Porch Flowers, A Broken Arm, New Headboard, And More
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Yes, you read that title correctly. The JTS (aka hubby, aka Junktion Technical Specialist, aka Ray) broke his arm. He doesn’t do anything half way. He had to go the extra mile and break his elbow and wrist.
See, he trimmed some branches from the Bradford Pear tree at the end of our workshop then he was on a ladder cleaning the gutters when he fell. I was taking my daily walk (something new for me) and Sofi (8 year old granddaughter) and friend were in the yard playing when all of this went down.
Sofi and friend ran to several neighbor’s homes trying to get help but no one was home. I meanwhile had stopped to talk to neighbors farther down the street for 20 minutes or so. I had no idea hubby was going to get the ladder out.
When I walked back up the street hubby was lying on the ground in the hot sun. He had been there about 10 minutes. The girls got him a bottle of water and I grabbed an umbrella after calling 911 for an ambulance.
He was taken to the hospital and because of the “Big C” I couldn’t go to the hospital at all. This was on Friday and the Tuesday of this week he had surgery. The surgery had to be delayed because he is on blood thinners.
Ray now has 4 plates in his elbow and 26 or so screws. The surgeon couldn’t remember the exact number when he called me…..but it was a bunch. Only one plate in the wrist.
Me and the girls picked him up at the Hospital doors on Wednesday afternoon. Now we are taking care of him and it’s hard to keep him from trying to do things he shouldn’t. At least he didn’t break his right arm since he is right handed. It’s surprising the number of things you can’t do with only one working hand.
So now I’ve lost my workshop sidekick and I’ve been doing things by myself. Some projects will have to wait a few months until he is better but there is nothing that can’t wait.
I bought flowers at Lowes and decorated the front porch. I also took photos of the second fish tank stand table we finished up before the accident. I’ll share those next week.
I took photos of the new table showcasing these pretty flowers. It will make a great plant stand for outdoors or indoors.
The vintage shabby metal lawn chair looks nice on the porch. I gathered several of my junk pots for the display.
The pots are great pieces because of the age and rustiness……character.
Some of my favorites are the galvanized tin coal scuttles. Lantana are the prettiest flowers ever.
Moving on to the projects. I have a great plan for the reclaimed wood detail from an antique dresser. I’ve used this piece on the mantel in the past and couldn’t see getting rid of it. I love the pretty details. Now I have a new place for it. Stay tuned.
We painted our bedroom a month or so ago and the new decor is still a work in progress. Stores being closed have slowed me down. The nightstand is one of a pair I painted years ago and it’s getting a new paint job for a totally new look in the bedroom.
I bought a new headboard to replace the old headboard and footboard in the master bedroom and put it together all by myself while the JTS was in the hospital. Then I changed out the old headboard and footboard. My saying is “Where there’s a woman there’s a way”.
I’ll have the bedroom reveal after everything is done. Could be a while still.
I bought a few things from an online auction and the piece above it the most fun…..or most disgusting depending on your point of view. The metal carrier holds 6 vintage urine specimen bottles. Fun huh??
I have plans for these. But first a good clean up and scalding in hot water and bleach.
I also bought this ugly plaster frame. Measures about 30 inches by 36 inches. There is a tag on the back that says it’s a custom one of a kind frame from Harold Studios. I think it was made in the 50’s. Share some makeover ideas with me please.
That’s all I have for today. It’s been a busy crazy week and that’s why no posts before today. Next week is thrift store decor day and I have a couple of ideas for projects so we’ll see what happens. Have a great weekend, Kathy
I hope your hubby is doing better. Take care and try not to spoil him. ❤️
Thanks for all the ideas and that story about your husband sounds like a typical man!
Yes you definitely need to have a talk with that man! 1×6 seriously!
Oh no Kathy, sorry to hear this! Yikes, that is scary. I hope he is pain-free and has a speedy recovery. I need to show Mr. Frugalista this post because last week he was standing 6′ from the ground on a 1×6 board suspended between two laters. WTH!
WOW! The hubs falling from a ladder with injuries like that…..OMG, that would be enough to make me cry. Hope you are all recovering well and learning to adjust to post-ladder life. I know my hubs is so very crucial to us getting our house projects done, and cant imagine what I would do if he were to injure himself to that extent. Men are tough though. One day my hubs came home from work with a gauze bandage wrapped around his palm, and I asked him what happened? He said “Oh it’s only a small cut”. He unwrapped it and I saw that his entire palm was badly sliced in practically two. MEN! I look forward to all of your projects Kathy. The urine specimen bottles and holder……score! Glad to hear that you are walking…..it’ll be so helpful with moods and general flexibility. Love, Love, Love the carved plaster piece. I would paint it white with a chalkboard in the center or a brilliant color such as coral or turquoise with a mirror or eccentric piece of art.
Hope your husband recovers and is soon back to his old self!
Oh boy…so sorry for your news, God speed !! Take care of each other and stay strong ! ? For your granddaughter !!! And on a lighter note…urine specimen bottles, yay…LMBO. Score ! ?
speedy recovery for the husband!!! love all of your projects very inspiring. love the urine bottle. wow. what a find. thanks and Happy MOther’s Day!!!
