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Top Furniture Makeover Tutorials

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Looking for furniture makeover tutorials featuring photos and step-by-step details? You came to the right place These tutorials feature everything from milk paint and chalk paint to how to paint fake wood furniture

Tricycle Red Vintage Radio Cabinet Milk Paint Tutorial

vintage furniture painted red with Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

This was my first ever Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint project, and it is a doozy. The cabinet sits in our den, and sometimes the doors are open, and sometimes they are closed. It depends on how well the quilts are stacked. You can see the complete tutorial here …tricycle red radio cabinet.

How To Paint Fake Wood Furniture

damaged mdf furntiure painted and revived

This little chest of drawers was so sad. The top of the chest was all bubbled up. After handling that problem, I stenciled a pretty design on the top. You would never know the top was a mess. You can see the project here….damaged mdf.

Prepping Furniture For Paint Tutorial

best 10 furniture makeover tutorials of 2016 prepping furniture to paint

I take you through the process of getting one piece of furniture ready to paint. Prepping the furniture is the most important part of the makeover and usually the most time-consuming. The prep work isn’t hard to do, just time-consuming. See it here….prepping furniture for paint.

Pottery Barn Knock-Off Tutorial

heavily distressed black furniture is a Pottery Barn knockoff
heavily distressed black furniture

I don’t do many knock-off projects, but I found a piece from Pottery Barn that was calling my name. Of course, it was heavily distressed, my fav. But it was a different kind of distressed. You can see the project here…Pottery Barn Knock-Off.

Night Stands Metallic Paint Makeover

Martha Stewart Precious Metals silver metallic paint project

This project is from 2012 but continues to be one of my top tutorials. I painted the nightstands with Martha Stewart Metallic Paints, then aged the paint with toner. The Martha Stewart paint isn’t available now, but I highly recommend Modern Masters Metallics.

Layer Paint With Vaseline How-To

layered paint project using vaseline

If you love layered paint, you came to the right place. I used Vaseline to layer the paint on the sewing machine cabinet. Turquoise and green are such a great color combo. See the technique here….layering paint with Vaseline.

Metallic Silver Sideboard And How To Antique Paint Tutorial

Martha Stewart Metallic Paint for furniture in silver Metallic paint options

The silver paint on this piece is aged with Caromal Colours Toner. The toner is so simple to use and gives an antique or aged look to the paint. Yep, metallic paint is trending. I painted several pieces silver but love the gold metallics. I may have to try another metallic project.

10 Steps To Prep And Paint Furniture

how to prep and paint furniture best furniture makeover tutorials of 2016

This post contains a few tips and tricks I’ve learned in my furniture painting journey. It also includes the paint tutorial for the dresser. The two-tone look and a bit of distressing turned this piece into a real beauty. See it here….vintage dresser.

How To Antique Painted Furniture And Make It Look Old

how to antique furniture

The paint is Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint and the color is Eulalie’s Sky—such a pretty color. I aged or antiqued the paint using Caromal Colours Toner. The technique is really easy. See it here….how to antique furniture.

Cherry Red Chest Distressed With Vaseline

How to distress furniture with Vaseline Petticoat Junktion

The tutorial on using Vaseline to distress the cedar chest has been my number one tutorial for the past three years. The only thing I would change about the post is the photography. The photos are horrible. I took them inside with poor lighting and a small point-and-shoot camera. The layer of paint under the red is turquoise, and it’s hard to see that from the photos. The complete tutorial is here….Cherry Red Chest.

Do you have a favorite from the top ten furniture makeover tutorials? Leave a note if you have time, and thanks for being here, Kathy

Kathy Owenis the author & creator at Petticoat Junktion
Kathy founded the home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on painting furniture and repurposing thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Christine says:

    Thanks for the great tips. I hope I can learn a few. Very pretty work. I check your stuff out but don’t think I have told you hon much I like your ideas.

  2. I have always loved that red cabinet! Great choices, Kathy.