Home » Junk Creations » Cherry Red Jewelry Hanger For Your Valentine

Cherry Red Jewelry Hanger For Your Valentine

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Cherry Red spray paint makes this DIY jewelry hanger stand out and your Valentine will love it.

I have tons of vintage and costume jewelry (picked up at flea markets), and it’s about to overload the necklace organizer in my bedroom. So I made a new jewelry hanger for the overflow. I can’t show you the one in my bedroom. It’s a mess as is the whole bedroom.

vintage hardware

I bought a gazillion of these knobs several years ago. I think they are from the 50’s or 60’s, maybe. I remember seeing them but not sure if they were on appliances….metal cabinets…or something else. I did a little bit of research and found identical ones on Etsy and this is the description…… mid-century modern concave tulip knobs with atomic starburst backplates.

spray painting hardware

I spray painted the knobs with Krylon Cherry Red (buy it here on Amazon). It’s a beautiful, beautiful, color. I always have a can or two of the spray paint on hand in case I’m feeling the need for red. The spray paint finish is Gloss and let me tell you, it is glossy. I love it!

The wood board I selected for the project is the backside of an old drawer front. I painted the board with white latex paint that I had on hand then distressed the paint. I have no photos of painting the board or of screwing the red drawer pulls to the board. (The silver hardware in the background of the photo is for the Coastal Chic White Chest.)

How to make a necklace hanger or jewelry holder
How to make a necklace hanger or jewelry holder

I drilled holes through the wood after marking the placement of the four knobs on the board. The screws come through the back of the board into the knobs.

making a Valentines Day project
How to make a jewelry hanger

Sometimes or many times I get wild hair and try to overdo a project. I thought about stenciling love on the board and also tried to add some blingy rhinestone jewelry to the jewelry hanger.

spray paint old furniture knobs to make a diy necklace holder (2)


Glad I stopped with the pretty red-painted knobs. They are perfect as hangers.


diy jewelry organizer

I nailed sawtooth hangers to the back of the board and added foam wall protectors to each corner to protect the wall.

red spray painted hardware

I kept eating the props I used to style the display for the photo shoot. Who can resist chocolate kisses… you have to have kisses for Valentine’s Day….and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups…..and……..I could go on and on about the chocolate.

The red white and blue chest of drawers is a Nashville Flea Market find and I had to do a lot of work on it. You can see the project here….Flipping Furniture: Red White and Blue Painted Furniture


red jewelry organizer valentine display


This project was super easy. I will be moving a lot more jewelry to the new hanger. The nice photos are done so I can junk it up now.

I made a few “Love” signs from reclaimed hardware and you can see them by clicking here….. DIY LOVE SIGN….. and……. I HEART YOU.

make your valentine a necklace hanger
make your valentine a necklace hanger

I don’t know if I told you….. or if you guys realize….. that all of this is just smoke and mirrors. You only see nicely staged photos (hopefully) on the blog, you don’t see the mess behind the scenes.

So that’s it folks. What says Valentine’s Day better than chocolate and bling? What do you think? Do you need a place to hang your necklaces and other bling? Leave me a little note below. I love hearing from you.

View any of the projects below by clicking the photo!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week, Kathy

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Absolutely love this! Beautiful color used and very useful for a beaded-jewelry-creating-enthusiast! 🙂 I really appreciate the comment about bloggers only using “staged pics” lol. Made me relax a little! Always wondered how to be a FT blogger, mama (of two boys…no small feat!), housecleaner, chef extrordinaire, DIY-selfer, etc. Take away the clean part and I can almost manage! Haha, anyhow, I stumbled upon your page accidentally through a couple of links. So happy I did, I love your stuff! Keep up the good work.

  2. Yep…Bling & Chocolate. Love those knobs! They remind me of the 50’s decor/designs.

  3. What a beautiful idea Kathy. What a great gift for anytime of year. Your creativity always blows me away!!
    Thanks for making this such a great tour.

  4. Megan @ Rappsody in Rooms says:

    I LOVE this project. It is so practical and beautiful. Once again I am inspired by all that you create with odds and ends!

  5. Serena @ Thrift Diving says:

    I love seeing those colors together! This could have easily been a 4th of July post, minus the kisses 🙂 Great color combo!

    Serena @ Thrift Diving

  6. Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio says:

    I’m in love! Bling & chocolate! I may never leave Kathy! Really digging the cool hardware in Cupid’s red!
    Have a happy VDay!

  7. I love it, Kathy! Those knobs are so cool. And I’m laughing at your comment about the pretty photos. Just the other day my daughter said she can always tell when I’m doing a photo shoot because ONE PART of the room looks really great! Lol. Have a great week! ~ Angie

  8. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    Totally cute idea! I LOVE those knobs…how cool.


  9. chris aka monkey says:

    that is such a cute idea kathy….i’m not a bling wearer but i certainly could use it for scarves xx

  10. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    I love this Kathy! That cherry red is divine. And those necklaces are lovely! You must have all kinds of treasures in your junk stash. 😉

  11. Leslie @ House on the Way says:

    Since red is my favorite color, this is right down my alley! Love your new necklace holder. Very cool! It’s been a pleasure being part of this tour with you! Have a great week.

  12. This is really a cute idea.

  13. Kathy I absolutely love this idea! I have been trying to think up a new way to organize and display my jewelry this is perfect! You did a beautiful job 🙂

  14. Paula@SweetPea says:

    I know that you are enjoying being able to see your necklaces. It makes coordinating one to go with an outfit so much easier.