anyway, I got a good deal on the mugs and they were in perfect condition. Of course you can choose your own theme. You may want to go with Christmas cups or maybe simple white mugs for your gifts.

If you are like me you have an abundance of mugs or coffee cups at home. No one will ever know you scrounged through your cabinet looking for their Christmas gift base unless you tell.

Copper Moscow Mule Mugs a thrift store purchase

I cleaned up two of them to make the gift mugs. The mugs were in great condition with not a scratch!

Lindor Chocolates make great gifts

One of my favorite chocolate candies is Lindor Truffles, the milk chocolate kind. I bought a big bag in the hopes there would be extras after the mugs were filled. They happen to be Sofi’s favorites too. I was looking at her Christmas list this year and at the bottom of the list were a number of food items. I remember one of them was Cool Ranch Doritos. I may need to put a few food items on my list.

scented hand cream from Tuesday Morning

I bought two tubes of scented hand cream at Tuesday Morning. Tuesday Morning is a great place to find deals on fancy stuff.

supplies for a last minute gift mug

I also gathered shredded paper and ribbon from my stash. The clear cellophane paper is from the Dollar Tree. You need it to wrap everything up.

copper mugs filled with shredded paper before adding small gifts to make a gift mug

I put shiny silver shredded paper in one mug and pretty blue shredded paper in the other.


Copper mugs filled with gifts

Next I put a tube of hand cream in each mug. Then I added a few pieces of candy to each mug. You notice the candy weighted down the paper so I pulled it up and puffed everything before wrapping the mugs in cellophane.

wrap mug in clear cellophane

I set the mug on the cellophane wrap and cut a square the width of the cellophane. You want to have plenty of cellophane to gather at the top of the mug.

time to tie clear basket wrap around a copper mug

I gathered the cellophane around the mug and tied it with curly ribbon a couple of inches above the mug.last minute gift mug ready to wrap up

Then I  used my scissors to curl the ribbon. I probably could have made the shredded paper filler look a bit neater. I was in a hurry to get them done and I actually put them together in about 15 minutes.

last minute DIY gift idea for procrastinatores

See how easy that was. You can take this idea and run with it. If you don’t have extra mugs at home run up to Dollar Tree, Tuesday Morning, or your favorite shopping spot and pick up a couple of fun things to add to your mugs.

Copper Moscow Mule Mug DIY gift for a last minute gift

Last Minute DIY Gift Idea

These make great gifts for friends, teachers, neighbors, anyone. They also make great hostess gifts. Never go to a party or get together empty handed. Take a little something for your hostess.

If you’re not in to making gifts check out my favorite cookies and DIY products on my Amazon page here.

Other gift ideas for anyone on your list…..

Easy DIY Confetti Coasters: Inexpensive Gift Idea

Make Dollar Tree Gift Bags For Everyone On Your List

5 Minutes Or Less To The Perfect Gift | DIY Vintage Magnets

Inexpensive Dollar Tree Gift Baskets | Ideas For All Occasions

As always, thanks for being here and have a great day, Kathy

DIY Christmas project…..

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Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Sandra Smith says:

    Love your ideas and all of your re-purposing projects, Kathy! I wish my Goodwill had copper moscow mule mugs!!! But, you’re right—there are tons of cup options in our own cupboards and certainly @ Goodwill. I haven’t been finding that much good gear at our local Dollar Tree. But, I will check it out for the cellophane!!! Thanks again for the inspiration! Sandra

  2. Diana Valle says:

    Great easy inexpensive gifts. Happy Holidays!

  3. Rose Goldsmith says:

    Lovely simple gifts.

  4. Kathy, these are beautiful! I’m making different types of candy to give to neighbors and friends. Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2020.