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Antique Iron Christmas Tree Stand And More Vintage Ornaments

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Antique Iron Christmas Tree Stand And More Cool Christmas Stuff !

The JTS bought an antique iron Christmas Tree stand and more vintage ornaments at another auction. The iron stand is awesome. It was thrown in with some other stuff he was bidding on ……while he was bidding….. and it is the best purchase ever!

vintage Christmas house

I’m starting the pretty pictures with the vintage Christmas house I bought at an antique store. I think it’s vintage. Anyway it’s one of those things you see and you just have to have. Know what I mean? It was $5 so I didn’t break the bank. It’s sitting on the mantel.

Antique Iron Christmas Tree Stand And More Vintage Ornaments

Iron Christmas Tree Stand

This is the antique iron Christmas tree stand after it was cleaned up.


cleaning wrought iron with Simple Green

This is how it looked when the JTS bought it home. I could see the beauty under the dirt and rust. It definitely needed cleaning up so I grabbed the Simple Green and a toothbrush and went to work.

wd-40 for cleaning rust

Next I used WD-40 to remove some of the rust. Not sure it removed any of the rust but it shined the stand up a bit. After the tree stand dries really well I think I’ll shine it up with clear wax.

vintage shiny brite ornaments

Moving on to the vintage Christmas ornaments. You guys saw all the ornaments the JTS bought for me a couple of weeks ago. He bought a bunch more last week. Funny story about the first ornaments he bought me. You might remember there were some metal filigree ornaments made in Germany. I wasn’t too crazy about those and I listed them on eBay.

I sold the 5 boxes of metal ornaments for $270. The hubby paid $236 for all the ornaments he bought me on that trip plus a table and other odds and ends. We came out pretty good on that deal. I still have the boxes and boxes of vintage glass ornaments he bought for me just because he knew I would love.

Thought I would share the info with you guys since I asked for your opinions about eBay. I think it was the perfect storm for me. Ornaments in demand and the right time of  year for selling them. For those of you who missed the post with the metal ornaments you can see it here….Vintage German Christmas Ornaments.

Christmas ornaments shiny brite collectibles

The boxes here are from the latest auction. A whole box of solid color Shiny Brites. It’s really nice to have the original boxes.

pretty glass Christmas ornaments

The tree is all decorated and I filled bowls and cake stands with the extra ornaments. They are sitting on the dining room table.

Christmas ornament display

I like using vintage cake stands to display items. Not just Christmas displays, all kinds of things.

Christmas ornaments made in Poland

I love this box of ornaments. They were made in Poland. The colors are beautiful.

Handpainted Christmas ornaments

The hand painted Santa was one of my favorites.

Chrismtas ornaments displayed on glass cake stands

All of these ornaments are from the first auction buy.

Vintage Christmas ornaments in a glass jar

Displaying vintage ornaments in jars is another great idea. I’m just full of great ideas (insert Kathy smiley face).

vintage ornaments

The odd shaped black, red, and white ornament was the odd ball in one of the boxes. It was made in Japan. I tried to clean it up with a wet paper towel but the white paint was coming off so I stopped. It will have to stay dirty.


Gold Noelle Christmas ornaments

Vintage Glass Ornaments

I was running out of glass dishes and piled the gold ornaments in the top tier of my basket stand.

vintage plastic mistletoe bell and childs metal toy oven

One last photo. I can’t resist vintage stuff. I’m a sucker. I spotted the child’s metal oven and the Christmas house in the first photo at the antique store where I have a booth.

I purchased them both for $17. The Mistletoe bell was in a $2 box lot of stuff from the auction. I can use the oven year round in displays or just sitting on the kitchen counter. Too cute.

Get a look at all those vintage filigree ornaments here.

You guys are always full of good ideas and suggestions. I took to heart the suggestions you made on the Art Deco chest. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I’m signing off until after Christmas. Hope your Christmas is filled with friends, family, and love. Merry Christmas, Kathy

My mantel features all kinds of rust and red stuff. See it here…..Real Red and Rust Mantel Decor.

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.


  1. Hi Ellie, It’s great that you still put up a tree. I am slowly running out of energy and it takes me forever to do anything. I don’t sell any of my ornaments. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Kathy

  2. What gorgeous ornaments. I still put up a 7 foot Christmas tree. I’m 86 years old and your old ornaments brought back a lot of good memories. Do you sell any ornaments on your site? . I don’t use eBay, etc. ?. Wishing you and your Hubby a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!

  3. Kathy Owen says:

    Thank you Sue! Merry Christmas

  4. Kathy Owen says:

    What sweet memories of you and your sister playing together. My sister is 9 years younger than me and we didn’t play much because of the age gap. We have some fun times now though!

  5. Kathy Owen says:

    ah, it’s good to have those memories 🙂

  6. mary scott says:

    Thanks. Merry Christmas!

  7. Stephanie Mudd Carrico says:

    Merry Christmas! I love your display of antique ornaments, we have some of my husbands grandmothers I am inspired to display. The tree stand is amazing, I would love to have one. The mistletoe bell brings back happy memories as my grandmother had a similar pair she hung in her hallway every year.

  8. Nice, I love it all. So cool.

  9. I swear looking at all those beautiful, vintage, to-die-for ornaments makes me drool! What a great guy that JTS is for bringing you all of them! So gorgeous. I especially like the hand-painted Santa, too. Also, I used to have a little metal stove like the one you found when I was a kid. There was a refrigerator with it and in the summer my sister and I used to set up our whole kitchen with them and some crates for cupboards on our back porch. We stocked the cupboards with empty food cans that my mom and grandma saved for us. We played in that “kitchen” for hours. I wonder where that stove and frig went. I sure would like to have them now.

    I can’t wait to see whatever you did with the white “mid-century” dresser.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years, Kathy!

  10. I absolutely love the vintage tree stand! I have several plain rusty ones and decorate with them. I am amazed that you were able to clean it up so well. Thanks for the tips!

  11. ROSE LEFEBVRE says:

    Would love to see a tree decorated with all of the old ornaments.

  12. Love all the ornaments. Hope you and family have a safe and Merry Christmas!

  13. Merry Christmas to you and your family’s! Love your blog.c

  14. site kept crashing on my iPad this morning…so now on the desktop…love that stand….what a great find and cleaning it up…wow….I love vintage ornaments, I have maybe 8 vintage jars filled with ones that are cracked or lost their hangers…but just to pretty to toss away….I did crumble some glittery tissue paper and put that in the bottom of each jar….just as a cushion…I keep the jars filled…I just pack them away in a tub at the end of the season….from time to time a cracked one will finally break…so I just replace it….

  15. ‘love that toy stove! I know we’ll see that again! ‘love it all! Merry Christmas Kathy.

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