Angela from NJ!!!
Hope your Hubby heals quickly, what a terrible scare. Be well, my friend
Thanks for all the cute things you do.
Hi, I really enjoy your blog. That sounds like an extremely bad break. I hope he is OK and I bet he will think twice before getting up on a. Ladder again. I bet the hospital bill will be a lot more than h would have paid the teen boys or girls to do it. S
I`m so sorry to learn of JTS` injuries! His new “hardware” will take time to heal, so hopefully he will pace himself and not try to do too much too soon.
The nightstand is lovely—I`m looking forward to your redo- reveal! Happy Mother`s Day!
Oh my gosh. That story about your husband is so funny even though a cringe worthy experience! Thank you for your thoughts and we will try to stay safe.
Thank you Stormee. You are so sweet.
Ha! Good luck getting him to hire someone to do it. He will still clean the gutters but hopefully be more careful next time.
Thank you Naomi!
Oh, poor Ray! Hope he heals well and thinks twice before climbing another ladder! At least he should wait until you are standing by to catch him, right?
I love that carved piece of wood and can’t wait to see what you have in mind to do with it. As for the “ugly” picture frame I envision it painted white, distressed and with a mirror in it instead of the painting. I think that would make it look more elegant than garish! The little painting in the frame might look nice in a plainer frame as the carved one overwhelms it’s delicate colors and lines I think.
Stay well, stay safe, stay happy–both you and Ray.
Isn’t amazing how the doctor fixing your husband’s injury with plates and screws? Glad he is on the mend!
Well! I hope hubbie has learned his lesson, whatever it is! This sounds like something my husband would do. This is so bad for him I really fell for you. Next year hire the local teen boys to clean the gutters and trim the tree.
So sorry to hear about the JTS. I hope he takes it easy and gives those bones a chance to heal and bond with the metal screws and plates. Good for you on the headboard and footboard!! Hope you have a happy healthy stress free Mother’s Day
Kathy I’m lol at your story. That sounds like something my husband and I would do. The other day I walked into the kitchen and looked out back and saw him climbing down the old TV antennae we can’t seem to get rid of. He was “checking the gutters” He’s 77 years old!!!! Our son lives across the street from us and when he got home from work and found out, he wasn’t very happy to say the least . I told my husband, that’s what we have sons for!!! I also had to laugh at your comment of the “Big C” It has really impacted our ls. I’m so glad Ray is okay. It certainly could have been much worse! I feel for you too. I know how it is taking care of a husband.
Sorry for your husband’s accident. It’s a “man thing” they just think they can do whatever. Glad the girls were there to help. Give that mirror a paint color that is different! Take care of yourself and of course JTS.
My hubby fell 2 years ago off the top of our 5th wheel. On disability now. So hard when your hero is out of commission, & we’re young !! Well, 60. Praying! & I would paint the frame turquoise. Love the carved wood piece also!! JTS get well soon. We need you!
I am so sorry that Ray fell and broke his elbow and wrist. I fully understand about not being able to do things one-handed. I fell on February 6 and cracked my right wrist – I am right-handed. I have been left-handed since then. Sending hugs your way.
How about the rescuers! Those cute gals were on the spot! How sweet of them! My husband is not stAble on his feet so I carry my mobile phone everywhere just in case he falls. So glad your helper will be better. Have a glorious weekend!
So sorry to hear about your husband’s accident! It must have been so hard for you not to be able to be with him. I’m glad the surgery went well, and hope he will be healed soon! xo
Oh my gosh! Men and their ladder confidence…he’s not the first nor the last! I’m glad he is on the mend and thankful he is here to tell the story and able to walk. What a year you are having! Take care of you and yours! ?
Good luck to your helper – plates and pins no fun – I broke an ankle 10 yrs ago and pins on one side with plate and screws on the other – takes time to heal so he won’t be doing too much to help you. Seems you have plenty to keep busy. Enjoy and happy Mom’s Day.
So glad hubby will be ok. They never listen. :-O
Love the old Urine Specimen bottles. What a find!
Thank you Lori. I never overdo it! LOL
Thanks for the ideas Gloria. I will definitely paint and was thinking about a mirror but I like the abstract art idea much better.
Thanks, I’m going to try!
Urine specimen jars….. love it
Number 4 for fireplace mantel………. I have that little stool, 4 to be exact, got them new for under ten dollars each
Two of them live under our coffee table….. so handy and one of my first purchases for my new home in August 1985
On no! I hope the JTS is on the mend and feeling better. Take good care of him!
Sorry to hear about the injuries! This is not the time to be hanging out at a hospital (or quite frankly, anywhere for that matter), so please be careful!
The ugly plaster frame is gorgeous. You can try painting it in a bright, vivid, unexpected color. You can also leave it as-is and replace the art with an abstract. The contrast will be great!
Kathy, I’m so sorry your husband fell. I will pray for a good recovery. I love all your flowers and the pots they are in. Don’t overdo it. Stay safe and thanks for sharing.