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Decorating With Buckets Of Mums And Plenty Of Pumpkins

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 A few buckets of mums, a pretty assortment of pumpkins, and rusty junky items make my Fall porch display sing.

How to decorate with Mums
How to decorate with Mums



Fall is here even though you can’t tell it by the temperature. I couldn’t wait for cooler weather to decorate so I headed to the local pumpkin patch which opened on September 25th and loaded up on pumpkins.Next I went to Lowes and got a few Mums. Then I went home and started getting the porch ready for the new décor.

Fall is my favorite season. I love it when the wind gets a bit cool and the dried leaves blow around in the breeze. The colors of the season are my go to for decorating too.

Decorating The Porch For Fall With Buckets of Mums

I haven’t been feeling up to par for a few weeks and still a bit puny so I took my time working on the porch display. I would work for a while and break for a while. No hurry. It’s still darn hot here in Tennessee.

pickin's from the pumpkin patch

Select The Perfect Pumpkins

My haul from the pumpkin patch included white pumpkins, Heirloom pumpkins, and regular orange pumpkins. There were 10 smallish pumpkins and two large pumpkins in all and the total cost was $27. You can’t beat that price. I love this longtime local family owned pumpkin patch.

Mums and pumpkins for Fall decorating

Select Colorful Fall Mums

You can’t decorate for Fall and not include mums. These will be long past the blooming stage before Halloween gets here but that’s okay too. I might have to buy a few more pots.

Summer plants are all done

Prepare The Porch For The Fall Decorations

I took all of my scraggly about-had-it flowers off of the porch. But no worries, I replanted all of them in the rusty wagon out by the workshop and drowned them in water. Maybe they’ll make a comeback.

how to decorate outdoor spaces with junk decor

This is how the Summer porch looked when all the flowers were blooming and everything was nice and fresh. My Margaretville/Parrot Wreath added  a cute whimsical touch.

getting the porch ready for Fall decorating

After I removed the Summer wreath and flowers this is what was left on the porch to start the Fall display.

old galvanized buckets for Fall decorating

Gather Fun Items For The Porch Display

Then I went to the workshop and gathered my latest junk finds which include rusty galvanized buckets, a wood drawer, and a rusty metal stand.

galvanized coal skuttle with a rustied out bottom

I’ve had the coal scuttle for a while and the bottom was rusted out when I bought it. No problem when it’s used as a flower container. Natural drain hole. It also came in handy in my Christmas porch décor to hold poinsettias.

Vintage decor for the Fall


Arrange The Buckets of Mums and Pumpkins On The Porch

Now that I had all this stuff to work with I just put it together until I was happy with the placement of everything. I moved things back and forth, took items out, added items, and tweaked stuff here and there.

The black cat is a small little crate thingy I bought at my favorite junk shop. It was too cute to pass up although it was missing a bit of paint. I knew Fall and Halloween was just around the corner and I needed the cat thing.

The rusty stand is a favorite find from the junk shop too. I added the wood box and round wood and wire frame bug container just for fun.

Decorate with pumpkins and mums


The Mums got plopped into the galvanized buckets or pails. The 5 gallon vintage Igloo cooler was a $10 garage sale purchase. I bought it because it reminds me of my younger days.

I was raised on a farm and we used coolers like this when we were working in the fields. My Dad still lives on the farm and my Mom is in the nursing home. If you guys have been visiting Petticoat Junktion for a while you know the story. I haven’t posted a story in a while……maybe think about doing an update soon.

Buckets of Mums for Fall decorating

Pale blue Heirloom Pumpkins are some of my favorites. Of course I have to add a conventional orange pumpkin or two.

how to decorate with vintage metal chairs


Tweak Your Fall Display Until It’s Perfect

On the opposite side of the porch I have a rusty chippy vintage metal lawn chair I purchased at a local indoor flea market. It’s loaded with more pumpkins and a white mum.

I like the pale orange pumpkin a lot! For some reason I’m gravitating to the softer colors this year.

I need to find some items that fit my porch theme to put under the pumpkins sitting on the concrete. The lady at the pumpkin patch said the pumpkins will rot faster if they are sitting on concrete. Did you know that?

Heritage pumpkins and white mum

A couple of my newest old galvanized pails came from my favorite junk shop and they were $5 each. Not too much to ask for a plant container with character.

use all colors of pumpkins to decorate for Fall

That chair is perfectly rusty and worn. I know this look isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. How about the tiny pail with the small white mum? I thought it was the cutest thing….for $2. It has a handle on it too.

heirloom pumpkins in light blue and palest orange

Enjoy Your New Decor and Wave At The Neighbors

One more look at those two pretty pumpkins. I went to the pumpkin patch on opening day and I’ll go back several times. Miss Sofi and her friend like to go to the pumpkin patch and run around. There is also a field of sunflowers and cotton planted by the pumpkin patch owner.

He plants a bit of cotton for the kids because most of them have never seen a cotton patch and they don’t know what a cotton boll looks like. I was raised on a farm and I remember seeing my grandfather’s cotton patch when I was really young, probably 4 or 5.

There is also a great big slide and swings at the patch and I try to get photos of the girls. There is a charge to go through a large corn maze and when the weather cools off we will probably do the maze.

How to make a Fall wreath using an old purse and Fall sunflowers


The yellow kids chairs are antique shop purchases and they brighten up all of my seasonal porch displays. I might change them out for something else for Christmas depending on the color scheme and theme I go with.

How to decorate for Fall using vintage items and pumpkins

Are you ready to decorate for Fall? What colors do you like and do you decorate your porch, deck, mantel, or something else? Leave a note and I’ll see you later this week. Visiting in Arkansas with my parents for several days. As always thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Allison Anselmo says:

    Your porch definitely is ready for fall and I agree here in NC we are ready for some cooler weather. If decorating my porch will help I am on board. I had also been holding off since it is still in the 90’s today but it looks like we might be getting a break this weekend so it’s a perfect time to give my porch a fall facelift!
    Thanks for all of your beautiful ideas. And how lucky you are to have a local pumpkin patch that has such great pricing!

  2. Rhonda, I didn’t make it to the flea market. I’m in Arkansas right now visiting my parents. I’m looking forward to checking out the new market. Hopefully next month. If I do you can look forward to lots of photos!

  3. Your fall porch looks great! I was wondering if you went to the flea market? Did you like the new place, if so. I love your blog.

  4. Hey Kathy! Porch is looking great! Love LUV the cat on the bug catcher. I don’t know how you managed in this heat…I’m near Paducah, and believe me, your weather is my weather! I just need to suck it up and get out there, but your porch has inspired me! So first thing….tomorrow 🙂

  5. Your porch looks amazing Kathy! I love all of your posts. One of these days I’m going to Tennessee to your favorite flea market and maybe visit your booth when I know where it is.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Kathleen Hicks says:

    I just read my comments and found all the miss spellings-oops. AND I forgot-I do hope you are feeling better I do know days od feeling bad. Aging and medical conditions even under control will do this to us. Feel better—–

  7. Kathleen Hicks says:

    You always go full blown. I am more of the go small. I have a home made wreath on the front doo that I sis not make-I got it at a yard sale and two fake pumpkins are sitting around. That is the sum total of my decor LOL

  8. SharonFromMichigan says:

    What a pretty display. Just love the rusty vintage items mixed in with natural mums and pumpkins!

  9. Your porch display is beautiful. I love all your pumpkins and mums. You took great care picking them out. I always go for long unusual stems on my pumpkins. I dry them and use the to make cloth pumpkins for our church sale.